The more you know who and what you are, the more who and what you are becomes mysterious to you.” ~ Adyashanti, The Awakened Connection to Soul
July 2021 News & Offerings
The Doorway to Spiritual Awakening
Peaceful lake with stones
Spiritual awakening is truly possible and can be tremendously furthered by spiritual practice and inquiry. In this month’s articles, Adya and Mukti direct us to practices that evoke the fundamental sense of “I am” as a doorway into “the essential, the universal, and the sacred.”

We also spotlight our Summer 2021 Weeklong Retreat, which offers an opportunity for a deep and sustained dive into the depths of spirituality and what it means to live our human existence in an awakened way.
“How strange it is to look deeply into one’s true nature. We can all state with certainty, ‘I am.’ That’s the starting point—not ‘I am this or that,’ but simply ‘I am.’ We have all been taught to add onto this sense of ‘I am’ various defining characteristics and evaluations. But these are secondary at best, a collection of conditioned conclusions and evaluations . . . ”
“When I consider Adya describing the sense of ‘I am’ as a doorway to the essential, the universal, and the sacred, I am reminded of some powerful self-inquiry questions he has given instruction on. In particular, he has suggested different variations on the question ‘What am I?’. . .
Adya Broadcasts

A Remembrance of Our Essential Nature (Prerecorded)

Wed, Jul 28 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Thu, Jul 29 ~ Noon PT

Go to Adyas Broadcast page or YouTube Live to watch this prerecorded broadcast. A replay will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
Mukti Broadcasts

Upcoming LIVE Broadcast!

Wed, Jul 7 ~ 6:00 pm PT

Go to Mukti’s Broadcast page or YouTube Live to watch this live broadcast. A replay will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
Summer 2021 Weeklong Online Retreat
July 19–23, 2021
Registration open through July 16

A Weeklong Online Retreat is designed to mirror the experience of Adyashanti’s in-person residential silent retreats. The schedule includes daily talks and Q&A sessions, along with several periods of guided and silent meditation. There are also bonus sessions with Mukti.

This retreat will be held in the Pacific time zone (PT) but is open to everyone. All live sessions will be available within 48 hours for replay and accessible for 30 days after the retreat.
In-Person Programs and Retreats

We have been receiving a number of inquiries regarding our plans for scheduling future in-person programs and retreats. We certainly share your desire to gather again in person. However, the health and safety of our participants remains a priority. Our intention is to resume offering in-person programs when we feel confident that we can provide an environment that encourages openness and a feeling of safety, where people can comfortably share lodging and dining together, and in which we can gather safely in close proximity to each other. For now, we will continue to monitor news and information regarding public health concerns. When we feel ready to add an in-person program to the calendar, it will be announced via email in our monthly newsletter and published on the calendar page of our website.
Visit Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s Teachings pages to access their complimentary introductory teachings, new and selected teachings, videos, audio recordings, and writings. 

New Teachings:

  • Natural Silence by Adyashanti ~ Excerpted from Embodying Your Spiritual Practice

Selected Subject of the Month:

Adya’s Library: Spiritual Awakening
Mukti’s Library: Spiritual Awakening
Complimentary Audio Downloads
Maturing Out of Ego

In this retreat talk, Adyashanti has us first recognize how ego or self-image is just thatan image we take to be solid and real. He then explores common unnoticeable workings of the “me identity” so that we may be free from its incessant and mesmerizing confinement. 
Who Am I? Revitalized

The classic question Who Am I? points directly to our true nature of being. In this talk, Mukti offers a variety of subtle perspectives on the question "Who Am I?," illuminating self-inquiry approaches which can resonate and align with each of us in a particular way.
Featured Book

The Direct Way
by Adyashanti

Every single moment contains a doorway into spiritual awakening. But what does it actually mean to “wake up” to the truth of reality? And what does it take to recognize these opportunities? 

In The Direct Way, Adyashanti offers a sequence of 30 practices intended to connect with and cultivate ever-greater awareness of the unseen dimensions of your being. 
Featured Downloads

Adyas most recent Online Broadcast

A talk from Adya's 2019 Netherlands Retreat

Adya's November 6, 2019 Online Broadcast

Adyas October 14, 2017 Santa Cruz Meeting

Mukti's most recent Online Broadcast
50% Off DVDs and CDs

We are offering an ongoing sale of our entire selection of DVDs and CDs at 50% off.

While we have these products in stock, consider getting them for yourself or others as gifts!
Sunday Community Practice
You are invited to join this ongoing community that meets live online twice a month for deep spiritual practice and inquiry. The community welcomes all who wish to meditate on a consistent basis and dedicate themselves to making enlightened living a significant priority in their lives. Single practice sessions are also available. Next session is July 11.
Check out the Community News pages of our website which include our Press Page, where you can discover projects that Adya and Mukti are doing or have participated in outside of Open Gate Sangha, such as interviews, talks, programs, podcasts, and articles. Also access our monthly News & Offerings archive.
Gatherings: The following city recently joined the growing list of Gatherings, where people come together to listen to Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s teachings.

  • London (Haringey), England
  • London (Newham), England
Gathering Hosts: Please email for the guidelines to submit a story about your Gathering to be considered for our Featured Gatherings page.
Open Gate Sangha: We stand for racial equality and social justice. We are for finding actions that speak as loudly as words, perhaps even louder than words. And, we are for creating together a more inclusive Sangha experience for everyone.

Donations: Thank you for considering a donation to Open Gate Sangha. We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Our mission is to make the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti available to all of those who feel drawn to this expression of Truth.

We now offer a recurring monthly donation service for your convenience.
Adyashanti, author of The Direct Way, Sacred Inquiry, The Most Important Thing, and The Way of Liberation is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. 

New to Adyashanti? Here’s a complimentary download of his 53-page book: The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Mukti, whose name is translated as “liberation,” is the Associate Teacher of Open Gate Sangha. Her talks point audiences back to their natural state of wholeness or undivided consciousness. For teaching excerpts, audio downloads and CDs, qi gong videos, and a calendar of Mukti’s programs, visit her website.