Get ready for our next session of CEO Bootcamp!
If you missed previous Bootcamp sessions, or if you are feeling behind… this is the time to jump back in! This Thursday night you will learn how to take the next step in your L’BRI journey to get BIG results. (it’s easy!)

PLUS, I’ve got some cool recognition AND giveaways!

FIRST - don't forget to submit your results from Session #2.

Your second challenge was to personally offer the income opportunity (and get a response) to at least:
  • 3 people (Bronze Level)
  • 7 people (Gold Level)
  • 10 people (You’ll get credit for two challenges!)

NOTE: If you are close to achieving your Challenge results and need a few more people to respond, ask your mom, sister, close friend to give you a chance to practice your ask. 😉
Session #3 starts at 7:30 p.m. CT tomorrow.

Here is your link for our weekly Bootcamp Zoom meetings:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 9294 3518

Or join by phone:
       +1 305 224 1968 US     
Don't forget! We have room for the first 1,000 participants; jump on early so you don’t miss a thing! 

To get the most out of CEO Bootcamp sessions, be sure to take notes and plan to implement what you hear!

The CEO Bootcamp FAQs include Zoom instructions and more. If your question isn't answered there, let us know!
Where to find CEO Bootcamp recordings and resources:
  • Recordings and Google documents for our weekly challenges can be found in your Business Center under Resources.
  • In addition, CEO Bootcamp recordings and documents will be posted in the Consultant Forum  under “featured posts” and in the “guides” section of the Forum, within 24 hours of our live Zoom.
If you have any questions, contact and include "Bootcamp" in the subject line.
Let's do this!