
Friday, September 10, 2021

Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, President & CEO |

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#HTVaxUp Encourages Vaccinations

Huston-Tillotson University is encouraging the #fRAMily to do their part to help keep everyone safe.

The #HTVaxUp campaign informs the community of the key facts surrounding vaccinations, the campus protocols to help keep everyone safe, and why it is important for everyone to do their part.

Watch the messaging that included HT students, faculty, and staff leading the way in helping each of us protect ourselves from Covid-19.

Click To Watch Video

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Huston-Tillotson Makes Big Impact In Community, With Support From Apple

Huston-Tillotson University is working with Apple through the company’s Racial Equity and Justice Initiative. Together, we can create a more equitable future for our students and communities. 

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Dr. Rohan Thompson Named Dean - School Of Business And Technology

Dr. Rohan Thompson has been appointed as the Dean of the School of Business and Technology at Huston-Tillotson University.

Dr. Thompson joined HT in 2016 as the Chair of the Department of Business and Technology and served as Interim Dean of SBT over the 2020-21 academic year.

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A trio of Huston-Tillotson University students have been named as Apple Scholars for the 2021-22 academic year.

Teah Wilson, Tay Harding, and Romario Barrett have earned the distinction for the school year.

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President's Convocation Officially Welcomes Campus To Fall Semester

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Reunited And It Feels So Good! The #fRAMily was back together this week at the annual President’s Convocation.

Huston-Tillotson University President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette officially welcomed everyone back to campus as the Fall Semester began in late August. The Convocation brought students, faculty, and staff together for the first time since Spring 2020.

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QEP Kickoff

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The Huston-Tillotson University Quality Enhancement Plan helps to ensure the success of the #GeniusGeneration.

Associate Provost Dr. Beverly Downing led the Fall kickoff, presenting to the HT campus the importance of the QEP in maintaining and continuing full accreditation status.

The RAMSS Program (Ready to Attain Maximum Student Success calls for the infusion of career readiness concepts in three competency areas, 1) Professionalism, 2) Communications (oral and written), and 3) Critical Thinking career readiness.

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What Is Ce-Fi?

The HT School of Business and Technology continues its series on blockchains, the growing importance of financial technology, and what it means moving forward.

This week, Dr. Abena Primo explains ce-fi (centralized finance) and its importance.

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Pie A Royal

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The Huston-Tillotson University Royal Court literally took pie in the face as part of Welcome Week activities. For a small fee, the court was 'pied' for a 'tasty' fundraiser.

Urban League Sponsors Free Vaccinations for HT Students

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The Austin Area Urban League sponsored a vaccine drive on campus, encouraging Huston-Tillotson University students to get vaccinated while also rewarding them for helping to keep ATX safe. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. assisted with providing food and refreshments in support of the event.

#HTisIDEAL #GeniusGeneration #CultureOfExcellence


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HT Alum Named First Woman Scout In

Chicago Bears History

Huston-Tillotson University alumnae Ashton Washington has been named as the first woman scout for the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. 

Washington, a 2019 mass communications graduate of HT, is now a scouting assistant for the Bears. Washington originally joined the Bears organization this summer as a training camp intern as a part of the Nunn Wooten Scouting Fellowship.  

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On my campus…we graduate families, not just individuals. I can have 200 graduates walk the stage for commencement and have 5,000 people on my campus, because they are graduating a family.” 

Click here to watch more


#HTVolleyball Beats NCAA Division I Opponent

Congratulations to the Huston-Tillotson University volleyball team which defeated NCAA Division I opponent Prairie View A&M in four sets earlier this week.

Read Story Here


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Mon. Sept. 13 Women's Soccer Wayland Baptist Round Rock, Texas - 10 a.m.

Mon. Sept. 13 Men's Soccer Wayland Baptist Round Rock, Texas - 3 p.m.

Tues. Sept. 14 Volleyball at Texas Wesleyan; Fort Worth Texas - 6 p.m.

Fri. Sept.. 17 Volleyball vs. Wiley; 6 p.m.

Sat. Sept. 18 Men's Soccer at McMurry; Abilene, Texas - 11 a.m.

Sat. Sept. 18 Volleyball vs. Paul Quinn; 1 p.m.

Full Athletics Schedule

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Previous 2021 Issues Of RamZine

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Are you an alumnus/alumna? We want to hear from you!

Contact Chris Cutkelvin, Director of Alumni Relations, at 512-505-3074 or via email at or schedule a virtual meeting below:



Fri. Oct. 22 Charter Day Observance

Mon. Dec. 6 Last Fall Class Day


Dec. 7-10 Final Exams


Dec.20-Jan.2 Campus Closed


Mon. Jan. 10 Spring Semester Begins

Fri. Apr. 29 Last Spring Class Day


May 1-4 Final Exams

Fri. May 6 Honors Convocation 

Sat. May 7

Commencement Convocation

Class of 2022

Golden Class of 1972

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