Everyone loves a bonus week! We have EXTRA nights to gather donations and share about our fundraiser. Every donation and share counts toward helping us hit our goal of $60,000 for STEAM support and pandemic assistance.

If we get donations from 7 more states, we’ll all get Baskin Robbins scoops! Know anyone in any of these states: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Wisconsin? Share your pledge link or Student Star Video with them today to see if we can get donations from 45 states. Let’s make the extra time count!
You can now purchase your 2020/21 yearbook & love-line dedications online!

Please visit:

School ID# 92628
You'll be able to purchase yearbooks, love-line dedications, and even upload pics for yearbook submission directly at commpe.pictavo.com!
Deadline to purchase yearbooks & love-line dedications is March 15, 2021

Questions? Please contact Sherrie Sarasua at LRESLionsYearbook@gmail.com.
Volunteer Opportunities
LRES PTA is looking for volunteers to help with school community unity (community unity chairperson, all abilities chair person).

If you have any questions regarding the time commitment or would like more information regarding what the position entails, please contact our volunteer coordinator - Elissa Laurie at historian.lrespta@gmail.com. Thank you for your dedication to LRES - together, we can make a difference!

Volunteer Sign Up Link:

PTA Membership
Click on this link to join:

Please email EVP.LRESPTA@gmail.com with any questions.
LRES PTA | www.lrespta.com