IAOMS Foundation 2021 Annual Report
A video message from IAOMS Foundation Chair, Larry Nissen
The IAOMS Foundation Board of Trustees would like to extend our gratitude to all 2021 donors and supporters and our corporate, foundation and regional partners. Your continued support throughout this challenging time has been deeply appreciated. As the world reopens from the pandemic, we look forward to returning to in-person programming. We are proud to present these highlights of 2021 throughout our 25th anniversary celebration.
Dr. Larry Nissen
IAOMS Foundation Chair
Mitchell Dvorak
Executive Director
As the Covid-19 pandemic persisted throughout 2021 the many factors associated with the pandemic presented obstacles to our ability to initiate and move forward with our traditional in-person fellowship and scholarship programs. While we were unable to deliver on our in-person programs we were able to swiftly pivot to virtual programming to deliver educational content to our members.  

We are hopeful that positive changes in the trajectory of the pandemic will allow us to resume our popular in-person programs in the year ahead. We will continue to meet the ongoing demand for education in whichever modality circumstances allow - virtually or in person.  
25th Anniversary Memories
As an IAOMS fellowship recipient in 2014-2015 at Peking University Hospital of Stomatology in China I can tell many stories about my experience which has marked impact not only on my professional life but also social one. The exposure to advanced methods of maxillofacial surgery in reconstruction and oncology meeting with specialty mentors and enlargement of your circle of maxillofacial colleagues from different backgrounds become not a far dream by that IAOMS fellowship.
-Dr. M. Aljezooli
Through the years, with the unwavering support from IAOMS Presidents, Foundation Chairs, Board of Directors and Trustees, the IAOMS Foundation has undergone structural changes and professionalization. The core values from the onset were one of educational projects and scholarships for our profession. Twenty- five years later, the Foundation has flourished, and those values are now highly successful.
-Dr. Alexis Olsson
It was hearing their enthusiastic and inspirational reports of their Fellowship experiences that made me think, “Wow that’s great; you now have two young OMFSs who will be good surgeons and inspirational  leaders …. And great supporters of the Foundation education endeavors!"
-Dr. Ann Collins
For me IAOMS is about worldwide securing a solid, high quality and recognizable position of our specialty in healthcare and society. Bridging the gap between differences in standards and development of surgeons and countries. Making friends. I donate to the Foundation to enable valuable initiatives for which support is essential.
-Dr. Frederik Rozema
Supporter Videos
Podcast Series
In honor of the anniversary, the IAOMS Podcast devoted a series of episodes to the Foundation's history and impact. Major figures within our leadership and supporters lent their voice to the occasion, sharing both memories and their vision of the future.

Moderated by: Dr. G.E. Ghali

Moderated by: Dr. Julio Acero

Moderated by Mr. Christian Leibinger

Moderated by: Dr. Ed Dore

Moderated by: Dr. Nabil Samman
and Dr. Richard Burton

Raise a Glass to 25 Years
As a final tribute to the 25th anniversary of the Foundation, a 'Virtual Toast' was held in late December with dozens of supporters from around the world raising a glass in honor of our partners and donors.
In Memoriam: Dr. Daniel Laskin
We are saddened by the passing of Dr. Daniel Laskin. Dr. Laskin was highly regarded within the specialty and will be remembered for his work along with his generosity in mentoring students and fellow surgeons. We will miss him as an extraordinary man, a friend, and OMS specialist.
I have been asked why I became involved with the Foundation and the Laskin Legacy Society. Winston Churchill once said, “You make a living from what you get. You make a life by what you give." I have been fortunate in my career to have had the opportunity for excellent training and research opportunities. I feel that it is important that I do whatever I can to enable others, particularly in less developed countries, the same opportunities. The Foundation enables this to happen. 
-Dr. Daniel Laskin
A special thank you to AAOMS and the OMS FOUNDATION for their ongoing support of the IAOMS Foundation and for their generous contributions in honor of the IAOMS Foundation’s 25th Anniversary.  
Anmar Abu Shama
Julio Acero
Robert Alonso-Sosa
Diego Arzabe
Dionelys Barazarte
Bryan Bell
M. Edmund Braly
Gary Brierly
Donald Booth
Richard Burton
Katie Cairns
Narissaporn Chaiprakit
Joshua Campbell
Ian Chambers
Jaime A. Hidalgo Chavez
James Chow
Ann Collins
Anastasia Depounti
Lorenzo Derat
Kroum Dimitrov
Ed Dore
Mitchell Dvorak
Brigit Eapen
Jacques Gerard Edouma Bohimbo
Sean Edwards
Mohamed El Sayed Abd El Hady
Edward Ellis, III
Rui Fernandes
José Antonio Flores González
Pedro Franco
Arun Garg
G.E. Ghali
Rahul Gogoi
Raphael Guerra
Piet Haers
Haitham Haider Murad
Afaf Hamze
Su Yin Htun
Tom Indresano
Sonal Jawa
Arthur Jee
Jaime Andres Jiminez Alvarez
Annika Johnson
James Johnson
Fares Kablan
Eric Kahugu
Nicholas Kalavrezos
Samuel Kim
Thomas Kofod
Alfred Lau
Christian Leibinger
Edgar Luque Acuña, Sr.
Satish Madhavarajan
Alejandro Martinez
Leopoldo Meneses
Gabriele Millesi
Werner Millesi
Eduardo Moreschi
J. David Morrison
Juan Munzenmayer Bellolio
Sahar Nadel
Sanjiv Nair
Victor Nannini
Larry Nissen
Rifqah Nordin
Alexis Olsson
Oscar Ortega Saucedo
Joseph Piecuch
Maria Carla Prats Peña
Adalmir Queiroz
Faisal Quereshy 
Alikesh R
Raj Rawal
Anna Raymond
Andrew Read-Fuller
Steven Roser
Frederik Rozema
Kurdi Salah
Sarah Sales
Paul Sambrook
Nabil Samman
Marcio Santoz
Violeta Saucedo Jiminez
Peter Scheer
Firat Selvi
Trina Sengupta
Kimberly Shadle
Charles P. Sia
Heath Stewart
Mike Teague
B.D. Tiner
Harold Tu
Mark Tucker
Peter Waite
Karin Wittich
Mark Wong
Timothy Wong
Tiberiu-Alexandru Zaharia
George Zachariah
 ZMACK Association
Emerald Partner
Diamond Level

The Daniel M. Laskin Legacy Society honors Dr. Daniel M. Laskin, a true pioneer of the specialty. Thank you to these individuals who have made a minimum gift of $5,000 through their estate. If you would like to join these visionary leaders and become a Laskin Legacy Society donor, please contact Kimberly Shadle.
Julio Acero
Donald Booth
John Cawood
John Curtin
Pierre Desy
Eric Dierks
Stephanie Drew
Paul and Di Duke
Mitchell Dvorak
Edward Ellis, III
Douglas Fain
Brett Ferguson
G.E. and Hope Ghali
Gregory Grantham
Piet E. Haers
Gabriella Haers
Joseph Helman
Arthur Jee
James David Johnson
Joseph F. Karpinski, Sr.
Deepak Krishnan
Preethi Krishnan
Daniel Laskin
Luiz Marinho
Elda Martinez
Alejandro Martinez Garza
Suzanne McCormick
Gabrielle Millesi
Michael and Beth Miloro
Christopher Muir
Sanjiv Nair
Kishore Nayak
Ashwini Nayak
Larry Nissen
Carol Nissen
Alexis Olsson
Susan Olsson
Zachary Peacock
Faisal Quereshy & Najia Usman
Raj Rawal
Paul Richman
Nabil Samman
Henning Schliephake
Jay and Kristin Swanson
Douglas Wallace
Mark E. Wong
Marlene Wong
Robert Woodwards
Contributions: $251,543

Management & General: $25,065
Fundraising: $11,999
Programs: $132,237
Total: $169,301
Support the IAOMS Foundation
We know the role of the Foundation will only grow more critical as we navigate through these challenging times. To ensure we are prepared for the future and positioned to expedite the revitalization of our specialty, please consider making a gift to the IAOMS Foundation by clicking here. All contributions at any level are appreciated and will be recognized.
Please contact Kimberly Shadle for additional information