A Mirror of Questions
For the end of the day, this evening and for days to come

Where did my eyes linger today?

Where was I blind?

Where was I hurt without anyone noticing?

What did I learn today?

What did I read?

What new thoughts visited me?

Whom did I neglect?

Where and how did I neglect myself?

What did I begin today that might endure?

How were my conversations? Did I listen?

What did I do today for the poor and the excluded?

Did I remember the dead today?

Where did I allow myself to receive love?

With whom today did I feel most myself?

What reached me today? How deep did it leave an imprint?

Who saw me today?

What did I avoid today?

What memories from the past came to me today?

From the evidence, why was I given this day?
The Rev. Richard "Dick" H. Elwood
Pastoral Associate
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