August, 2020
Eastview Elementary School Times
We are so excited to be

Dear Eastview Families and Friends,

Welcome to a new school year! Our Eastview Family is so excited to be back at school. We have missed our students, and we cannot wait to have our building filled with student energy again. Our kind and caring staff has been working hard to prepare for an amazing school year together. Although we know that this school year may look a little different, we are confident that we can conquer anything together. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to support our students.

When you visit Eastview, you will see that classrooms have been arranged to allow for as much social distancing as possible. We have updated the building with hand sanitizing stations, plexiglass, the I-wave air purification system, water fill stations, and signage with health reminders. We have also added additional breaks in student schedules for handwashing. Lastly, we have added additional sections of lunch and recess to reduce the numbers of students in these spaces.

Communication will be especially important this year. During Open House, your child’s teacher will share how they will be communicating with you on a regular basis. During the school year, please email your child’s homeroom teacher with any questions or needs, early in the day, so these can be addressed during lunch. We ask that you please do your best to be consistent with how your child is going home at the end of the day. If an emergency were to happen at the end of the day, please call the main office at 262-348-6000 by 2:00 PM so we can assure that your child gets to where he/she needs to be.

Finally, I know that many parents like to come to school and take “first day of school” pictures here at Eastview. This year, we kindly ask that those be taken at home, as we want to minimize traffic and visitors outside of the building on the first day of school. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this.

We are looking forward to a fantastic school year! Flexibility will be the key, but together we can accomplish anything.

Mrs. Erin Zigler

Principal: Mrs. Erin Zigler
Secretary: Mrs. Cheri Grelyak
Health Aide: Mrs. Kathleen Bedore
Eastview Facebook Page: Like and Follow:

We have scheduled two evenings for Open House this year. 
Wednesday, August 26th has been designated for
our 4th grade families (both virtual and in-person)
and Thursday, August 27th has been designated for
our 5th grade families (both virtual and in-person). 

If your child is placed in Mrs. Sleider’s 5th grade homeroom, please note that her Open House will be taking place on
Monday, August 31st.  
When you arrive for Open House, please use our front entrance. Once in the building, you will report directly to your child’s classroom; our virtual students will report to Room 114. 

While in your child’s classroom, your child’s teacher will share a short presentation, communicating important information for the school year. We will also be giving your child their Chromebook and passwords for the school year.  It is important that you arrive at your assigned time and that you arrive promptly at 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, or 6:00 PM, as the presentations will be starting at this time. If you have a conflict with your time, please contact your homeroom teacher directly.
 Also, please bring your child’s school supplies as there will be time to place those in desks following the teacher presentation.

In order to limit the number of people in a classroom, we are asking that each child come with only one adult. 

Wednesday, August 26th: Fourth Grade Families Only
**Arrive promptly at 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, or 6:00 PM as assigned
4:00 - 4:45 PM: Last name A - I
5:00 - 5:45 PM: Last name J - Q
6:00 - 6:45 PM: Last name R - Z

Thursday, August 27th: Fifth Grade Families Only
**Arrive promptly at 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, or 6:00 PM as assigned
4:00 - 4:45 PM: Last name A - I
5:00 - 5:45 PM: Last name J - Q
6:00 - 6:45 PM: Last name R - Z

Monday, August 31st: Fifth Grade Families in
Mrs. Sleider’s Homeroom Only
**Arrive promptly at 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, or 6:00 PM as assigned
4:00 - 4:45 PM: Last name A - I
5:00 - 5:45 PM: Last name J - Q
6:00 - 6:45 PM: Last name R - Z

We look forward to seeing you at Open House!

Important Dates to Remember

4th Grade Open House

5th Grade Open House

Mrs. Sleider's 5th Grade Open House

First Day of School!


Picture Day at School

Face masks are required at school while in the building and at recess. We recommend sending your child to school with 1-2 clean masks daily. Students may want to change out their mask halfway through the day. Students will be able to remove their mask when eating, when drinking, and when taking care of personal needs (e.g. blowing nose).

We would highly encourage you to have your child start practicing wearing a mask prior to school starting. Start in small increments of time and increase each day. The more your child practices before the start of school, the more comfortable and at ease your child will be wearing the mask. This will also allow your child to find a mask that is comfortable to them. We will have two cloth masks available, upon request, for each student when our school year begins.

Please add Eastview's phone number to your phone's contacts list, so you will know it is your child's school calling. Thank you!

  • 8:20 Supervision starts, and students may arrive at school and proceed to their classrooms
  • 8:20-8:35 Breakfast is available
  • 8:35 Instruction begins, both in-person and virtually
  • 3:35 Pick ups and walkers are dismissed
  • 3:40 Bus students are dismissed
For the safety of our students, please ALWAYS observe the following:

  • Do NOT use the bus lane. The crosswalk is used all day long, and students need to be able to cross safely.
  • Please do NOT park in the "No Parking" zones by the islands, as this creates traffic flow issues.
  • If using Sage Street for drop off or pick up, please park your car and meet your students at the top of the hill.
End of the Day Transportation!!

End of the day bus and pick-up changes must be made
no later than 2:00 PM.

While we make every effort to notify teachers of changes, it is most effective if a note is sent with your child in their Agenda.

Morning and Afternoon Student Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Due to the increased volume of children being driven to and from school, we have adjusted a few of our times and procedures.

AM Drop Off: 8:20 - 8:35 AM
Enter the parking lot at the far Sage Street entrance.
Pull into Lane 1 to drop off student. Students should exit on the right side of the vehicle and cross with the adult to the school building.
Parents remain in the vehicle.
Exit the parking lot using the same entrance.
PM Pick-up: 3:35 - 3:40 PM

We ask that parents arrive no earlier than 3:25 PM.
If using the parking lot for pick-up, enter the parking lot at the far Sage Street entrance.
Park vehicles in Lanes 1, 2 and 3 of the parking lot; when Lane 1 becomes full, then use Lane 2, and then Lane 3. Please do not block the drive for buses that will be coming into the lot.
Students will walk to your vehicle and enter the vehicle on the right side. There will be adults to monitor students crossing in the lot.
Parents may also park on both sides of Sage Street. We ask that parents park North of the crosswalk at Dodge Street.
We will help students cross Sage Street at the crosswalk. 
Parent Reminder: Visitor’s Access to Campus will be Limited

In an effort to protect the health and safety of our community, only essential visitors will be allowed on school campuses to minimize the number of people on-site. Parents picking up/dropping off are encouraged to use pickup/drop off zones. No outside guests will be allowed to visit classrooms or cafeterias. All efforts will be made to keep necessary visitors to a minimum. If a parent needs to deliver an essential item to their student during the school day, please call the school office prior to arriving to make the necessary arrangements. 

Most meetings with families will take place virtually unless an in-person meeting is necessary. Parents meeting on-site with school staff must follow social-distancing guidelines and must wear face coverings.

Lake Geneva Schools will not allow food delivery and/or parents dropping off take out food for students for the 2020-2021 school year. Please plan on sending a packed lunch with your student in the morning or purchasing school-provided lunches. 
Chromebook Procedures for Students

All of our students will be assigned a Chromebook this year. Students will be taking their Chromebooks home at the end of each school day and will return it the following school day. 

Please plan for an appropriately sized backpack to accommodate the Chromebook. Chargers will remain at home. Students will be required to charge the Chromebook each night prior to bringing it to school the next day. 

Additionally, we ask for your help and support in speaking with your child about how to care for their Chromebook. 
Please refer to the following Chromebook Care information:
  • When unplugging, do so gently.
  • Carry the Chromebook closed and with two-hands.
  • Keep water bottle on the floor to avoid water damage; in your backpack, keep your water bottle in a safe spot away from your Chromebook.
  • When not using the Chromebook, close it to save the battery.
School Photos will be taken on Thursday, September 10!
Please click on the link below for information
and to order in advance.
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