Policy Update
SNAP Update
Recognizing that the federal legislation protecting existing authorized SLP communities to serve as SNAP meal service providers to eligible SLP residents was set to expire at the end of December, AALC has been working tirelessly, and in good faith, with the Illinois Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and Human Services (DHS) and Illinois’ United States congressional delegation to identify potential short and long-term solutions to this issue. AALC continues to believe there are multiple paths that the government can take to preserve these important SNAP benefits for the more than 10,000 seniors and disabled individuals. For example, DHS in early November submitted a waiver to USDA requesting a continuation of the current waiver. Given the uncertainty surrounding the waiver request, HFS obtained approval to implement a temporary rate increase of $6.15 using appendix K. This rate increase will begin January 1, 2023 and is expected to help make sure SLP residents continue to have access to healthy meals. To learn more, click here.
While the Provider Notice indicates that effective January 1, 2023, SLP providers will no longer be authorized SNAP retailers and will no longer be able to access the SNAP benefits of the SLP participants, SNAP authorization of SLPs will continue until such time that FNS serves notices of withdrawal. However, some SLP residents this week have begun receiving Notices of Decision from DHS terminating SNAP eligibility as of January 1, 2023.
- Upon receiving notice of withdrawal from FNS, SLPs have 10 days to seek administrative review.
- Upon receiving notice of decision regarding the termination of benefits, SLP residents have 90 days to request an administrative hearing with the DHS.
The recent waiver request and the temporary rate increase underscores the State’s commitment to protect the Supportive Living program. AALC is grateful for the work of its state and federal partners to minimize disruption to meal services for SLP residents this holiday season and beyond. AALC looks forward to continuing to work with DHS, HFS, and the Illinois Congressional delegation to find a long-term solution.
SLP Rates Expected to Decrease on January 1
Reminder! Despite the temporary rate increase for SLP providers recently announced by HFS, we anticipate that in most regions the SLP Medicaid rates will decline on January 1, 2023 when the staffing incentive floor ends and then through 2023 as the transition from RUG-IV to PDPM continues. To view the rate analysis, click here.
SLP Rule Changes - Feedback Needed
If you have comments on the proposed rule, send them to Kzosel@aalcillinois.org. Please submit comments by no later than Friday, December 23 at 12pm.
Published in the IL Register (Volume 46 Issue 50) on Friday, December 9th and beginning on page 19321, this rule filing proposes to include, but is not limited to:
Additional clarifications, updates to definitions, and provides guidance based on questions, concerns or non-compliance issues that have been identified over the years; and
New or updated language to meet the “Community Settings” requirements of the federal CMS rule for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers Final Rule Insert Rule. These changes are required to be in compliance with the Illinois Statewide Transition Plan | HFS (illinois.gov).
NOTE: Section 146.215 related to SLP provider participation and Sections 146.225 and 146.650 related to the rate reimbursement have been excluded from this filing. The intent is to continue to develop language related to these sections without holding up the comprehensive rule changes which are required to be compliant with the Statewide Transition Plan. The Department understands and appreciates the need to continue to develop quality performance measures that further align with the new nursing home rate reform. The exclusion of 146.225 and 146.650 in this rule filing will allow time to develop language and strategies to align these initiatives without impacting this comprehensive rule as it works its way through the adoption process.
SLP Resident ID Report Due - Deadline is January 10!
Per the 89 IL Admi Code Section 146.265 (f) (1), the SLP Resident ID Report is due to the Department monthly. During the public health emergency, providers were not required to submit this report monthly but beginning in January, 2023, HFS is requesting that providers resume submission of this report. The due date for reporting is the 10th day of the month. The report should reflect all changes from the previous month, including admissions, discharges, and conversions to Medicaid. This report is not associated with payment and does not replace the need for transactions to be entered in MEDI.
Please submit the Monthly Resident ID Report to HFS.SLF@illinois.gov.
If you need the report template and/or password, have questions about the reporting process, or want to request an extension, please contact HFS.SLF@illinois.gov.
Double Occupancy Notice - Reports Due Dec. 16!
Urgent! Action is required If you have Medicaid residents sharing an apartment. Please do not forget to submit the required report to Raymond Horn at Raymond.Horn@illinois.gov by close of business tomorrow. You should have received the report template and password from HFS. If you have questions, please contact Raymond.horn@illinois.org. The information contained in the report will be used for a system programming update related to the room and board changes in January.
HFS Staff Announcements
Kelsey Lock is the new Manager of Policy & Rules for the Bureau of Long Term Care. Kelsey has been with the Bureau for several years as the Regional Supervisor of the Lincoln Region, so some of you may already know her. She’ll continue to wear both hats for the foreseeable future. Her contact information is Kelsey.Lock@illinois.gov.
Janene Brickey, who served previously as the Manager of Policy & Rules, has accepted a Deputy Administrator position with HFS overseeing Long Term Care and Mental Health.
Preparing for the End of the Public Health Emergency
Help prepare Medicaid customers for the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) by accessing a Messaging Toolkit on the HFS website. Please note the end of the PHE has not been announced yet. The federal government will provide states with a 60-day notice. HFS is being proactive and trying to prepare customers. After the PHE ends, Medicaid eligibility redeterminations will resume. For redeterminations to go smoothly, HFS will need to have a customer’s current mailing address. Phase 1 of customer messaging focuses on this topic. Most SLP residents likely have a current address on file with HFS, but just in case, use this information.
AALC encourages you to use the toolkit resources to remind SLP Medicaid residents/families to update their address. The toolkit includes handouts, flyers, etc. If a resident is unable to update their address on their own and does not have family/friends to assist, please have someone from your team help.
Cost Reports
Access 2022 Cost Reports by clicking here