Connect Newsletter

February 2023

Greetings friends!

How often do you think about the power of Jesus? Around Christmas, we think a lot about his humanity; he’s a little baby after all! But in Mark 4:35-41, we see a now grown Jesus command a life-threatening storm to be still. The disciples with him were rightly amazed, but have you ever noticed the second half of verse 36? “There were also other boats with him.”

Other boats that would have been affected by the storm. Other sailors who would have been stunned when the wind and waves suddenly subsided. Other people who would have seen the power of the Son of God.

That same power is at work in us today – and people are going to notice. As you attend church, minister to individuals, and serve in ways that may be overlooked, remember that Jesus’ power goes with you and impacts the people you interact with. Live in a way that people notice the power of Jesus.

New Global Team Videos

Want to learn more about World Missions’ work overseas? We just added videos exploring the ministries of Glen and Glenda Moyer (education in Bogotá, Colombia) and Estol and Kristen Bathurst (evangelism and discipleship in Malawi) to our Multimedia Library. These videos make a great addition to any church service, small group, or Sunday school class. Access videos »

Needed: New Mosquito Nets

Much has been done to understand and treat malaria, but the parasite still affects millions throughout Africa. Macha Hospital in Zambia is currently in need of 200 new mosquito nets to provide protection from malaria-carrying mosquitos. Help protect hospital patients and staff by contributing to our Malaria Prevention project in the Partnership Handbook. Learn more »

A Zesty Mix

Harrisburg BIC (HBIC) exists in a diverse urban neighborhood and is attended by people who live nearby and in the surrounding rural and suburban areas. In our latest blog, read how HBIC has learned to navigate these nuances, how they've developed a deep understanding of their community, and how other churches can embrace their community as they love God and love others. Read more »

Do You Have a Plan?

Plans are vital and provide a roadmap to the things we care about. Nearly everyone has accumulated assets that will be distributed at their passing, and having a plan for our resources is one of the most important plans we will ever put into place. We have assembled some helpful resources to help you formulate a plan to care for loved ones and the ministries you are passionate about. Learn more »

Spanish Manual of Doctrine and Government

The 2022 Manual of Doctrine and Government is now available in Spanish. Complimentary print copies will be mailed to Spanish-speaking congregations while the PDF can now be accessed online. Learn more »

New Issue of Shalom!

Jesus gave us the two most important commandments in Matthew 22: love God and love your neighbors. Being a good neighbor is a crucial part of Project 250, especially the fifth priority. The latest issue of Shalom! explores how understanding the unique context and challenges of our neighbors can help us care for and love them better.

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2023 Week of Prayer and Fasting

We were blessed to see many people and congregations participating in our 2023 Week of Prayer and Fasting. If you or your congregation participated, will you let us know more about your experience? We would love to hear about how it impacted you. Reply to this email or contact us at

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:1,4-5