Candidate Climate Forum Recap, Upcoming Events, PUC Update, Spotlight Organization, and More!
"As it turns out, good planets are hard to find."
Recap: Boulder City Council Candidate Forums
Thanks to all of you who submitted questions and attended the candidate forums on climate and energy! It was a great opportunity for us and the candidates to find out what our community finds important - and how up to speed the candidates were on the topics.
If you missed the forums, you can watch the videos below.
October 7, 2021: HERE
October 11, 2021: HERE
Upcoming Event: Xcel ERP Study Session
This will be our last study group before we begin doing more general public training sessions in late November for the public hearing which has been scheduled for Thursday December 2, 2021.
What: Xcel ERP Study Session
When: Monday, October 25, 7:00 pm
Where: Virtual, Join HERE
Upcoming Event: Fossil Free Future Day of Action
Join youth around the world, including the Colorado Youth Climate Coalition in Denver, for a fossil-free future! The youth in Denver will meet at 9 am for a rally and march, stopping along the way at the Federal Reserve, where adults can join 350CO for a solidarity action.
What: Fossil Free Future Day of Action
When: Friday, October 29
Where: Denver
Upcoming Event: EOF Empower Hour with John Farrell
Join Empower Our Future for a presentation on energy democracy by John Farrell, co-director of the Institute for Local Self Reliance.
What: Energy Democracy Empower Hour
When: Thursday, November 11, 6:00 pm
Where: Virtual, Registration Link Coming Soon,
See EOF's Events Page HERE
Upcoming Event: CRES Federal Climate Policy Update
Join Colorado Renewable Energy Society's Metro Denver chapter for a federal climate policy update.
What: Federal Climate Policy Update
When: Thursday, November 18, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Virtual, Register HERE
CDPHE Whistleblower Update
An independent investigation, ordered by the Colorado Attorney General's office, of whistleblower complaints against the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has concluded. It unfortunately did not substantiate the whistleblowers' claims or call for division reform. Read more HERE. However, it did find APCD director Garry Kaufman in conflict of interest regarding a gold mine permit and he has been reassigned to another position in the division. More on his reassignment HERE. The original EPA complaint is still ongoing.
Can We Get Big Utilities to Outdo Each Other?
Tri-State Generation and Transmission has a 70% renewables, 80% carbon-reduction goal by 2030. Xcel's was initially the same but increased this year to 80% renewables, 85% carbon reduction. Tri-State says it can't do any better, but we think it can!
Conversely, Tri-State is reducing costs by 2% over the next year while Xcel is requesting a 13% increase. With well over $500 million in profits every year, we think Xcel can match Tri-State and lower rates. Cleaner and cheaper? Absolutely!
Get Inspired! Listen to Leslie Glustrom on the Power Flow Podcast
CEA's Leslie Glustrom gave an inspiring interview on Amy Simpkins' Power Flow podcast, check it out HERE.
Amy Simpkins is the CEO of muGrid Analytics (muGrid = microgrid) and host of the new Power Flow podcast, which strives to amplify diverse voices in clean energy. Check out the other episodes HERE.
PUC Update
The Colorado PUC established public comment hearings for Xcel’s 2020 rate case (great way for customers to share their opinions!), and evidentiary hearings for Xcel’s 2022 rate case.
The PUC adopted revised Distribution System Planning rules, requiring new plans which support distributed solar and other technology.
A recent study by the DOE demonstrated over $2 billion in benefits if a Western Regional Transmission Organization.
A more complete summary of PUC activities can be found HERE.
What We Are Reading
Largest Behind-the-Meter Solar Project in US Completed in Pueblo
300 MW will serve nearly 100% of the power needed for the Evraz steel mill. Read all about it HERE.
Colorado “Nutrition Labels” on Construction Materials Will Flag Carbon Instead of Fat, Salt, and Sugar
"Embodied carbon," or how much CO2 was produced while making a product, is now required to be displayed on building materials thanks to a new Colorado law. See more details HERE.
Western Utilities Exploring Market Options
The Western Markets Exploratory Group, which includes Platte River Power Authority, Xcel Energy Colorado, and Black Hills Energy, are exploring some of the solutions that would be considered in a Regional Transmission Organization. Dive a little deeper HERE.
Personal Action is Not Enough, Part 2
This is the business version: corporate sustainability. Like personal accountability, it is at best a small piece of the puzzle and at worst a distraction from systemic change. Businesses need to stop blocking advances in climate policy at a minimum and actually push for policies that will make a significant impact. For more, read Big Pivots' Q&A with Auden Schendler on why voluntary action just isn't enough HERE and The Complicity of Corporate Sustainability HERE.
Spotlight on Organizations That Do Great Work
We came up with a better title and this month's organization, Cultivando, is very fitting. They have been a driving force behind holding Suncor accountable for its permit violations and harm to the environment. Earlier this year, they won funding for a year-long research project, Air Quality Investigation and Research for Equity (AIRE), to monitor air quality and health affects in the Commerce City, Globeville, and Elyria-Swansea communities.
More broadly, this is Cultivando's mission and vision for the frontline communities they serve:
"Cultivando is an organization that serves the Latino community in Adams County and focuses on community leadership to advance health equity through advocacy, collaboration, and policy change."
"Our work is based on our organizational values of community-led work, social justice, and collaborative leadership. We firmly believe that all people have the power to maintain fair and equitable systems and to ensure opportunities for their communities to thrive."
Be sure to check them out HERE!
Thank you for everything you do on behalf of our climate!
- The Clean Energy Action Team
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