We all hope that you and your family are all well and safe.

Your Board of Directors would like to inform you of the Covid-19 related changes that will impact our 2020 Annual Meeting. As you know, normally we would all be at The Mountain Club on the weekend of November 13th. Mandated Social Distancing requires more space. The Hancock Room will not accommodate our usual number of Homeowners.  

We are excited that technology can make it possible for this year's meeting to be a VIRTUAL MEETING. The only way that you will be able to attend the meeting is via an internet connection and there will be no voting at the meeting. All voting will take place via the proxy votes.

The Annual Meeting Notice, Budget, Résumés for Directors, and Proxy information will be arriving in your mail very soon. In order for our virtual meeting to achieve a quorum, we need proxy votes for at least 117 of the quartershares to be returned prior to the meeting. Please be on the lookout for the proxy letter that will arrive at your home via US Mail.

We will be giving away door prizes. Proxy numbers from returned proxies will be used for the prize drawings. Winners will be announced during the meeting. Some winners from last year (2019) still have prizes in my office to be redeemed.

The Board is setting up a private email to allow you to email them with any questions or concerns that you have. The email will be a link from your Owners' Login Page: 

Countless hours have already been put in by some Board members to make this year's Annual Meeting happen on schedule. We are excited to bring the meeting to you and hope you participate with us on November 14th beginning
at 9:00 am. 

We all hope that we see each other at The Mountain Club for our meeting in November of 2021, but let's make this virtual meeting work!
Please remain safe.

Jeffrey O. McIver