Pennsylvania FBLA State Conference Update
February 24, 2023: Postmark Deadline
for all SLC Lodging and Registration Payments
Dear PA FBLA Advisers

This is a reminder that the FULL/COMPLETE SLC lodging/payment must be "postmarked" by next Friday, February 24.

Additional reminder: you may drop any students up to and including February 24 without penalty or cost. After February 24, the 50% refund kicks in. I would strongly suggest that you make sure all your students are committed to attending the SLC.

If you have changes to make, please use this SLC online change form:

There will always be students dropping because of spring sports events; spring musical; and other reasons. Have them check their schedule now so there is no hassle over the 50% policy.

All registration is now closed. Only drops are accepted. There will be no substitutions.

All state-only events uploads are now closed. Only drops are accepted. Finalists will be announced no later than March 1. If there are changes in lodging that must be done, it must be complete by March 2 at 12:00 noon.

If you received notice that a registration was canceled this morning, it has nothing to do with your full SLC registration. There were nearly 70 chapters that appeared to start state-only chapter competitive events registration, registered no one or the adviser, and did not cancel it. I had to cancel all those "in progress" events so the state-only chapter events could be cleared. No need to panic.

Bruce E. Boncal
PA FBLA Executive Director
570.279.6998 cell/texts
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