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October 28, 2021
Historic First-Time Gathering of DPEs
FSANA hosted the 1st Annual Designated Pilot Examiners (DPE) Symposium in Nashville, TN. A historic first for providers of testing to airmen in the United States, the event brought together a significant representation of DPEs from all around the country to discuss examiner policies, training integration of flight training providers, and testing providers.

Bob Rockmaker, president & CEO of FSANA, stated that the flight training industry is comprised of three legs.
1. Quality flight schools
2. Quality flight instructors (CFIs)
3. Quality flight examiners (DPEs)

In order to have a best-in-class flight training system, all three legs need to be working at the highest level of quality and consistency. Improving all three legs will help ensure that the flight training industry is well equipped to create the pilot supply required for the airlines, corporate aviation and the many other pilot career pathways.

The industry needs to work collaboratively to ensure that the testing of airmen applicants for certificates and ratings throughout the national airspace system continues to advance in a timely fashion with quality testing at fair pricing levels for both the customer and the examiners.
Jason Blair
Pilot Recruiter, Piedmont Airlines
“It really is groundbreaking to bring all these DPEs together,” said FSANA President & CEO Bob Rockmaker. “There is a significant amount of information that can be shared between DPEs around the country. Never-ending improvement leads to ongoing success. With more integration with the FAA and with DPEs around the country, I am confident that our industry will continue to improve the testing quality and availability throughout the national airspace system.”

Trey McClure, Manager of the FAA Delegation Program Branch lead a group of FAA team members during the Symposium. Panelists came from across America to share their information and knowledge.
Bob Rockmaker
FSANA President & CEO
McClure told the attendees that he along with the FAA is committed to continuing to work with FSANA and the industry to make the required improvements to the airmen testing system.
The event kicked off with an open forum with representatives from the FAA DPE standardization and oversight branches and then proceeded to include a forum discussion on how new DPEs are selected and what people who might like to be one need to know. Continuing on through the event attendees and presenters discussed topics including the business models and integration of DPEs and working with flight training providers, updates from the FAA on numerous policy areas that affect test provision, and various tips and tricks for DPEs to be more efficient in the work they do with the aviation community.
FSANA is humbled to have had representation from throughout the United States with over 70 DPEs and future DPEs in attendance from all over the country including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Bringing this segment of the flight training community together is the start of what FSANA hopes will be a long-term positive impact to help the flight training community integrate better with the testing providers.

The value of the DPEs services is paramount to the success of the training flow within the United States and FSANA thanks those who were in attendance for joining us and for providing their input for this first-time event. FSANA expects to build upon this work and provide support to the DPE community going forward and future events will be discussed post the Symposium.
FSANA Annual Flight School Operators Conference Returns to Las Vegas February 16-18, 2022
FSANA is beginning its planning for the final push toward the next International Flight School Operators Conference. The 2022 conference will return to Las Vegas, Nevada, on February 16-18, 2022.

Returning to Bally's Hotel and Casino, attendees from the flight training community can look forward to a full conference schedule focused on the business of flight training, training safety, and industry trends.

It's not too early to begin planning to attend. Our upcoming communications will be offering more details about the programs and events that will be a part of the 2022 conference, but for now, get ready by getting it into your calendar and reserving your rooms.

Room Reservations Open:
Want to start planning ahead? You can now make your room reservations.

Exhibitor/Sponsor Information:
If you or your company is interested in exhibiting or sponsoring at the 2022 International Flight School Operators Conference, visit the following:
John King, Martha King and Greg Brown Inducted into Flight Instructor Hall of Fame
Recently at the National Business Aviation Association Conference hosted the 2021 Flight Instructor Hall of Fame induction ceremony. This year three very deserving and distinguished flight instructors were inducted – John King, Martha King, and Greg Brown. Each of these extraordinary aviators’ model the highest standards of professionalism and dedication in the flight training industry.

Administered by the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI), inductees into the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame represent individual(s) who have made significant contributions to aviation education and flight instruction while reflecting credit upon themselves and their profession. The honor highlights the important role flight instructors play as a foundation for the safety of the entire national air transportation system.

Flight Instructor Hall of Fame inductee Greg Brown has over 40 years of instructional experience. His passion for piloting is obvious to anyone who have read his books, The Savvy Flight Instructor (now in it’s second edition), The Turbine Pilot's Flight Manual, Flying Carpet: The Soul of an Airplane, You Can Fly!, and Job Hunting for Pilots, listened to his Cockpit Adventures from the Flying Carpet Podcast, or followed his long-running "Flying Carpet" aviation adventure column in AOPA’s Flight Training magazine.

Along with thousands of flight training hours, Brown has contributed countless articles to aviation publications, and taught NATA’s Flight Training Business Success Seminars. He pioneered use of social media to support flight training with AOL pilot forums in 1997, continuing today with Greg Brown’s Student Pilot Pep Talk Facebook Group.

Flight Instructor Hall of Fame inductees John and Martha King, founders and co-chairs of King Schools are the first and only husband and wife to hold every category and class of FAA pilot and instructor certificates. Their use of technology and clear, simple, and fun teaching have made aviation knowledge more accessible to pilots throughout the world.

Over more than 45 years, King Schools has delivered many millions of courses to pilots in training. Through intimate video instruction John and Martha King have taught more pilots than anyone in the history of aviation—for many years providing education to more than half the pilots in the United States learning to fly. It's no surprise that pilots throughout the world know John and Martha and regard them as their personal aviation mentors.

The Kings have been champions for the cause of improving risk management practices of general aviation pilots speaking to thousands of pilots each year about aviation safety. They work with the FAA's National Aviation Safety Program in producing safety videos. They also volunteer their time to speak to college classes on starting a small business. To date, between both John and Martha King have received over 30 awards for these efforts.

FSANA wishes them all congratulations. If you would like to learn more about this recent honor, visit
Greg Robbins Takes Over as ASA Owner
FSANA has thoroughly appreciated the support of Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA) and the contributions they have made to the aviation training industry. We would like to congratulate Greg Robbins in his transition to ownership of ASA as Mike Lorden transitions to retirement.

A critical part of the aviation academic and publishing landscape, ASA has long provided materials important to the training industry. We can think of no more well positioned individual to continue that legacy than Mr. Robbins.

Congratulations and FSANA looks forward to continuing to work with ASA in the aviation training community. Along with this, we think a hearty thanks is due to Mike Lorden who spent over 30 years, 36 in fact, working at and then leading ASA in its provision of quality training materials, aviation publishing, and leadership in the aviation community both personally and through the staff at ASA.

You can learn more about this transition at
AOPA Releases Joseph T. Nall Report
AOPA's Air Safety Institute has recently released the 31st annual Joseph T. Nall Report that focuses on the analysis of general aviation accidents.

Highlights in the report include:

  • A continued trend of reduction of overall general aviation accidents
  • A continued trend of reduction of pilot-related accidents
  • Landing accidents continuing to make up the reatest percentage of total accidents, but representing a lower lethality rate than accidents in other phases of flight
  • Instructional flights representing nearly 20% of the total accidents

You can see the report at:
Purdue University Global Expands Professional Flight Degree Program with Lunken Flight Training Center Partnership
Purdue University Global and Cincinnati-based Lunken Flight Training Center have formed a partnership to address the projected global and regional demand for aviation professionals over the next 20 years.

“We are pleased to join forces with an established flight training center like Lunken to bolster our popular professional flight program,” said Sara Sander, Purdue Global vice president and dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the School of Education. “Cincinnati is a major Midwest aviation hub and will provide flexibility and opportunities for many of our students.”

According to Jay Schmalfuss, owner of Lunken Flight Training Center, Cincinnati is home to many corporate flight departments, including Procter & Gamble, Kroger, Cintas and General Electric. Additionally, Amazon has undergone a huge expansion to its air hub at nearby Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, so a growing demand for professional pilots in the area is anticipated.

“Lunken Flight Training Center is excited to announce its affiliation with Purdue University Global,” Schmalfuss said. “Cincinnati is located within 600 miles of over half the population of the U.S., which makes Purdue Global and Lunken Flight Training Center the perfect choice to launch an aviation career.”

Purdue Global’s professional flight degree program is a collaboration between Purdue Global and Purdue University’s School of Aviation and Transportation Technology – announced in June 2019. It combines the quality of Purdue’s legendary aviation program spanning more than six decades with the flexibility and affordability that Purdue Global offers.

Students accepted into the program will complete their Bachelor of Science degree courses online through Purdue Global, which includes aviation and general education classes, while completing professional flight training at Lunken Flight Training Center or one of several other Purdue Global affiliates across the country. During flight training, students will work toward earning certificates and ratings in instrument, commercial, multi-engine and certified flight instructor.

As students progress in their flight training to becoming certified flight instructors, they will have the foundation necessary to serve as flight instructors and accrue additional flight experience required by airlines and corporate flight departments to get hired as professional pilots. Upon reaching certified flight instructor status, students enrolled in the program can begin teaching others and earn compensation for their work, in addition to flight hours, which can help with education costs and living expenses.

Purdue’s School of Aviation and Transportation Technology, one of six departments and schools in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, is recognized worldwide as a leader in aviation education and provides its expertise in curriculum development, faculty hiring and accreditation by the Aviation Accreditation Board International.

As U.S. airline pilots approach the federally mandated retirement age of 65, combined with many pilots taking early retirement during the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry faces a shortage of pilots in the coming years. The Purdue Global program is designed to get students flying immediately, shortening the timeline to becoming a professional pilot in order to meet the growing demand.
Draft FAA Order 8000.95B Available for Review
The FAA has recently published a draft update to the order that governs much of the work that DPEs conduct in FAA Order 8000.95B.

Much of the changes codify changes were allowed via deviation memorandum over the past year including processes for SMFT operations that DPEs may not be conducting.


DPEs are encouraged to review these changes for when they become finalized and affect the work a DPE may be conducting.
Updated FAA Airplane Flying Handbook Available
The FAA has recently released a new Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3C). DPEs, CFIs, and students should check it out in their training and testing efforts.

Some of the updates in this version include adding information about the FAA Wings Program, updated graphics, some re-ordering of content for flow, and corrections and additions throughout.

Click here to see the updated version.
DPEs Available to Travel to Help Training Providers Source Practical Tests
FSANA has been collecting DPE names who have expressed a willingness to travel to help flight training providers secure practical tests since our last newsletter.

This list is published on the FSANA website and is kept up-to-date with contact information, so if you are a flight training provider who is finding a challenge of scheduling DPEs in your local area, feel free to reach out to these individuals and you may be able to have them help serve some of your local testing needs.

This effort is being made in general, but also as many DPEs have self-selected to delay a return to providing practical tests during the effects of COVID-19 periods and in some locations. FSANA will continue to hep provide this information as the flight training industry continues to move forward with both new and existing students in all phases of their training.

If you are a DPE who is not on this list but would like to be, please let us know by emailing us at with your name, city, state, email and phone number and we will add you.
Have feedback concerns about FAA practical tests? Email inquiries here
College of DuPage seeks full-time, tenure track faculty member/s to teach Aviation courses starting in Fall, 2021. Faculty duties include classroom instruction, assessment, curriculum development, advising students, professional inquiry, committee work and engaging with instructional technology.

Teaching responsibilities may include both stand-alone developmental writing courses and co-requisite, accelerated, or paired sections of developmental and first-year college writing. Teaching assignments may include various delivery modes, such as face-to-face, on-line, hybrid and/or blended formats during days, evenings and weekends. Click here for more information.
Flight Instructor Wanted - Potential to Transition to SIC Charter Work in Navajo
Teach basic and advanced flight and ground training with university affiliated school in Tobyhanna, PA at Moyer Aviation. If interested, contact
International CFIs Available to Work
International CFIs available to work immediately with two years of work authorization in the United States. Most of the candidates have both CFI and CFII. Please contact Brett Hart (503) 726-8378 or email if you have any openings.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida  Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school. We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team! Email resume to
Flight School Needs Cessna 172 Aircraft Ocean City, Maryland
If you have Cessna 172 aircraft that might be useable in a flight training program, contact Mike at to discuss possibilities.
Practical Test Feedback
Email Feedback Concerns about FAA Practical Tests to:

Tell us what is important to you as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments in an upcoming edition of Flight Training News. Send your thoughts to
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B U I L D E R •• P A R T N E R S
L E A D E R •• P A R T N E R S
Established in 2009, the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is the first and only association of its kind dedicated solely to the flight training industry. FSANA represents flight schools, firms that provide products and services to the flight training or aviation industry, and other supporting partners.

The Mission of the Flight School Association is to support, promote and advocate for the business of flight training; to provide knowledge, programs and services that help its members thrive and better serve their customers and communities; to foster best business practices; to educate and inspire youth; to increase the global pilot population; to improve general aviation safety; and to work in alliance with the aviation and aerospace industry. / 610-791-4359 /