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February 6, 2023
Mixer this Wednesday at Sunrise Senior Living of Pleasanton
Sunrise: To champion quality of life for all seniors
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce February Networking Mixer will be hosted by Sunrise Senior Living of Pleasanton on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.

Please note - the mixer takes place upstairs in the second floor dining/activities room. Face coverings are required upon entering the building and in all common areas.

The Sunrise mission is to champion quality of life for all seniors. With easy access to Pleasanton’s historic downtown, our intimate community helps you enjoy all the the local area has to offer, as well as ways to connect you with your interests and neighbors. Visit Sunrise Senior Living of Pleasanton online, on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend.
Highlights from State of the Chamber
Hear from 2023 Chair of the Board Jill Buck how chamber members "get the job done."
Honorees, board member installation and more
Jill Buck, Go Green Initiative, was installed as Chair of the Board for 2023 for the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce at the annual State of the Pleasanton Chamber. Pleasanton Mayor Karla Brown installed Buck and the rest of the chamber's board of directors in front of a great crowd of business and city leaders in the Pleasanton community at a luncheon this week at The Club at Ruby Hill.

Pleasanton Chamber President/CEO James Cooper kicked off the event with his State of the Pleasanton Chamber address, citing strengths in many areas. "Our members use terms like, impactful, approachable, and community leaders to describe the organization." Cooper said while there is much to be proud of, "There are also many opportunities for growth that our strategic planning process is uncovering." He referenced business development programs and business roundtable events as areas of potential growth for the chamber.

Outstanding volunteers were recognized at the event, including Patty Manzi of Action 1 Properties as the chamber's Ambassador of the Year and Jeremy Rosenblatt of Crown Trophy as the Carol Bush Award recipient. Nick Valenziano of TWFG Insurance and Porky's Pizza Palace was honored by the chamber's community foundation with the Jenny Doehle Leadership Pleasanton award. Bob Rossi of Sunshine Saloon was selected by outgoing board chair Kim Damiani for the Chair's Award and Steve Calcagno of Kier & Wright Civil Engineers and Surveyors was recognized for his six years of service on the chamber's board of directors.

Thank you to the State of the Pleasanton Chamber sponsors
Effective marketing opportunities
Impact • Style • Branding • Exposure
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to introduce our 2023 Marketing Opportunities.

Jump start your outreach with a targeted campaign to a very active business community and vibrant community of readers. With options ranging from a one-time print ad to having a regular presence in all of our publications to a banner ad on our online directory, we invite you to give consumers the knowledge of what your business is known for. Tell your story, increase your exposure and promote your brand by partnering with the Pleasanton Chamber.

By the numbers
  • Our Business Connection print newsletter has a reach of 10,000 residences and businesses and a readership of 25,000.
  • Our E-Business Connection newsletter has a reach of more than 1,100 in the business community.
  • Our website averages more than 16,000 views per month, including 2,900 views on average for the Business Directory and 1,900 views for the Events Calendar. 
Email Susie if you're interested in learning more.
Applications for scholarships for Pleasanton high school seniors
Juanita Haugen Memorial Scholarship
The Community of Character Collaborative invites all high school seniors attending Pleasanton Unified School District schools to apply for the annual Juanita Haugen Memorial Scholarship. Long-time school board member, trustee and president of the Pleasanton Unified School District, Juanita Haugen inspired the Pleasanton Community of Character initiative. In her honor, annual $1,000 scholarships will recognize students who have a strong record of civic engagement and have demonstrated exceptional character by role modeling the traits of Compassion, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Self-Discipline.
 An award will be presented to a student in each of Pleasanton’s three high schools. Applications are being taken for Foothill and Amador Valley students, Village will be presented at a later date. Applications and guidelines are available online at and below.

Member Benefits
Increase your visibility in the community
As a member of the Pleasanton Chamber, you have several different opportunities to increase your visibility in the community.

You can take advantage of these member benefits through our website - learn more here. Email Dawn or Susie with any questions.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.

You're invited to join the Chamber and our ambassadors at the following ribbon cutting ceremony.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
6701 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 420, Pleasanton
Celebrating grand opening of Pleasanton office
Congratulations to ProSomnus
Congratulations to ProSomnus Sleep Technologies on the grand opening of your new global headquarters on Gibraltar Drive in Pleasanton. 

ProSomnus is the leading manufacturer of precision, patient preferred, Oral Appliance Therapy medical devices for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). ProSomnus Therapy helps you get a restful night of sleep without noisy machines, masks, or hoses. Learn more at
Did you know?
Connecting you to valuable resources
The Tri-Valley Career Center (TVCC) offers resources and guidance to job seekers, employers and small business owners. Whether you are a job seeker anticipating the next step in your current career or branching out in a new direction, or a business owner or hiring manager looking for your next great team member, TVCC is your best first step in the right direction.

TVCC offers workshops, career counseling and online opportunities designed to guide adult job seekers towards success in today’s job market. Our staff is also dedicated to assisting local employers with recruitment of new staff and helping start-ups and small businesses thrive.

As a service of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District in partnership with the Alameda County Workforce Development Board and other state, regional and local partners, TVCC exists to help strengthen our regional economy one new employee at a time.
Pleasanton Young Professionals
Learn, grow, empower
Pleasanton Young Professionals
Established 2013
Ages 21-40

We strive to help other young professionals to learn, empower, and grow from our mastermind lunches, volunteer/fundraising opportunities, and monthly networking mixers.

Goals of the PYPs
• captivate a never-stop learning attitude
• grow by fostering life-long relationships and opportunities
• empower those to achieve greater personal and professional success

PYP Events
The Pleasanton Young Professionals host a monthly mixer on the first Thursday of each month as well as a mastermind lunch on the third Wednesday of the odd-numbered months. We hope to see some familiar faces, and new faces, at our upcoming events.
Livermore Valley Uncorked Celebration looking for partners
Celebration set for April 27
Reach the heart of the Tri-Valley community through wine enthusiasts, winemakers, winegrowers, and wine influencers at our annual wine competition celebration. View Livermore Valley Uncorked Partnership Benefits Here.

Tri-Valley Conservancy’s Livermore Valley Uncorked is an annual wine competition where local wineries are invited to submit their best wines. What makes this competition unique is that the submitted wines are crafted from grapes grown in the Livermore Valley American Viticultural Area (AVA). The purpose of Uncorked is to promote the excellence of Livermore Valley American Viticultural Area wines.
Apply Now: $1.1 Million in Grants for Waste Prevention
Waste prevention grant opportunities
The 2023 grant cycle is now open. StopWaste is offering $1.1 million dollars in grant opportunities to nonprofits, businesses, and institutions with projects aimed at increasing individual, business, and community involvement in the prevention of waste in Alameda County. There are several grant funding opportunities available for a variety of project scopes and services – please take a moment to review all of the funding categories below.

Grant applications are due by March 3, 2023.
$2,500 Grants for Microbusinesses and Non-Profits
Apply online today
The California Office of the Small Business Advocate has awarded funding to the Chabot - Las Positas Community College District for the Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program to provide grants to microbusinesses in the counties of Alameda, Amador, Contra Costa, and El Dorado.

This program will provide grants of $2,500 to microbusiness (businesses that have fewer than 5 employees and earn less than $50,000 per year) that were in operation in 2019, still in operation, and were impacted by the COVID-19 public health restrictions.
Employers wanted as vendors for Tri-Valley Teen Job Fair
Have hiring needs? Sign up below
The 2023 Teen Job & Career Fair is scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 2023, from 12 noon - 3 PM at the Pleasanton Senior Center. If you have hiring needs and are interested in participating as an employer, please complete the Employer Application by Friday, February 10, 2023.

This event is sponsored by the City of Pleasanton, City of San Ramon, City of Dublin, Town of Danville, and the Dublin/San Ramon Women’s Club. Contact Julian Mireles, Recreation Coordinator, with any questions or concerns at
Taste Tri-Valley Restaurant Week 2023
10 days of exclusive specials at local restaurants and wineries
Taste Tri-Valley Restaurant Week highlights the diverse culinary scene of our region over the span of 10 delicious days in the form of special foodie events, unique menu offerings, and exclusive deals to restaurants and wineries in the Tri-Valley. Enrollment for participating businesses is now open. Learn more online here.
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to these members that have recently joined the Chamber
Public adjusters provide a valuable service in determining a fair settlement between an insurance company and its policyholder.

Turnkey plastics manufacturing for prototype and small quantity needs, 3D printing services.

Custom publisher for interactive digital and video publications.

ProSomnus is the first manufacturer of precision, mass-customized Precision Oral Appliance Therapy devices to treat OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).

A local 501(c)3 charity that seeks to ease the transition for children entering into the foster care system with a custom bag filled with new essential items.

Implementing cloud-based solutions, enabling organizations to continually close books, run scenario forecasting, and complete budget cycles in an efficient and integrated manner.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum
Open to everyone, hybrid format
Please note - the February Pleasanton 2025 Forum Meeting has been postponed. The next Pleasanton 2025 Forum is set for March 8, 2023. 

Pleasanton 2025 Forums are a monthly meeting, open to everyone in the community, and held in a hybrid format.

Pleasanton is widely recognized as a premier community in which to live, work and do business. The business climate is a key driver of the community's success. Pleasanton businesses generate roughly 55% of the local tax base and collectively act as the community's economic engine.

The Chamber relies on Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision as its local public policy agenda, committing volunteer and staff time to work toward its fulfillment as a catalyst, convener and champion for all things Pleasanton.

Every second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 noon, the Pleasanton Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.
News From Our Members