July 2021
Happy Independence Day
What 4th of July would be complete without a patriotic tune? Davis orchestra leader and virtual orchestra editor Michael Silva presents us with a song honoring our country's history with "The Star Spangled Banner." Standing with your hand over your heart while listening is not required but recommended.
Spring Virtual Concert
This season's virtual concert has premiered, but thanks to the magic of online performances you can still see it - or see it again! Join the Virtual Guitar Orchestra, the Davis Guitar Orchestra, and Duo7 as they present a concert full of songs that are classic, contemporary, and exotic.

The concert is free to all and available any time, but a donation of $10 per viewer is appreciated. We hope you enjoy the show!
Orchestra Rehearsals Resuming
Quarantine restrictions are lifting and many guitarists are eager to return to rehearsals. After many board meetings and consultations with the relevant authorities, Sacramento Guitar Society is proud to announce the return of our Community Guitar Orchestra rehearsals in August!

Why not July? In addition to a desire to lessen the potential impact of COVID-19, we are also working on making some changes to the structure of the Community Guitar Orchestras. While we will be maintaining the current 2-level format, we are incorporating some changes that we hope will help to challenge our more proficient members while still being accessible for those who are less skilled or still learning. Watch for an email from the orchestra leadership and changes to the orchestra web pages in the coming days.

If you are not already a member of the orchestra and want to join, click the image above or the button below to fill out our orchestra candidate form. Note that the orchestra meets in-person, so please consider your transportation needs accordingly.
The Sacramento Guitar Society has partnered with another nonprofit organization, Guitars4Vets, to help our Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) achieve healing thru the power of music.

Thanks to a grant from the California Art Council, we are able to extend the private guitar lessons they receive from Guitars4Vets by an additional 10 weeks. But these grants require matching donations from our community. Read more here and donate for this GREAT cause.
Join the Board
Want to help Sacramento Guitar Society grow and continue our awesome programs? Do you have skills, talents, or other resources that could help us out? The board of directors needs you! Some of the skills we need are:
  • Legal Expertise
  • Program Director
  • Guitar donation pickup, storage & inventory

Click the link below to let us know how you would like to help SGS continue our mission of sharing the art of guitar!
Keep the Music Going
Have you been enjoying watching or participating in the Virtual Guitar Orchestra concerts? The Sacramento Guitar Society's Community Guitar Orchestras are funded by the Artists in Communities grant from the California Arts Council.

This grant requires matching funds in order for us to maintain eligibility, so please consider making a donation. The grant helps us offer the Virtual Guitar Orchestra program and will and ensure that the in-person orchestras return when the pandemic is over. Your donations are tax-deductible.
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Sacramento Guitar Society | (916) 572-7464 |