October 2021
Refresher on proof of vaccination requirement
Ontario is making huge strides in reducing the Delta variant’s impact on the fourth wave. As such, steps continue to be in place to assist businesses in protecting the general public.
All individuals are continued to be required to demonstrate proof of vaccination for gaining access into certain businesses, establishments, and other facilities. For your convenience, the guidance document can be viewed and downloaded here, while information on the proof of vaccination policy is also available here
Under the Reopening Ontario Act, 2020, registrants are still required to adhere to active screening procedures.
Kinesiologists who work or treat patients in various settings, such as facilities used for sports, fitness activities, and personal fitness training, should continue following the guidance outlined by the Chief Medical of Health and Ontario Ministry of Health. A refresher on the College’s guidance, with respect to practice under Step Three, can be found here
Employers also have the discretion, under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, 1990, to direct employees to be vaccinated or not.
A comprehensive list of guidance regarding mandatory vaccination status can be found under the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s Directive #6.  
Please contact practiceadvice@coko.ca if you have any questions or concerns.
CASE OF THE MONTH – clinical reasoning
@CKO is pleased to announce a brand new section for our monthly newsletter, entitled “Case of the Month.”

In these section, cases will be examined to provide registrants with clarity on certain areas regarding practice.

In this month’s scenario, a physiotherapist has called the practice advice hotline at the College to discuss a 77-year-old patient that she had recently seen in her home for left hip pain. The physiotherapist discovered the patient to be non-weightbearing, and in constant pain for two weeks. Her only method of going up the stairs was on her hands and knees.

She had already received six at-home sessions with a Registered Kinesiologist, who had been providing exercises for her hip pain. Her kinesiologist had not yet detected that her pain was more serious than a strain.

Based on these initial red flags, the PT called an ambulance to take the patient to the hospital where she was found to have a fractured hip and was admitted for surgery.

To sum up, this serves as a friendly reminder to all members in direct patient care to always check patients for red flags at each session, as patient conditions may change between visits.

Don’t forget to email practiceadvice@coko.ca if you have questions or concerns regarding practice.
Final day to renew your registration
The College is requesting Registered Kinesiologists who have not yet renewed their certificate to do so as soon as possible.

A reminder during the week of October 17 was sent out indicating that the deadline was fast approaching. If renewal is not completed by today (October 28) at 11:59 p.m., it will result in a suspension of your certificate.

If you are still waiting for the College to process your application for a change of status, the renewal form must still be completed, in addition to having any outstanding fees paid in full. Those who are planning to resign must also inform the College by emailing us at info@coko.ca.

To renew your certificate now, click here.
Inform us of changes to your personal information
This is a reminder that you are required to notify the College of any changes to your employment information, address or contact information within 30 days of the change.

This includes changes to your primary email address on file. Email is the primary means whereby the College communicates with registrants.

The College developed a form to help you report and submit these changes. Check it out on our website and email the College at info@coko.ca if you have any questions.
New CPD Resources Available For Registrants
Registrants who are looking for more continuing professional development resources, in regard to practice, are in luck.

The College has recently introduced several CPD resources that can be applied to current and emerging practice-related issues. These resources offer broad coverage in connection to multiple concerns, such as navigating the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Clients, for example, may be suffering with bouts of post-COVID-19 Condition, also known as Long COVID. While the evidence is still emerging regarding the safe application of exercise, registrants can find information in the Rehabilitation for Clients with Post COVID-19 Condition (Long COVID): Guidance for Canadian Rehabilitation and Exercise Professionals resource.

The guidance is available here, and can also be found in French here.

The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance is also moving forward with COVID-19 kinesiology-related guidelines for optimal health maintenance. Kinesiologists can use the guidance here to help facilitate a client’s transition back to a healthy lifestyle during and post-pandemic.

Mental health continues to remain an important area in regard to practice. The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, has released an interactive textbook to improve mental health literacy for all exercise professionals.

Concurrently, the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association has several, public resources to further registrants’ familiarity regarding practice-related subject matters.

For convenience, the College’s CPD Directory outlines a list of resources, to guide kinesiologists in selecting CPD activity. If you are aware of other CPD opportunities that you would like to see posted on the directory, please email qualityassurance@coko.ca.
Please do not unsubscribe if you are registered with the College. If you do unsubscribe, you will be contacted by staff to re-subscribe as the College primarily communicates to registrants via email. We strive to keep communications relevant and to a minimum. Information regarding registration matters (annual renewal deadline, quality assurance requirements, etc.), and important news and updates are sent via email. The College works on the assumption that all registrants receive all of our emails.