Habitat CFC E-Newsletter | February 2021
"Without the strength to endure the crisis, one will not see the opportunity within. It is within the process of endurance that opportunity reveals itself."
—Chin Ning Chu
Who knew we would be called upon to endure the crisis of COVID-19 for such a long duration? I know my imagination could not conjure up the reality we have been living. It’s been almost a year since I felt like I may have been overreacting when I suggested to my senior management team that we do some scenario planning around the news of this novel virus.

Nothing we were contemplating involved remote work for over a year, the absence of groups of volunteers from our worksites for multiple seasons, or the cancellation of in-person fundraisers for two years straight. Everything shifted. What remained though was the power of our mission to partner with families to provide them with the opportunity to gain strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable homeownership. Indeed, with each passing month our awareness of the value of home increases and the impact that our work has on changing historical patterns of exclusion from this homeownership opportunity.

Our endurance through the fatigue we face of not being in each other’s physical presence; of living new quotidian tasks of mask wearing, social distancing, hyper disinfecting, constant hand washing and sanitizing reminds me of the sacrifices our families endure to complete their sweat equity in order to become homeowners. The Saturdays and days off dedicated to working on site. The evenings devoted to classes. The financial discipline involved to remain qualified for a mortgage. Their commitment to that process prepares them for the responsibility and dedication required of being a successful homeowner. They remain steadfast to their dream of homeownership, for the opportunity it represents of a better life for their families.

May we all find that kind of strength we witness from our homeowner families as we prevail through these next months with Covid-19 and look towards a future renewed in our capacity to value our time with each other and the difference we can make together in this world, or at least our community.

Yours in partnership,

Dr. Cathy Collins
You're Invited! Join us as we celebrate Women Build Week with two free virtual events
Lunch & Learn
Women And Housing: A Conversation with Dr. Tiffany Manuel
Tuesday, March 9 | 12:00-1:00 PM
Learn how empowering women through access to affordable housing builds stronger communities and helps families thrive! Read about our featured speaker, Dr. Tiffany Manuel and the nonprofit she founded at

Happy Hour
Wine & Chocolate with Chef Benoit
Thursday, March 11 | 5:30-6:30 PM
Join us for a fun and delicious evening as Belgian Master Chocolatier, Chef Benoit teaches us how to pair your favorite wine from your own collection with specially chosen chocolates from his shop in Fairfield, BE Chocolat.

Purchase your $12 box of specially curated Women Build chocolates from Be Chocolat at 75 Hillside Road, Fairfield CT.
Register Now or Learn More
Email Suzanne Francis, Events Coordinator, at
Congrats, Crystal!
Future Homeowner Crystal finished her sweat equity hours
Congratulations to future Habitat CFC homeowner Crystal on completing her sweat equity hours! This is a huge accomplishment and an important milestone on her journey to purchasing her Habitat home.
Habitat CFC's virtual Celebration of Service honors volunteers on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
This year, Habitat CFC celebrated MLK Day with a virtual Celebration of Service. The event was dedicated to Habitat CFC's dedicated volunteers and to Dr. King's legacy of service to the community.

Speakers included Dr. Cathy Collins, Habitat CFC CEO, Carolyn Vermont, Habitat CFC Board member, and Anthony Orfino, Habitat CFC Volunteer Services Coordinator. The presentations focused on how we can build Dr. King's 'beloved community', the accomplishments of our volunteers during the unprecedented year, and sharing our gratitude for the impact of their service.

Xavier Kemp, the son of a Habitat CFC homeowner, closed out the event with a powerful spoken word piece entitled "When We Serve." Xavier says that his life was transformed when his mom bought their family's home. He says it was a launching pad not only for his mom and siblings, but for his own family now that he has a wife and children. We are grateful that he shared this reflection on all of the ways our lives are interconnected in service to one another. Click the image below to watch.
Habitat CFC Volunteer Spotlight:
Youth United Advocacy Challenge Winners
Jordyn Yee & Maya Mhatre
Wilton High School
As a part of our youth advocacy webinar series, Habitat CFC put out an advocacy challenge to the Youth United members that attended. The challenge presented to the group was to create an action plan detailing how they would advocate for affordable housing, create a draft letter to send to politicians and local leaders, and to reach out to local leaders via social media. The two winners would get their spot at the virtual Habitat on the Hill conference going on February 9th – 11th.

The winning Advocacy Plan was put together by Youth United members Jordyn Yee and Maya Mhatre from Wilton High School's Habitat for Humanity Club. Working together, both students were able to absorb the data presented at the advocacy webinars and to synthesize it into a strategy for helping families. They detailed plans to advocate including petitioning the government, letters to politicians, and getting the word out through different forms of media. They advocacted for specific policy changes around zoning laws and the regulations surrounding home prices.

Both students are a part of the Habitat for Humanity Club at Wilton High School and have participated in many volunteer days in previous years. Like most youth volunteers they began their volunteer work by participating in a Youth United meeting. “While attending the annual club fair at my school during freshman year, I, along with a couple friends, signed up for Habitat for Humanity without much knowledge of what the organization was about. Upon going to the first meeting, the unique and ambitious goals of Habitat for Humanity left a lasting impression in my mind that stood out from other organizations I had heard about.” The Youth United meetings give new youth volunteers a chance to interact and brainstorm with their peers who share the passion to help others.

When asked what is something they have learned while volunteering, Jordyn responded, “Habitat CFC has opened my eyes to the 1 in 6 families in Connecticut spending the majority of their income on housing when it could be going towards other necessities such as food and healthcare.”
Get Ready to Give!
Fairfield County's Giving Day is February 25
Congratulations on Closing!
Our first new Habitat homeowner families of the new year
Matthew, Krystal, and their 6 children
Jose, Janella, and their 2 children
Follow the ReStore for the latest finds!
If you love the Stratford ReStore, make sure you are following us on social media. Be the first to know when something special hits the floor, keep up with the latest sales, and stay in the loop on Habitat happenings!

Habitat CFC Stratford ReStore
1785 Stratford Ave, Stratford, CT | (203) 383-4358 |

Open for Shopping:
Wednesday through Friday 10 AM - 5:30 PM
and Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM
Donation Drop-off Hours:
Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM
Donate a Car, Build a Home!
Did you know car donations are just one more way you can support Habitat CFC's work? The proceeds from your car donation come directly back to build homes for local families in Fairfield County. Donating your car may also be tax deductible!

The Cars for Homes program is a great fundraiser that sustains our work. To date, Habitat CFC has received over $290,000 from Cars for Homes donations, and the program has raised over $1.1 million for Connecticut Habitat affiliates. Thank you to everyone who has donated a car, truck, boat, or RV to keep us building!
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642