CBRL's February 2021 news
Welcome to CBRL’s February newsletter.
In this month's newsletter, we provide an insight into the latest activities, research and events of CBRL and the wider community of scholarship in the UK and the Levant.

March is a busy month for our webinars, so please take a look at what we have planned and register below. If you have missed any of our previous webinars, you can catch up via our YouTube and SoundCloud pages.
CBRL skills workshops
We are excited to be launching a new series of skills workshops in the spring, aimed at postgraduate students, doctoral researchers and early career academics. We will be bringing in experts covering various academic subjects and hope they will be a useful practical resource. Stay tuned to our future newsletters for more information and if you have ideas on subjects you would like us to cover, please get in touch.
Interview with Dr Sarah Irving on the life and work of Yusif Kanaan
The Palestine Exploration Fund's first YouTube video features a very interesting interview with Dr Sarah Irving, Editor of our Contemporary Levant journal, about her research on Yusif Kanaan and the exploration of Palestine in the late 19th and early 20th century. Watch the full interview here.
New research on gender and class in Palestinian popular culture
We are delighted to see CBRL alumni Dr Polly Withers' latest publication on gender, class and nation in Palestinian popular culture, published in the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. Polly published an excellent blog with CBRL on the 'alternative' Palestinian music scene in post-Oslo Palestine a few years ago, which is well worth a read.
Research seminar programme for early career researchers
The School of Arts at SOAS University of London has launched an exciting new research seminar programme, Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange, supported by the Getty Foundation. It is open to young and early career researchers from the eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East Mediterranean. Selected participants will receive £2,000 each for research purposes. Please do apply if you are interested, and share with colleagues who might. Deadline: 17:00 GMT on 8 March 2021. More information and guidance for applicants here.
News from the field
Animal herding and the development of state-level societies in the Levant
In our latest research blog, Lynn Welton and Professor Graham Philip explore how changes in animal herding strategies accompanied the development of urban societies and political economies in the Levant. Read the blog here.
Upcoming events
Thursday 4 March, 16.00 GMT

Feminist art in the Middle East and Turkey

With Dr Charlotte Bank, Dr Dr Ceren Özpınar (University of Brighton) and Dr Tina Sherwell (Birzeit University)
Monday 22 March, 16.00 GMT

“Neither Settler nor Native” – book launch with Dr Mahmood Mamdani

With Dr Mahmood Mamdani (Columbia University)
Wednesday 31 March, 16.00 GMT

Looking forwards backwards: Archaeological and geological perspectives on a sustainable future

With Professor Iain Stewart (Royal Scientific Society), Professor Nizar Abu-Jaber (German-Jordanian University), Dr Carol Palmer (CBRL) and Professor Matthew Jones (University of Nottingham)
Tune into the latest CBRL webinars
The development of complex societies in Lebanon during the Early Bronze Age

With Dr Kamal Badreshany and Professor Graham Philip (University of Durham)

