New Chair, Vice-Chair and Board Member appointed to CIAC Board of Directors
At its October 20 Board of Directors meeting, CIAC welcomed Tyler Edgington, President and Hydrocarbons Director, Dow Chemical Canada ULC, as its new Chair of the Board of Directors and Helder Botelho, Head of Operations Canada, Lanxess Canada as Vice-Chair.

CIAC welcomes new member Diamond Petrochemicals Canada and new Plastics Division members Nexeo Plastics and Scotty Manufacturing 
CIAC was also delighted to welcome several new members that were officially approved at its October 20 Board meeting. Diamond Petrochemicals Canada Corp. (DPCC) has joined the CIAC as full members and Nexeo Plastics and have joined the CIAC’s Plastics Division, further expanding membership across all areas of Canada’s chemistry and plastic value chains.

CIAC report: Chemistry and Plastics: Solutions4 building a net-zero future 
The federal government committed to the goal of net-zero emissions for all of Canada by 2050. Read how our members will help Canada achieve net zero emissions by advancing a circular economy, supporting Canada’s hydrogen strategy, making the products that help all Canadians reduce their emissions and investing in innovation.

CIAC welcomes federal cabinet ministers 
CIAC offers our congratulations to Canada’s new and returning federal cabinet ministers.

Congratulations to Canada’s Safest Chemistry Employer, BASF Canada
In a virtual ceremony October 21, the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada has delighted to present Canada’s Safest Chemistry Employer award to BASF Canada.

CIAC Presents: Canada’s Natural Resources of Tomorrow  
On November 3 at 12 noon (ET) join the Montreal Economic Institute with panelists Isabelle Des Chênes from CIAC, Kate Lindsay from Forest Products Association of Canada, Pierre Gratton of the Mining Association of Canada and Bob Larocque of the Canadian Fuels Association for a discussion on the future of natural resources in Canada and how the private sector can contribute to sustainable innovation, the move towards a circular economy, and the post-COVID green recovery.

John Ivison: Welcome to Justin Trudeau's no-growth cabinet

How dangerous could Steven Guilbeault's appointment be to Canada's economic and political future? We are about to find out It is absurd that at a time when Canada's energy exports look set to top their all-time peak, Justin Trudeau has appointed...

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Manitoba loses legal challenge against federal carbon...

The Manitoba government has lost a two-year-long court battle against the federal government's carbon pricing plan. A Federal Court judge has rejected Manitoba's argument that Ottawa should not have imposed an escalating minimum price on carbon,...

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B.C. unveils latest plan to meet climate action targets, ...

B.C. Premier John Horgan released his government's latest plan to meet its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 on Monday, even as new data shows pollution levels steadily rising since the climate action target was set 14 years ago.

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Canada plastics pact members have 'eyes wide open' on...

The report called for attention on flexible packaging, noting that the pact will "urgently galvanize" partners and others "to build a comprehensive plan for addressing the complex challenge of flexible plastic packaging."

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