Coming up on November 1
Youth Ministry
Next Sunday connect, study, serve, and have fun!
Join us next Sunday!
Sunday School @ 10:00 am
Sunday School will be back this Sunday at 10:00 am. This week we dive into the shortest book of the Old Testament, Obadiah. There's much more to it than meets the eye!

Zoom Link | Password: RUMCYouth
Youth Group @ 5:00 pm
Each week our youth group will gather at Reveille with the theme of worship, grow, serve, or play. This week is a "pray" week, so as well as some games and small groups we'll be spending some time praying over 2 of the pressing issues of the day, Covid-19 and the election next week. There will be space to ask questions, vent, pray and more. Sign up by Wednesday, October 28th to participate.

New - join us over Zoom! If you can't make it in person, or would be more comfortable participating online, you can now do that, all future youth group sessions will also be available via zoom. The password is the same as for youth Sunday School - RUMCYouth. If you do plan on Zooming, please shoot me a text/drop me an email to let me know ahead of time.
Confirmation Class
The next Confirmation class will be on Sunday, November 8th. Classes are also available via Zoom on this link. Again, the password is RUMCYouth.
Wednesday Workouts!
Ok, not the physical kinds, but on Wednesday afternoons for the next few weeks I'm going to be working outside in the picnic shelter at church, complete with mug of tea, so if you are in the area, drop by for a chat, bring a coffee if you want to, and we'll put the world to rights.

Download the My Bible app and join us in reading devotions by Josh McDowell written just for youth this year.
Sign up for Remind Texts
Get friendly reminders for all our activities by signing up for our texts through Remind app by texting @rumc-youth to 81010. This is particularly helpful for last minute changes etc.

Please complete an online youth permission form for each youth (sixth to 12th grade) in your family. The form is required for participation in youth and music ministry activities. Complete form
Youth Music
Handbells, Strings Ensemble, and Virtual Choir
Daniel and Tam Tam are both really appreciative of all of the great work that so many of you are putting in to keep our Youth Music Ministry thriving! Just to reiterate a few things that were communicated in last week's email:

* In order for the virtual choir piece "Lead Me, Lord" to be included in worship, we need a handful of additional singers to submit recordings, so please consider making a recording. It would be great to wrap this one up, so that we can move on to "Carol of the Bells" for use in the virtual Lessons & Carols service on Christmas Eve!

* Everyone involved in strings and bells, please mark your calendar for the afternoon of December 6. We will record all youth Christmas music that day. For the time being, please plan on a 3:30 call time for strings, and a 4:20 call time for bells.
Strings Ensemble (4:00 PM)

We have now started work on our awesome Christmas music! As always, everyone needs to sign up by Wednesday of each week in order to participate. This coming Sunday, Tam Tam will focus on the pieces that were begun yesterday. Daniel will start work on "We Three Kings" on November 8, so look for more details next week.
Youth Handbells (4:30 PM)

It's time for Christmas handbell music! Halla Halla! As always, you must sign up by Wednesday of each week in order to participate. It's not too late to join in, so please contact Tamara Nicely if you are interested in ringing. The bell music will be featured in our virtual Lessons & Carols service on Christmas Eve.
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Reveille United Methodist Church