January 27, 2023

Upcoming Community Meetings - including big changes for the River MAC

{Español abajo}

Lower Russian River Governance Study

You’re invited to Workshop 1 – Saturday, February 4 at 10:30 am

You are invited to attend an in-person Community Workshop #1 to provide feedback on the Lower Russian River Governance Study, managed by our office. The workshop is Saturday, February 4th, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at Guerneville School, Community Room at 14630 Armstrong Woods Road.

· Workshop purpose: Identify what government services should be improved, expanded, or newly provided to improve the overall quality of life in the Lower Russian River region. We will break into small groups to allow for in-depth discussion and prioritizing needs and issues.

· Try to arrive by 10:30 am!

· Coffee, food, childcare, and simultaneous Spanish translation will be provided. ·

Please comment now and subscribe for updates here.

· If unable to attend, we will have a recording available to watch afterwards and ongoing opportunities to send in your comments.

Supervisor Hopkins launched the Lower Russian River Governance Study in late 2022 to seek ways to improve government services in the Lower Russian River region. The 6–9 month effort will recommend specific improvements to local “city-level" services and include an implementation strategy. Recommendations will be based on an analysis of existing services and costs coupled with community feedback on service gaps and needs.

Questions about the project or workshop, contact

Thank you! Office of Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, District 5


Estudio de Gobernanza en del área baja del Rio Ruso

Esta Usted invitado al Taller 1 – Sábado 4 de febrero a las 10:30 am

Usted está invitado a asistir al Taller Comunitario #1 en persona para brindar comentarios sobre el Estudio de Gobernanza del área baja del Río Ruso, administrado por la oficina de la Supervisora Lynda Hopkins. El taller es el sábado 4 de febrero de 10:30 am a 12:30 pm en la Escuela de Guerneville, Salón Comunitario en 14630 Armstrong Woods Road.

• Propósito del taller: Identificar qué servicios gubernamentales deberían mejorar, ampliarse o saber si nuevos servicios son necesarios para mejorar la calidad de vida general en la región del área del Bajo Río Ruso. Nos dividiremos en grupos pequeños para permitir una discusión profunda y priorizar necesidades y problemas.

• ¡Intente llegar a las 10:30 am!

• Proveeremos café, comida, cuidado de niños y traducción simultánea al español.

• ¡Por favor comente ahora! y suscríbase para recibir actualizaciones.

Si no puede asistir, tendremos una grabación disponible para ver después y oportunidades continuas para enviar sus comentarios.

El Estudio de Gobernanza iniciado a fines del 2022 busca mejorar los servicios gubernamentales en la área baja del Río Ruso. El esfuerzo de 6 a 9 meses recomendará mejoras específicas a los servicios locales "a nivel de la ciudad" e incluirá una estrategia de implementación. Las recomendaciones se basarán en un análisis de los servicios y costos existentes junto con los comentarios de la comunidad sobre las necesidades y las brechas en los servicios.

El Estudio de Gobernanza es administrado por la Oficina de la Supervisora Lynda Hopkins, District 5. Info:

Big Changes for the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council

The Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) is updating its format and dates in order to respond to community input. You asked for more time for public comment, and less on presentations. You asked for shorter meetings with fewer topics. So the River MAC representatives will now meet once a month instead of every other month. Adding more meetings means that we can put fewer topics into each meeting and have more time for public comment while shortening the meeting time. The change requires a change in the regular meeting date, which will start in March. The pattern was for the meetings to be the third Thursday of each month and, as of the March meeting, will change to the second Thursday of the month. The Land Use Committee meeting will also change, then, to being held on the 1st Thursday of every other month. In addition, the State of California is reverting back to the pre-pandemic rules for Brown Act meetings which means that in March we will return to in-person meetings. We will also work to provide a hybrid zoom element of the meetings when the tech is possible. In case there are challenges as we do take these community meetings to neighborhoods where wifi signals are not always reliable, we will record and stream the meetings afterwards. The website is being updated today and we look forward to seeing you all soon!

Here are the River MAC dates for 2023:

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council

Second Thursday of every month (beginning in March)

5:30 - 7:00 PM

  • February 16 (3rd Thursday still) - Hot Topic = Roads!
  • March 9 (beginning of 2nd Thursday meetings)
  • April 13
  • May 11
  • June 8
  • July 13
  • August 10
  • September 14
  • October 12
  • November 9
  • December 14

Lower Russian River Land Use Committee

First Thursday of even months (beginning in March)

5:30 - 6:30 PM

  • February 9 (2nd Thurs) - Hot Topic = Forestville Housing Element
  • April 6
  • June 1
  • August 3
  • October 5
  • December 7


Composting Services:

Due to supply chain issues and staffing shortages, composting services had been interrupted on some District 5 roads that were deemed “hard to service” by Recology. We learned of these issues from homeowners and renters that contacted to our office and we worked closely with Recology to help them identify solutions. Recology has reported that they have since restored compost pick up for impacted customers. If you are still experiencing issues, you may want to reach out to Recology at 1-800-243-0291. Not sure if an item can be composted? Try Recology’s “What goes where?” search tool to see if your item in question can be composted:

Garden Compost Free event:

Would your garden or community group like to host a free compost event in the spring for your local gardeners? Zero Waste Sonoma will provide the compost for a free event. All you have to do is set up a location and invite your neighbors to come and pick up rich compost for their gardens. They ran one in Timber Cove last year and it was a great success! Please contact district5 (at) if you would like to organize an event at your location.


Servicios de compostaje:

Debido a problemas en la cadena de suministro y escasez de personal, los servicios de compostaje se habían interrumpido en algunas carreteras del Distrito 5 que Recology consideró "difíciles de mantener". Nos enteramos de estos problemas por los propietarios e inquilinos que se comunicaron con nuestra oficina y trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con Recology para ayudarlos a identificar soluciones. Recology ha informado que desde entonces han restaurado la recolección de compost para los clientes afectados. Si aún tiene problemas, puede comunicarse con Recology al 1-800-243-0291. ¿No está seguro de si un artículo puede ser compostado? Pruebe "¿Qué va a dónde?" de Recology. herramienta de búsqueda para ver si su artículo en cuestión se puede compostar:

Evento libre de compost de jardín:

¿Le gustaría a su jardín o grupo comunitario organizar un evento de compostaje gratuito en la primavera para los jardineros locales? Zero Waste Sonoma proporcionará el abono para un evento gratuito. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es establecer un lugar e invitar a sus vecinos a que vengan y recojan rico abono para sus jardines. Hicieron uno en Timber Cove el año pasado y ¡fue un gran éxito! Comuníquese con district5 (arroba) si desea organizar un evento en su ubicación.

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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