October 29 , 2020

Pastor Donna’s Blog

What Would Jesus Say?

Lance Wallnou wrote:

What would Jesus love to tell you that He can’t tell you because you simply can’t handle the conversation?

At the last supper: “I have many things to share but you cannot bear them now.”  -Jesus

Just days before our presidential election, I wonder how you would answer that question.

Maybe He’d say:

Your comfortable American way of doing church will be shaken to the core in light of our current circumstances.

There is hope.

I love you.

Walk closer with me.

Pray without ceasing.

Nothing. Everything.

This is such a thought provoking question. I’m still answering it. Take time to think about this question this week. Let the Holy Spirit speak into your life.

On the journey,
Pastor Donna
Watch Worship LIVE on FACEBOOK
Your Phase Forward Team has been working diligently preparing for the opening of Sunday Worship Services within our Sanctuary. Understandably it may feel a bit different going forward and if you feel it is too soon for you to join, that's ok.

God has given the world of technology and we are so grateful for the opportunity to continue to 'be' with each other via Zoom. We are planning on changing our social media platform to Facebook live streaming and YouTube instead of Zoom so that we may reach a wider community in Bethel and beyond. Zoom will continue to be the platform for meetings and the coffee hour. If you don't follow the church on Facebook here is how you can find us:

Be sure to like and share our page with all your friends! They will get notified when we have an event!

If you do not have a Facebook account and need help setting that up, please call the office and speak to Heather and let her know so we can help you. Finally, if Facebook isn't your thing, the service will be on YouTube posted to our website to watch after Sunday morning at your convenience.

The Phase-In Team
The Book of Remembrance and Whitcomb Music Fund gifts will be
recognized on November 8, 2020
during the regular church worship.  
Donations must be received by November 1st to be included. 

Donations can be sent to the church office or online. Please complete the information below as to the designation of your gift.
Thank you. The Book of Remembrance Committee.
Gift to the Book of Remembrance:

In Memory of: ________________________________

In Honor of: __________________________________

Given by:
Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Acknowledgement of gift sent to:
 Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________

Gift to the Whitcomb Music Fund:

In Memory of: _________________________________________________________

In Honor of: _________________________________________________________

Given by:

Address: __________________________________________________

Acknowledgement of gift sent to:
Name: _________________________________________________________
Apart We Are Together

Church Family-

Happy Fall! Kids are going back to school, some are home working other are taking on a new world! We are all still adapting our lives and adjusting to doing thing a bit differently.

We would love to see what you and your family have changed in your lives. Send us your pictures, tell what unexpected blessing has come out of this transition.

We are in this together and we hope to come together in person soon!

Stewardship Message

Thank you to all of you who are keeping up with your pledges and donations by mailing in your Sunday offerings or using the
online giving process with the link below. God's work, especially during this difficult time in the history of the human race, will test us all and will need our financial support. Those of you who are having financial difficulty during this time, keep the Faith, God will provide.

Be Safe!
Board of Stewardship

The Church office is open by appointment and Wednesday 9am-12pm. Church Secretary will be working remotely Monday and Friday. If you are you in need of assistance or know someone that is please email our church secretary and we will be happy to assist.