A Recovery Community That Is STRONG!
This newsletter will be released once a month to recap recovery news and resources. You will also experience a word from Commissioner Doreen Williams, personal recovery stories and information on how to support the Rockdale County Stepping Up Initiative in our ongoing efforts to reduce the number of people in the criminal justice system with mental health and substance use challenges.
Commissioner Doreen Williams provides a monthly recap for the Rockdale County recovery community and their partners, allies and stakeholders. In this months recap she discusses some tips to use when creating New Year's Goals in 2023. Happy New Year from Commissioner Doreen Williams and The Rockdale Stepping Up Executive Team!
Breaking Recovery News!
Leighanne's Story
Leighanne Bryson has been selected as the Champion of Recovery because of her dedication to her recovery process and the passion she has for her peers on the journey with her. We are proud to have her as an active participant of the Rockdale County Recovery Community.

Click on the video to hear Leighanne's Story
Sergeant Dexter Kilgore
We are proud to announce this month's Champion of Change is Sergeant Dexter Kilgore. Kilgore is a humble servant leader of Rockdale County, the crimimal justice system and the world around him! Sgt. Kilgore dedicated 18 years of service to the students of Dekalb County Schools. He served 3 years for Governor Nathan Deals Office as a founding member. During all of Kilgore's years of service, he found that his heart was drawn to the transition and re-entry of people in jails and that he had a calling to reduce recidivism.
Sgt. Kilgore received the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award for more than 10 years of volunteer service in jails and prisons. Sergeant Dexter Kilgore has played a major role in supporting the Stepping Up Initiative at the commencement of Recovery Support Groups in the Rockdale County Jail. Thank you so much Sgt. Kilgore for your service to the recovery community! We are so grateful to have you as a partner, advocate and ally for the Rockdale Community!
As we continue to intentionally grow in our recovery we invite you to our daily Recovery Oriented zoom meetings in hopes that our recovery community will also grow in numbers. We know that it is our duty to carry the recovery message to those that still suffer. If you or a loved one needs the support of a recovery community, we meet every weekday at 11am and 6pm and again on Saturdays at 6pm. Please follow our Grit & Grace RCO pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our new YouTube and Podcast Channels to show your support and stay connected.
It is our goal to provide people support, care and resources they need to sustain long term recovery from substance use and mental health challenges. We have a new building to grow in and we need our community's support.Your donations will make a real contribution to the recovery community. We are accepting monetary and in-kind donations such as office supplies, folding chairs, file cabinets, as well as volunteer services to help our upcoming renovation projects!
Click resource images for more information
The Rockdale County Stepping Up Initiative acknowledges that it takes a community and we are truly grateful for the the continued support of the following partnerships:

Rockdale County Board of Commissioners
Rockdale State Court
Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office
City of Conyers Police Department 
Piedmont Rockdale Hospital
Rockdale County Accountability Courts
Grit & Grace: A Rockdale Recovery Organization, Inc.
Viewpoint Health
Restoration Storehouse
Rockdale County District Attorney’s Office
Rockdale County Public Defender’s Office
Rockdale County Probate Judge
Rockdale County Magistrate Judge
2800 SW HWY 138
Conyers, GA 30094