The 8:30 a.m. Chapel service has resumed.

Worship Reminder: We need to remember our Safety Guidelines when coming and leaving the church service, as Covid-19 is still with us. Please remember when you arrive to take your seat and remain seated, not speaking to others in groups. Also, when leaving the service, please remember to leave starting with the back pews of the church and moving forward. Please leave the building and not congregate in the rear of the sanctuary. We must continue with these guidelines for the safety of all of our members. Be sure to stay home if you don't feel well.
Thank you.

Weekly Announcements:

Time Change Saturday 10/31 - set your clocks back one hour.

Zoom Sunday School: Sundays 1:00 pm

Handbell choir rehearsals Wednesdays 6:30
Zoom Small Group Meeting by Age: 50's Oct. 30

Education Team Meeting Sunday, Nov. 1

Worship Committee Meeting Sunday, Nov. 8

  • The Education Team of Prospect United Methodist Church is pleased to announce that we will begin offering in-person Sunday School on Sunday November 1, 2020. We will have 3 classrooms: PK-1st, 2nd-4th, and 5th-7th grades. Please read the guidelines sent in a previous email. Contact Christa Zaldivar if your family intends to attend in-person Sunday School or if you would like to continue Virtual Sunday School.
call/text 917-386-8599

Trick or Treat for UNICEF looks a little different this year! Our Sunday School children will not be carrying those little orange boxes around. Instead we have a virtual collection box! Please consider making a safe donation to UNICEF on our page from now until 10/31/20.

Please share with your family and friends!

Prayer Request

Dolores Ricker, Gloria Cassidy, Lindsay Anderson, Barbara Fasci, Colleen Shover, Leo & Lou Loren/ Ray Downing / Olive/ Stacey Duncan, Ericka Charette and Cassidy and Garrett Plourde.