Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter

Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide! 
15 August, 2021

Show Me Your Prospecting System
Do you have one? In writing?

If they don't go into our sales funnel, they won't come out! Isn't that the basic piece of knowledge we need to begin a successful sales system? We MUST put enough new prospects into our sales funnel to have enough positive outcomes to meet our goals. That can take a lot of new contacts. And new businesses are actually "suspects" when we initially contact them. They only become legitimate "prospects" when we know that they 1. have a need 2. we have a solution to their need and 3. they have money and can make a decision. We filter out the "suspects" during our needs analysis.

In all the time I've been coaching, I've never had a salesperson reach into their briefcase and show me their prospecting system, in writing, with specific activities that they do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually to ensure enough viable prospects.

And speaking of making new calls, when we break it down, there are only four types of new calls you can make:
  1. Cold calls: You know nothing about the business except that it's there. You walk in with no knowledge and ask for an appointment. Can you build a business this way? Yes, it's possible. Years ago I did so because I didn't know how to do anything else except walk up and down the street knocking on doors. It's a hard way to find clients and statistically, only 5% will end up doing business with you.
  2. Leads: Now you have some piece of information that should mean this business needs to advertise. Maybe they have remodeled or they have new management. You've gone to their website, googled them, checked out their social media. You've "warmed" up the call. Working leads makes success a bit easier: statistically 15% of these contacts will close.
  3. Referrals: Someone you know has recommended that you see a new contact. They will let you use their name. They've probably given you vital information about the new person. This is a much better way to work. Statistically, 50% of these will close.
  4. Introductions: If you can take that referral a step further and ask that the referring person set up a meeting, lunch or coffee with the new person, you have an inside track. Statistically 90-95% of these will close.

As you develop your prospecting system, you can see that working with referrals and introductions can increase your likelihood of success dramatically. So, whom do you know? Which clients are happy with your service? Which friends or family know people who might need what you do? Can you identify that one person in your town who knows EVERYTHING that is going on in business? I call this person your "rumor central". Buy them coffee a couple of times a month and have a chat.

Chances are we will need to use all four of these types of new calls. But the more we can use #3 and #4, the easier our selling lives will be. Also, our time will be more effectively and efficiently used.

If you are ever in one of my seminars and I ask to see your prospecting system, I hope you may be the first to pull it out and say, "Here it is!!" Your name would probably make my newsletter!

Happy prospecting and happy selling!
The Client's Corner
Bryson Broadcasting International is serving our clients in new ways this year. In addition to in-person market visits, virtual sales training and sales meetings are available for your stations! We will customize the materials to meet your individual needs. Once a month, these sessions will be done live with your staff. The Zoom meeting platform allows for interaction and discussion as we teach the materials. It's more important than ever for our sales staffs to have great skills. Good skills are no longer good enough. We can raise the skill set of your staff.

To discuss how we may benefit your revenue department, give us a call at 918.810.3068 or email at Finish 2021 with strong momentum and A+ players!
Words to Live By ....
“The lesson the Law of Replacement teaches is that you must constantly be pushing new opportunities into your pipeline so that you're replacing the opportunities that will naturally fall out. And, you must do so at a rate that matches or exceeds your closing ratio. This is where a fanatical prospecting mindset really begins to pay off.”
 Jeb Blount, Fanatical Prospecting
Our New Book is Here: Add this to your library
What people are saying about this new book:
“In this time of a rapidly expanding media landscape with increasing layers of complexity, Pat Bryson reminds us that sales is still a people to people business built on personal relationships. The best relationships will endure long after disruptions such as COVID-19 have passed."
Peter Saxon
Managing Editor
Bryson Broadcasting International visits two markets for on-premise training... and some fun!
TOC Group
Training with The Original Company. Thanks for being a good audience!
Miller luncheon
Friday staff luncheon in Taylorville, IL at Miller Media
We want to help your staff increase revenue!

We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise. We customize our programs to meet your needs. As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language. Our training options include on line sessions done live for your staff.

If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at,

or call us at 918.810.3068. 

For more information about BBI, click here.

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