The SBTDC's International Business Development (IBD) team assists small and midsize businesses with export planning and global business matters. The goal is to increase the number of businesses that are exporting and to assist existing exporters with increasing their foreign market sales. 

The SBTDC's counselors are highly experienced Certified Global Business Professionals (CGBP). The SBTDC serves as the official EXIM Bank Regional Export Promotion Program and NASBITE Accredited Training Program. The SBTDC's IBD Program has received the President's E-Award and E-Star Award. 

IBD Director
(919) 600-6097

IBD Counselor
(336) 750-8437

IBD Counselor
(704) 687-0442

IBD Counselor
(910) 962-0592

IBD Counselor
(919) 515-6041

About NASBITE International's Trade Passport Website

The NASBITE International Trade Passport website offers on-demand training, local resources, and rapid expert assistance to USA-based small and mid-sized businesses that are focused on international trade as a pathway to business growth. New users can sign up for a free account that provides access to 20 on-demand webinars, live webinars, expert assistance and more.

Check out the latest training topics delivered by industry leading experts:

Dealing with Bribery and Corruption

Corruption and bribery exist all over the world. However, both can create legal and profit challenges for companies. In recent years, many efforts have been made to address the issue. The United States was the first nation-state to put laws into place. Over 20 years later, the United Nations and Organization for Economic Development put together an international set of requirements ratified by most of the countries in the world. 

Why this matters to your business: 

Any company of United States origin must abide by the 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or face severe fines and possible imprisonment. It is important to note than even if the company requested the activity, any individual involved faces the consequences. So, it is important to understand all the regulations. Also, knowing where corruption is the biggest challenge around the globe can assist in determining expansion plans and strategies. 


Competitive Analysis in International Trade

This webinar will give businesses an understanding of how to conduct a thorough global competitive analysis. This involves how to investigate the industry, competitors and consumer factors impacting the market. Recommended resources and tactics are also described for the competitive analysis along with ways to incorporate findings into a strategic global expansion effort. 

Why this matters to your business:
  • A sound competitive analysis helps your business grow to global.
  • In today's market, any brand on the internet has access to global markets and global e-commerce. 
  • A competitive analysis insures that expensive pitfalls can be avoided. 
Proper Filing of an EEI Through ACE-AES

Most exports from the United States require exporters to file their Electronic Export Information (EEI) via the Automated Export System (AES) using the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Even in routed export transactions where the foreign principal party in interest is responsible for ensuring the EEI gets filed, exporters are required to provide 10 important data elements so the proper information gets submitted.

Why this matters to your business: 


Companies that do not file or file incorrect information can face significant fines and penalties. 


International Contracts

Companies involved in international business will experience a slew of contracts with various entities in areas such as shipping, selling, distributing, financing and joint ventures. Just to name a few. This webinar will help you identify some of the most common contracts that your business might experience. In addition, it will bring awareness to the complication of cancelling a contract, especially if it was drafted without legal counsel. 

Why this matters to your business:

Being aware of all the possible contracts that your international business will experience helps:
  • You better understand foreign market entry requirements.
  • Facilitate international business. 
  • Avoid costly mistakes in case of contract dissolution. 
Earn CEUs on Trade Passport
NASBITE International Certified Global Business Professionals (CGBP) are required to submit 10 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per year to satisfy their annual credential re-certification. Many of the webinars available via the Trade Passport website offer CEU credit. Details of all training and dates on the Trade Passport website are captured for registered users under User Stats in the main menu and can be submitted to NASBITE International via the NASBITE website

5 W Hargett St., Suite 600
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 715-7272