Sonoma Water E-News | February 2023
Water Supply Levels Update: Reservoirs Replenished, Drought is Now Moderate
Recent rains have significantly improved our water storage at Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. The U.S. Drought Monitor has officially moved our county's status from 'severe' to 'moderate' drought.  
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) have increased water storage capacity at Lake Mendocino by managing reservoir levels based on high-resolution weather forecast data. This innovative program is known as Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO). Water releases by the USACE from Lake Mendocino (pictured here)are necessary to prevent floods downstream due to potential incoming storms and to sustain Russian River Watershed wildlife. 
While reservoirs water supply are recovering, it’s still important to save water. The Russian River watershed depends on rainfall for water supply. We need rain to reach our average rainfall for this time of the year. Other regions of California get water from the Sierra snowpack and the State Water Project. Every drop we save now will be available in the summer when it’s needed for people, plants and wildlife. 
Infrastructure Investments Build Resilience

When we invest in our infrastructure, we are investing in our resilience for generations to come. Aging underground pipes are at risk to seismic forces. The Russian River Crossing and Mark West Creek Crossing Project is designed to protect against liquefaction and lateral spread in the event of an earthquake. .  
To mitigate risk, we have installed a 48-inch Russian River Cotati inner tie, a replacement that crosses the Russian River at about ten feet deep, and ensures that water will continue to flow from our water facilities to customers in the event of an earthquake.  
Sonoma Water invests in our aging infrastructure to provide safe and secure water. Watch this video to learn more about this project: 
Groundwater Supply Takes Time to Recover
Our recent heavy rains have quickly filled our local reservoirs, but even record rainfall is not enough to replenish our depleted groundwater basins after the driest three-year period on record in California. With our changing climate, we expect to see quick shifts between opposing weather conditions - from drought to floods. Compared to filling reservoirs, it takes much longer for rainfall to percolate underground to fill our aquifers. 
Sonoma Water is conducting groundwater banking studies to explore the possibility for recharging local aquifers during the rainy season. The results of the pilot project, known as the Aquifer Storage and Recovery project (ASR), were promising showing that groundwater levels increased, and the water quality remained good. Sonoma Water’s ASR is the first of its kind in the North Bay region, and its success provides a blueprint for future projects.  
To ensure sustainable groundwater management in the Sonoma County, Sonoma Water helped establish three Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (Santa Rosa Plain, Petaluma Valley and Sonoma Valley) These three agencies each submitted a 20-year Groundwater Sustainability Plan to the California Department of Water Resources, which were all approved last month.  
Keep up the good work, and continue to save water! There is never enough to waste. 
The Lake Sonoma Steelhead Festival is Back after a Two-Year Hiatus

We invite you to join us for this free celebration of the annual Steelhead migration on Saturday, February 11, from 10 AM – 4 PM on the grounds of the Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma. Sonoma Water joins the Friends of Lake Sonoma, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife to host the festival, which is, as always, a “rain or shine” event.

The free 2023 celebration will focus on educating young and old alike on environmental stewardship, preservation of natural resources and protection of threatened and endangered species. Local band Solorio will perform, community organizations and small businesses will offer exhibits and activities for all ages, and food and drink will be available for purchase. Bring the whole family!
Public Tour: Exploring Lake Sonoma
(Program will be led in Spanish)

Lake Sonoma is Sonoma Water's largest reservoir and helps store drinking water, prevent flooding, and has a salmon hatchery. During this tour, we’ll learn more about Lake Sonoma and the local wildlife such as bald eagle, common merganser and salmon. We'll also see how “mussel-sniffing dogs” inspect boats before entering the lake to prevent mussels from invading our drinking water system.

Date: March 4, 2023
Time: 8:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Transportation: Free transportation will be provided. Space is limited to the first people who sign up.
Registration is required on the LandPaths website
Get Ready to Chase Down Sneaky Leaks!

Toilet leaks are often silent and can waste hundreds of gallons of water each day, making the toilet the number one cause for a high-water bill. Each year the Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense Program, promotes Fix a Leak Week, March 20 through March 26, 2023, as a reminder to annually look for and repair leaks around the house. This year the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership is encouraging residents to find and fix toilet leaks by sponsoring the Dye Tab Challenge through March 31, 2023.

To join the Dye Tab Challenge, check your toilets for leaks and submit your results for a chance to win a $25 Visa Gift Card.

Follow these simple steps to check your toilets for leaks:
Next, submit your leak test results before March 31, 2023. To be eligible to win a $25 Visa Gift Card you must be at least 18 years old and a resident of Sonoma County whose water is supplied by California American Water – Larkfield, City of Cloverdale, City of Cotati, City of Healdsburg, City of Petaluma, City of Rohnert Park, City of Santa Rosa, City of Sonoma, Valley of the Moon Water District, Town of Windsor. Or a resident of Marin County whose water is supplied by North Marin Water District or Marin Water.

Checking your toilets for leaks at least once a year is a great way to cut down on water waste and high-water bills. Shopping for a new toilet? Check with your water provider to see if rebates are available when switching from a 1.6 gallon per flush toilet or greater to a 0.8 gallon per flush.

For more information on ways to save water:
High School Video Contest: How Has Drought Impacted You or Your Community?

Sonoma Water and the Russian River Watershed Association invite students to share their story, voice their ideas, and help educate the public about building drought resiliency within our communities.

For this contest, students attending high school in Sonoma, Mendocino, or northern Marin counties create a 55-second public service announcement video addressing one or both of this year’s prompts:

·       How has drought impacted you or your community?
·       How can we be more resilient to drought?

All three winning videos will receive a cash prize, will be featured on local channel 22 Northern California Public Media, and celebrated at our Student Showcase in May at the Advanced Energy Center in downtown Santa Rosa. For inspiration, view the winning videos from last year and then review the details on how to participate.

The submission deadline is 8:00 PM on Monday, April 17, 2023.
Sonoma Water owns and manages a fleet vehicles for agency use. This includes many energy efficient hybrid and electric cars and trucks. Here’s our newest electric car that just rolled in!
Rainfall and Water Storage Update

Current water supply conditions as of 2/6/2023:  

Lake Mendocino Target Water Supply Curve: 79,932 acre-feet
Current Storage: 80,795 acre-feet (118.12% of Target Water Supply Curve)

Lake Sonoma Target Storage Curve: 245,000 acre-feet
Current Storage: 238,610 acre-feet (98.2% of Water Supply Pool)

Current rainfall conditions (10/1/22 – 2/5/23)  

Average (1894-2022 water years): 22.35”
Current Water Year: 26.72” which is 119% of average

Santa Rosa:
Average (1950-2022 water years): 18.60"
Current Water Year: 25.91” which is 139% of average
Upcoming Events

The Board normally holds its regular meetings on Tuesdays, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and will be facilitated virtually through Zoom and at Board of Supervisors Chambers (BSC) 575 Administration Drive 102A.

•February 21, Virtual/
Special Meeting
•February 27, Virtual/Closed Session
•February 28, BSC/Virtual
•March 1 BSC/Virtual Special Meeting
•March 7 BSC/Virtual
•March 14 BSC/Virtual

Board Agendas: 

Please visit for additional information and resources
Fact of the Month

How much water is there on (and in) the Earth? 

If all of Earth's water (oceans, icecaps and glaciers, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and water in the atmosphere was put into a sphere, then the diameter of that water ball would be about 860 miles (about 1,385 kilometers), a bit more than the distance between Salt Lake City, Utah to Topeka, Kansas. The volume of all water would be about 332.5 million cubic miles (mi3), or 1,386 million cubic kilometers (km3). A cubic mile of water equals more than 1.1 trillion gallons. A cubic kilometer of water equals about 264 billion gallons (1 trillion liters).

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water.

Employment Opportunities

Sonoma Water has job openings for people with a variety of skills and experience.

Sonoma Water | 404 Aviation Blvd, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 |