We're hosting two events and wanted you to be among the first to know! In this August 26th edition of CanChild Today! newsletter, we are excited to share the F-Words Workshop and CP-NET Meet the Expert series. We also want to highlight participation tools and recent publications by some of our members.
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CanChild's Participation Tools!
Back to school is just around the corner! Make sure your kids receive adequate support as they prepare to engage in different activities. Check out these two CanChild tools that will help children and youth achieve their participation goals.
The PEM-CY is a measure that evaluates participation at home, school, and in the community, alongside environmental factors within each setting. It allows parents and service providers to understand a child or youth’s current level of participation while encouraging problem-solving strategies around changeable elements within each setting to further support participation.
The PEM-CY can be used for children and youth ages 5 to 17 years, with or without disabilities.
Young children from birth to five years old participate in activities. These activities take place in different settings such as at home, daycare or pre-school, and in the community. Parents spend a lot of time with their children and know things like what helps and what makes it harder for the child to participate.
The YC-PEM will help parents or caregivers share what they know and what they want to change about their child's participation to professionals who can help reach a child's goals.
F-Words for Child Development Workshop!
Register now for the F-Words Workshop, an evening of interactive learning about the six key areas of child development: Function, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends and Future.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm ET
Online via Zoom
Who is this workshop for?
This training is relevant for a variety of audiences who work with, care for, and/or experience disabilities and/or medical complexities, including, but not limited to:
- Family members (e.g., parents, siblings, people with disabilities)
- Health care and community service providers
- Educators
- Health care administrators
What will you learn?
- Background to the 21st-century concepts and changes in the field of health and disability
- Overview of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Framework (ICF)
- Application of the F-words and families' perceptions
- Exploration of the F-words Knowledge hub and the F-words tools and resources that are available to support the application of the F-words in practice
Service providers:
Register via Eventbrite. Invite a parent/family member and enjoy $25 OFF.
CP-NET Meet the Expert Series!
Do you have questions about interventions for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP)? Here is your chance to ask the expert, Dr. Iona Novak! Just follow these three easy steps:
- Read the guide, infographic, and/or systematic review (2019, 2013) on CP interventions.
- Submit your questions* here.
- Watch Dr. Novak answer your question on World CP Day (October 6th) through a recorded webinar.
Please submit your questions by September 3, 2021.
About the expert: Dr. Iona Novak is a Professor and Head of Research at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, The University of Sydney. She is a also recipient of the Elsass Foundation Research Prize of 1 million DKK, an award that will support her goal in discovering and testing new treatments for CP. Her research interests are in evidence-based practice, intervention efficacy, knowledge translation, and regenerative medicine studies leading to the prevention and potential cure of CP.
*Please note that questions should be generic in nature as we cannot answer questions specific to a particular child.
Recent Publications by CanChild Members!
The Dance of Family Engagement in School-Based Occupational Therapy: An Interpretive Description
Occupational therapists aim to partner with families in all aspects of a child’s service. However, in school-based occupational therapy services, families are not typically present at the school when therapists provide services, making it difficult to build relationships. This study explores factors that impact engagement in school-based occupational therapy services in Ontario. The findings contribute to a better understanding of therapists’ and families’ experiences of engagement, and ways of building stronger relationships. Based on these findings, the authors recommend significant changes to practice to increase the overall value of these services for children and their families. Authors: Kennedy J, Moll S, Missiuna C, Yost J, Terreberry S, Campbell W. J Occup Ther Sch Early Interv. 2021 Aug 12. doi: 10.1080/19411243.2021.1941494.
Cross-sectional associations between wake-time movement behaviour compositions and indicators of mental health among preschool children
This study aimed to (1) determine if there are differences between the movement compositions of typically developing children and children at risk of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and to (2) explore the associations between movement behaviours and mental health. Data from 589 preschool-age children show that movement compositions were similar for typically developing children and those at risk of DCD. During a 12-hour wake period, both groups spent almost five hours engaging in activities with varying intensities. Findings also indicate that at pre-school age, the overall composition of movement behaviours does not appear to play a significant role in children's mental health. Future studies should investigate how changes in movement composition impact mental health later in childhood. Authors: Brown D, Kwan M, King-Dowling S, Cairney J. SportRxiv. 12 Aug 2021. doi: 10.31236/
Physical rehabilitation interventions in children with acquired brain injury: a scoping review
What are the effects of physical rehabilitation on the recovery of children/youth with acquired brain injury (ABI)? To answer this question, the researchers analyzed nine articles that focused on physical rehabilitation interventions for children/youth (ages 1-12 years) in the subacute rehabilitation phase (the phase directly after the immediate treatment phase in the hospital). None of the included studies reported detailed information on intervention intensity. Rehabilitation frequency and time varied from 1-7 days/week and 25-360 mins/day. This review identified functional training and virtual reality-based therapies as potential interventions for children/youth with ABI. However, future research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of these therapies in relation to frequency, intensity, time, and type of intervention. Authors: Gmelig Meyling C, Verschuren O, Rentinck IR, Engelbert RHH, Gorter JW. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2021 Jul 26. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14997.
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