Connect Newsletter
February 2023
Greetings friends!
How often do you think about the power of Jesus? Around Christmas, we think a lot about his humanity; he’s a little baby after all! But in Mark 4:35-41, we see a now grown Jesus command a life-threatening storm to be still. The disciples with him were rightly amazed, but have you ever noticed the second half of verse 36? “There were also other boats with him.”
Other boats that would have been affected by the storm. Other sailors who would have been stunned when the wind and waves suddenly subsided. Other people who would have seen the power of the Son of God.
That same power is at work in us today – and people are going to notice. As you attend church, minister to individuals, and serve in ways that may be overlooked, remember that Jesus’ power goes with you and impacts the people you interact with. Live in a way that people notice the power of Jesus.