CRE News & Information

Good Afternoon CRE Families -

While we await the warmer temperatures outside, things are heating up inside school! We are proud of how hard the students worked last week on the MCA's. We get another chance tomorrow with our MCA Math! Please ensure that students get a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast and are prepared to do their best!

The CRE Choir will be performing our first in person concert in over 2 years! Come to the gymnasium tonight at 6 to see them! Head over to Culver's before or after to support our PTO Fundraiser!

Please see below for more volunteers for our Vision and Hearing Screeners.

We are also collecting information as we begin the process for class placement next year. See below for the form.

Thank you, as always, for your support and partnership at CRE! We have a wonderful community of learners. This is sure to be a busy spring and we look to end the year strong!

Please reach out if you have questions or concerns.

All the best,
Nate Slinde

CRE Spring Culver's Night:
Greetings! CRE PTO will be hosting a FUNdraising night at Culver's in Chaska on Tuesday, April 19th from 5pm - 8pm. 4th and 5th grade students can sign up for a 1/2 hour shift to deliver trays of food to customers and help clean tables. Culver's asks that a parent/guardian be present during the child's shift. Thank you for your support! See you at Culver's!

Donations and Extra clothes
The nurse’s office is running very low on extra pants for students, if you have any clothes you are willing to donate we could use them! And/or if you could pack your kids' some extra pants and socks as some students are enjoying the spring puddles on the playground 😊
Thank you!

MCA Testing- April and May:
Dear families of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders,
During the month of April students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will be taking The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA tests). Students, families, teachers and administrators use statewide test results as part of a comprehensive system for evaluating learning and providing targeted supports. These tests are designed to measure student performance based on state standards which outline what students should be able to know and do at particular grade levels. Students take these tests on the computer (unless otherwise accommodated). Please read below for tips to support your learner. If you have any questions about the MCA tests or for more information CLICK HERE or contact Elizabeth Johnson, CRE Administrative Dean: 952-556-6911.
Testing Dates:
April 20th and 21st - Grade 3, Grade 4 &
Grade 5 MCA Math test
May 3/4- Grade 5 only: MCA Science test
  • Grade levels will plan to test during their math and reading blocks, respectively

Parent Tips:  
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep, especially the night before the test.  
  • Remind them about needing headphones and to fully charge their Chromebook overnight.
  • Allow a few extra minutes in the morning on testing days to help with a stress free start to the day. 
  • Mark the test dates on your calendar as a reminder and plan appointments and vacations accordingly to ensure your child is present for the tests.
  • Encourage your child to participate in practice-test opportunities (to see online sample tests CLICK HERE)
  • Discuss the importance of the test, but decrease any anxiety by reminding them to just do their personal best. 
  • Give them lots of words of encouragement, affirmation and remind them to take their time and do their best!

Vision and Hearing Screenings:
Clover Ridge will be having a Vision and Hearing screening for all 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders on April 28th. Please be sure to send your child’s prescription glasses on screening days should they wear them.
We are also still needing 1-2 parent volunteers to help out the screeners! If you are interested, please reach out to Nurse Ciera

Parent Input Forms
It is that time of year again, when we are already thinking about and planning for next year. Each year we offer parent input for families to fill out, if they wish. Our form is the same districtwide. The parent input form asks about environmental needs and concerns. Class placements are carefully thought out and many factors are taken into consideration when forming classes for next year. We look at current teacher input, parent input, feedback from specialist teachers as well as looking at class balance (boys and girls) and working hard to put a group of students together who will function well together. It is a complicated process. The parent input form is not intended to be a teacher request form. All factors listed above will thoughtfully be considered in this process. This year, all parent input forms are due by April 30th. Teachers and administrators meet during the month of May to make initial class placements. For more information and access to the form, please read this district communication from the elementary principals. CRE Placement Information 
Formularios de aportación para padres
Es esa época del año nuevamente, en que ya estamos pensando y planificando para el próximo año. Cada año ofrecemos formularios de recomendaciones de los padres para que las familias completen, si lo desean. Nuestra forma es la misma en todo el distrito. El formulario de aportación de los padres pregunta sobre las necesidades y preocupaciones ambientales. Las ubicaciones de las clases se piensan cuidadosamente y se tienen en cuenta muchos factores al formar las clases para el próximo año. Observamos los aportes actuales de los maestros, los aportes de los padres, los comentarios de los maestros especialistas, así como el equilibrio de la clase (niños y niñas) y trabajamos arduamente para reunir a un grupo de estudiantes que funcionen bien juntos. Es un proceso complicado. El formulario de entrada de los padres no pretende ser un formulario de solicitud del maestro. Todos los factores enumerados anteriormente se considerarán cuidadosamente en este proceso. Este año, todos los formularios de aportes de los padres deben presentarse antes del 30 de abril. Los maestros y administradores se reúnen durante el mes de mayo para realizar las colocaciones iniciales de clase. Para obtener más información y acceso al formulario, lea esta comunicación del distrito de los directores de primaria. CRE Placement Information 

Please see the link below for an update on our Specialists (Art, Music, Band, Media, and Personal Wellness)

COVID Tests Available
Our school has a number of at-home COVID tests for student use. If you would like a test to be sent home with your child to keep on hand, please contact the main office at 952-556-6900. If your child is experiencing symptoms or feeling ill, please contact Nurse Ciera at 952.556.6919. 

Every Meal
Eastern Carver County Schools has partnered with Every Meal. Every Meal is a nonprofit organization with a mission to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. It provides free food for families in need over the weekend - with no qualifications for enrollment.  Each Friday, a 4-5 pound food bag will be sent home with your child. Please contact Jennifer Shinn 952.556.6912 or to register.