Resisting the Rush
My August had begun to look a lot like my life pre-March 2020--lots of activities--most fun, but lots. I was becoming that girl who can't say no all over again, forgetting what I've learned about slowing down in the past 17 months.

Then I found myself yammering somewhere about Galatians 4:10 and how it spoke to me while I was writing Menopause Moments. And I realized I had stopped living it. This image my sister made for my Instagram account popped up in my photos. So I started saying no, and not right now. I stopped powering through--and started feeling peace again.
On the Nightstand: The World Is My Cloister: Living
From the Hermit Within
I have a confession for the second month in a row.

This book popped up in one of my social media feeds and given my mood as per above, I'm sure you're not surprised I ordered it right away. The title is taken from a beautiful quote for St. Francis of Assisi: "The world is my cloister, my body is my cell, and my soul is the hermit within."


It wasn't until the book arrived that I realized the author is John Michael Talbot, who is a big-shot Catholic musician.... and who founded a monastic community in Arkansas, not far from where my brother lives! All that made me even more excited about delving into it this month.

Menopause Moments, Moving, and More
Dominic de Souza is always coming up with new ways for Catholics to gather and support each other. His latest is Smart Catholics. After years of emailing on various projects, it was wonderful to chat with him via livestream on what we each do to bring souls to the Kingdom.

Similarly, after years of having a lot of friends in common but never connecting ourselves, Deanna Bartalini and I had fun talking about menopause, saints and more on her Not Lukewarm Podcast.

If you're going to be in Arlington later this month for the National Council of Catholic Women centenary convention, please stop by my exhibit table!

This is also the month for the Big Apartment Move (exactly two floors up in the same building but hey, a move's still a move). Some boxes are ready, many more need to be packed. But the tomatoes, basil, and thyme on the little patio garden (yes, it's moving too) remind me that everything in our lives ripens when it's meant to. All we need is faith--and patience!

Blessings. --Melanie