Volume #4| February 6th, 2023 | |
Week 4: You're doing great! |
As the semester is kicking up, we just want to remind you that you're doing great! Keep putting in the work!
For PDF versions of archived, visit the IME website or click this link. | |
Here's what's in this weeks IME Newsletter:
- QTBIPOC Community Circle (Feb. 6th)
- First Generation Lunch (Feb. 8th)
- Black History Month Dinner & Keynote Speaker: Taylor Stewart (Feb. 8th)
- Mentor Takeover: Movie Night & Discussion (Feb 10th)
- Neurodivergent BIPOC Community Circle (Feb. 15th)
- 4th Year Pathway (Feb. 18th)
- Be an IME Mentor!
- Social Justice Tour (Feb. 17th)
- Interested in Queer Music?
- Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Month Planning Committee
- 2023 IME J.E.D.I. Awards Nominations
- Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates Workshop (Feb 22nd)
Community Events
- Celebrate Black History Month with a Beat!
- Taiko Drumming Club (Coming Soon)
- Gender Studies Symposium Community Meeting
- Peer Collective Summit
Spiritual Life & Wellness
- The Let Out (Feb 9th)
- Student-Led Praise Worship (Feb. 17th)
- Gender Studies Symposium Call for Art!
- Resident Advisor (RA) Applications Open
- Alumni Leadership Applications
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QTBIPOC Community Circle
Monday, February 6th
@5:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: IME Suite (3rd Floor of Templeton)
Join other Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous People of Color (QTBIPOC) in community while we discuss our experiences on and off campus and whatever other topics you would like in the IME Suite on Monday, February 6th at 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
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First-Generation Lunch
Wednesday, February 8th
Location: IME Suite (3rd Floor of Templeton)
Join IME and the Center for Social Change and Community Involvement for our First-Generation lunch! Come mix and mingle with other first-generation students, staff and faculty. *While there are many definitions, L&C considers first-generation as neither parents (or guardians) have earned a bachelor's degree.
Lunch will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 8th from 12-1pm in the IME Suite (3rd floor of Templeton). Please let us know you plan to come by Feb 6th so we know how much pizza to get!
Questions? Email IME at multicultural@lclark.edu.
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Black History Month Dinner & Keynote Speaker: Taylor Stewart
Wednesday, February 8th
Location: Smith Hall
Save the date for IME's Black History Month dinner and keynote: Taylor Stewart on Wednesday, February 8th from 6:30-8pm in Smith Hall. RSVP is appreciated.
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Mentor Takeover: Movie Night & Discussion
Friday, February 10th
Location: IME Suite
Join us for the first Mentor takeover! The movie showing will be in the IME Suite (3rd floor of Templeton). Come in your comfy clothes! Snacks will be provided. Please RSVP to let us know if you're coming!
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Neurodivergent BIPOC Community Circle
Wednesday, February 15th
Location: IME Suite (3rd floor of Templeton)
Join other Neurodivergent* Black, Indigenous People of Color(BIPOC) to discuss our intersectional experiences on- and off-campus on Wednesday, February 15th at 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the IME Suite.
*Neurodivergent: anyone differing in mental/neurological function from what is considered typical or normal.
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4th Year Pathway
Saturday, February 18th
Location: Graduate School York Building 101
Hello fourth+ year students.
You are invited to IME's 4th Year Pathway Program on Saturday, February 18th from 11am-5pm at the graduate school York Building 101. It is a day long event where students in their fourth+ year at L&C gain tips and tricks that will help them navigate life after college. We will provide lunch and snacks.
RSVP Deadline: Wednesday, February 15th
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Be an IME Mentor!
IME is seeking YOU!
Apply to be an IME Great Expectation (GE) Mentor for the next school year (2023-24).
The deadline is Sunday, February 12th.
To learn more, please see the application linked above. Questions can be emailed to Joann (joannz@lclark.edu).
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Social Justice Tour
Friday, February 17th
@ 1:00pm
Meet Location: Front of the Frank Manor House
IME is offering a social justice tour around campus! Our first tour is on February 17th, and we leave from the front of the Frank Manor house at 1:00 pm. Tours last about an hour, and cover many aspects of Lewis and Clark College's history, from its founding to more recent social movements. All are welcome to attend!
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IME and the Music Department are considering hosting a Queer Electronica, which would be a showcase of queer students' and local artists' works of electronic music. If you are interested in attending, showcasing, or planning please fill out the following form.
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Asian Pacific Islander (API) Month Planning Committee
The Inclusion & Multicultural Engagement (IME) office is looking for Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander/Desi self-identifying students, faculty, staff, and allies alike to join the API Peoples' Heritage Month Planning Committee.
This committee is tasked to celebrate and honor API Heritage Month through the months of April and May with special programming and events.
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2023 IME J.E.D.I. Award Nominations
The Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement (IME) office is excited to begin receiving nominations for our Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Awards, which are given to CAS students, staff, and faculty who have demonstrated a high level of commitment towards J.E.D.I. in their work, school projects and day-to-day actions.
Much of the work done around justice, equity, diversity and inclusion are sometimes unseen and sometimes difficult to quantify. Therefore, it is important to take a moment and reflect on the contributions made by our community members, no matter how big or small, seen or unseen. With your nomination, we are able to recognize and celebrate the amazing work done by community members.
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Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates Workshop
Wednesday, February 22nd
Location: IME Suite
IME is hosting a Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates workshop on February 22nd at 5:30 in the IME Suite! We are serving tea and will be discussing ways to stay afloat in the face of the challenges of the system. All are welcome to attend!
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Taiko Drumming Club (Coming Soon!)
If you enjoy drumming or just having fun, this is a great way to do so! Taiko is an ancient form of Japanese percussion. It's a significant part of many celebrations and ceremonies. Taiko drummers use their whole body and spirit to play. NO EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED.
Taiko Club is still in the making. We are currently looking for a Vice President and Treasurer. Our club would likely meet once a week. Details are still being worked out.
Please feel free to reach out to kenjiy@lclark.edu with any questions.
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Gender Studies Symposium Community Meetings
Attend the Gender Studies Symposium community meetings and help play a vital role in making the symposium happen! Learn more about this exciting event and help us plan!
Our meeting dates are: February 21 and February 28.
All meetings are from 3:30 to 4:30 in Miller 414. Snacks will be provided!
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Celebrate Black History Month with a Beat
Thursday, February 23rd
@ 5:00pm -6:30pm
Location: Stamm
Join us in celebrating Black History Month (BHM) with a beat! This is an awesome opportunity to meet and mingle with alumni while also enjoying performances by prof. Alex Addy and our Cheer and Step team! Mark your calendars!
If you have any questions or want more information, email: amoralessantos@lclark.edu.
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Save the Date - March 10 & 11: Peer Collective Summit
Calling all leaders! Whether you are a current leader, an aspiring leader, or an emerging leader; we are excited to invite YOU to this year's Peer Collective Summit!
This year's theme centers around belonging, wellness, and leadership. To learn more and join us, complete this registration form. Register by March 1st at 8am is appreciated! We will be offering meals throughout the summit, awesome raffle prizes, and cool swag! Don't miss out on this once-a-year event!
- Friday, March 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm - Opening Reception (The event will be at the Cooley House with President Robin Holmes-Sullivan) - transportation will be provided at 5:30pm.
- Saturday, March 11th from 9:00am to 5:00pm - Summit (Templeton)
Questions? Concerns? Please let us know via email: andreasalyer@lclark.edu.
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Spiritual Life & Wellness
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The Let Out
Thursday, February 9th
Location: IME Suite (3rd floor of Templeton)
A safe space where BIPOC students can talk about mental health issues with a mental health professional.
Amidst the back and forth of classes and forming new relationships, it can be helpful to have a space where to gather and “let out”. This is a safe space for BIPOC students to interact, share, and gain mental health perspectives and coping tools for everyday stressors experienced at college.
Join us every second and fourth Thursday, 5:30pm in the IME Office (located on the third level of the Templeton Student Center).
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New Student-Led Praise Worship Experience Starting!
Friday, February 17th
Location: Flanagan Chapel
The Agape Experience (T.A.E) is a worship/meditation experience, fully student-led and designed. T.A.E. will happen twice a month on Fridays, 8:30-10pm, in Flanagan Chapel. In February the dates will be Feb. 3 and Feb. 17. The student leaders' goal is to provide a safe and loving environment through prayer, authentic worship, conversation, and community. The Greek word agape signifies the unconditional love of God for humans and the reciprocal human love for God. All are welcome, whether you identify as a Christian or not.
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Gender Studies Symposium Call For Art!
Dear students and community members,
You may have heard about the upcoming Gender Studies Symposium in March 2023: Bodies of Knowledge: Gender, Sex, Science, and Medicine. This year’s theme invites examination of the ways in which science and medicine interact with gender and sexuality to create knowledge, establish authority, and shape policy, and it considers how gender and sexuality shape and are shaped by our interactions with medical and scientific ideas and institutions.
This is where you come in! One important part of the symposium each year is an art exhibit composed of pieces from community members and students like you. We encourage submissions engaging with topics of gender and sexuality, with special consideration for work related to this year’s theme of science and medicine.
The exhibit will include a physical and virtual gallery, and we invite film and video submissions as well as 2D and 3D works. Since there is a virtual component of the exhibit, we suggest taking detailed and high resolution photographs of your work. You can submit artwork through this google form. The deadline for art submissions is Monday, February 6 at the end of the day.
Anyone and everyone is encouraged to submit their work! Please help spread the word to your friends, peers, and other members of the community who may be interested, and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. For more information, visit the symposium website.
We look forward to seeing your art!
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Resident Advisor (RA) Applications Now Open!
Applications due: Monday, February 6th
The Office of Campus Living is hiring for our 2023-2024 student leader team. Applications are open now and close February 6th, 2023 for new/first-time RA applicants. Position descriptions and applications can be found on our website or click the button below.
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The Alumni Leadership Scholarship is now accepting applications
Applications due: Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 at 5pm
Alumni Leadership Scholarship 2023-2024
Sponsored by the Lewis & Clark College Board of Alumni
The Alumni Leadership Scholarship recognizes outstanding students who demonstrate leadership potential and actively participate in the Lewis & Clark community. Successful candidates must want to create meaningful connections between students and alumni. Current first-year, sophomore, or junior students at Lewis & Clark College, in good academic standing, are eligible for this scholarship. This year, several scholarships in the amount of $1,200 each, $600 per semester, will be awarded. In addition, each scholar will have an opportunity to participate in alumni events and interact with the Board of Alumni to benefit career and professional development and build stronger connections with the alumni community.
It is anticipated that each recipient will take an active part in the Student Alumni Association and will serve as an ambassador between current students and alumni. The SAA ambassadors help plan and execute meaningful events for students and alumni, and increase the connections between L&C Alumni, the Board of Alumni, the office of Alumni & Parent Engagement, and current students. Students that excel as SAA Ambassadors will be considered for renewal each year until they graduate. Participation requirements begin in May 2023 and continue through May 2024
- You must be taking classes on-campus during Fall 2023.
- Attend monthly meetings, spring training/orientation, and fall retreat (Sunday, September 10, 2023).
- Co-develop one student-alumni event per semester.
- Support your team members and attend SAA sponsored events when available.
- Take a leadership role in Homecoming and Family Weekend (October 27-29, 2023)
- Ambassadors must be available during this entire weekend to help with this signature event and act as representatives of the student body to alumni and parents.
- Participate in all other major events with SAA involvement
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023.
Late applications will not be accepted. Incomplete applications will be disqualified.
For questions, and for more information, please contact:
Amanda Valley
Associate Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement
Alumni & Parent Programs
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IME Connected Program
Attend cross campus events to connect with your community through this program!
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Our door is always open!
If you want to meet with us or need a place to study, come to the IME Office on the 3rd floor of Templeton.
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Interested in submitting something to be added to the
IME Newsletter?
We know advertising is important for your clubs, organizations, and offices. The IME office loves to help spread the word of awesome events and opportunities. If you would like to submit something to be added to the IME newsletter, please fill out the form below. The IME newsletter goes out every Monday afternoon (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). All submissions to make it into the weekly newsletter must be done by Monday morning at 8 am or they will be added to the following week's newsletter.
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