I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.
- Billy Joel

"Happy September Everyone!!

It’s hard to believe this year is more than halfway over. WOW! School is back in session, people are doing their best to have a “schedule” again. We are all really trying to get back to “normal”. 

As we all know, this virus is not over and we are still facing an unknown future. We here at FMAA have HOPE that as more and more people are able to get vaccinated, we will begin to settle into our lives with ease and confidence. We are still adhering to all the necessary precautions to keep our facility clean and safe for our students and staff.

We are thankful to be continuing to make music here at our Academy. Thankful for all of our teachers and thankful for YOU! Everyday that I walk through the hallways and hear the sounds of music being made, my heart jumps for joy…which brings me to our ANNIVERSARY SHOWCASE EXTRAVAGANZA!!!
Five years ago we celebrated our transition from “The Voice Shop” to “Fresno Music Academy & Arts”. For 18 years, The Voice Shop was a thriving vocal school. Five years ago, my husband John Alden and I, expanded our physical space and grew this school to what it is today…a “full service” Music school that I am so very proud of.

We are so excited and are throwing a party along with our “Almost Fall” Student Showcase.  We have secured the Bank of America parking Lot for Sunday September 26th. We are going to have a stage and sound for our performers, Food, Games. Prizes and more! 

Sign up to perform in the Showcase and MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

This event will be open to the public so invite your friends and family. We will have tours of our school available for interested new students. If you invite a friend and they sign up we will enter you into our referral contest.



Fresno Music Academy & Arts is giving away one music stand a month!

We know that you have what it takes to get the most of out your practice time! Having the right equipment at home is so important! So, each month we are giving away one music stand valued at $35

Each time you show up to your lesson in person, write your name on the slip of paper provided and enter to win! You may enter each week that you come in! The more you show up, the better your chances are of winning!

Good luck! 

Attention, students! Fresno Music Academy & Arts is looking for MODELS! Just contact our office to confirm a time slot, and we'll set up a professional shoot just for you! You'll also get access to digital copies! You could be included in our promotional materials that we use to showcase our amazing school and students...

*shoots may not occur until late August or early September
It’s ROCK, not BACH!

Yes thats right! Hearts on Fire, Fresno’s ONLY Rock-n-Roll Choir is back at it! Established in 2014, Hearts on Fire is getting ready to perform their 8th annual concert on Friday Night November 19th at the Big Red Church at 7:00PM! 

The tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Fresno Music Academy and Arts or, go to and search for Hearts on Fire “Together Again”
Hearts on Fire is a unique choir made up of people of all ages, faiths and economic and cultural backgrounds. What brings this family together…and yes, it is a family…is their love of singing!

Led by director Debi Ruud, this years concert will be a “Greatest Hits” concert. Because of the Pandemic, rehearsals started late in the season so the group decided on doing a “Best Of” show! The last time they performed, in November of 2019, they sang to a packed house at the Big Red Church. 

The money that this concert generates via ticket sales and a silent auction, goes towards music scholarships for students.

We hope you can come, buy your tickets today!

Thursday, Sept. 2nd

Fresno Music Academy & Arts and The Doris Gallery are pleased to show illustrations from digital artist Jordan Roberts, a Fresno State Theatre Arts graduate and Tulare resident.

His exhibition will include pages from his comics as well as illustrations from his film reviews! Join us for Art Hop, or stop by to see the work during regular business hours at the school throughout the month of September.

With special musical guests: Fire and Rain,
featuring Debi Ruud and the Les Nunes Band.

See you on September 2nd!

Have you heard about our OPEN MIC NIGHT at FMAA? This event is FREE and open to ANY FMAA student every 3rd Saturday of the month!

This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn to power through stage fright before a showcase, or to simply gain experience! We hope to see you there...

Start thinking up a melody, because our annual songwriting competition is about to begin! *Open to central valley.

This year's theme is Friendship, and the deadline is October 24th, so you have all the time you need to get a submission ready!

We encourage current students to participate, especially! This is a wonderful opportunity to make a name for yourself, and show off those talents! You may ask your current teacher for inspiration, if you wish. Click below!


That's right! The Emmy Award-winning 1970’s Saturday morning cartoon series that taught history, grammar, math & more through clever and tuneful songs is 
   coming to Fresno Music Academy & Arts!

Register your name/email with us for updates!

We have a new referral offer starting... NOW! People who refer and get someone to sign up will be put into a December drawing! The prize is two tickets to Roger Rocka’s Dinner & Show!

Do you know anyone who would benefit from music lessons? This is the most rewarding way to help Fresno Music Academy & Arts! All you have to do is fill out a short form...
For the benefit of new and existing students, we've created a VIRTUAL TOUR of Fresno Music Academy & Arts.

The London Symphony Orchestra was booked to travel on the Titanic's maiden voyage, but they changed boats at the last minute.

Baritone Leonard Warren died on stage at The Met in 1960 just as he had finished singing Verdi's 'Morir, Tremenda Cosi' ('To Die, a Momentous Thing').
 If you still have technical difficulties or memorization mistakes, by playing through your pieces you are simply ingraining those mistakes into your muscle memory. It will be twice as hard to get rid of those mistakes in the long run. Perfect small sections of your piece and then string a few small sections together to make a longer section.
We appreciate your commitment to helping Fresno Music Academy & Arts grow! Music should be shared with everyone. Thank you!
We're so happy to have you!
Evangelyn D.
Rosa L.
Ana A.
Atianna M.
Carolina R.
Lillyana R.
Terilynn E.
Helen H.
Katie G.
Rafael H.
Latasha T.
Sebastian C.
Mauricio G.
Natalie M.
Fidel C.
Gissela S.
Serina G.
Melissa R.
Luke W.
Hailey W.
Andrea W.
Roxy M.
Tyler M.
Christina C.
Sumeir K.
Mauro C.
Ashley G.
Music is the Universal Language. We at Fresno Music Academy & Arts believe deeply that music is a way to spread love and peace into this world. We help do that everyday, by teaching music to children and adults from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Monday - Friday, 10AM-7PM and Saturday, 9AM-3PM
Opening Sundays SOON!

We offer lessons in: Voice, piano, guitar, bass, ukulele, drums, violin, flute, clarinet, and a recognized early childhood music program MUSIC FUNTIME.

559-222-SING (7464)

1298 N. Wishon Ave.
Fresno, CA 93728