When I was an executive chef running a big, busy catering company, I used to buy Buche de Noëls (also known as Yule Logs but it sounds so much more elegant in French) from the local French bakery. Nothing could beat those delicious, fancy French desserts for the holidays! Guests loved them. For many of them it was their first Yule Log.

Years later, after becoming a food stylist, an international company we worked for asked us to translate their recipe and photograph it. I decided, since so many people were pandemic baking, what better time to share this recipe again.

The recipe has several parts. Do not be intimated! It’s just a fancy cake shaped into a log! It will take a tiny bit longer. Break the prep work up into manageable sections. 

This was Cindie’s first time making meringue mushrooms. We loved making and styling it.
If you’d like someone to walk you through making a Yule Log, check out our dear Nancie McDermott's online class on December 19th; more info below!

If there was ever a time to keep busy and learn something new, I believe it’s now. What’s the worst thing that could happen?! We’re already quarantined and separated from friends and family. And so many more people are going through worse things right now. Let’s hope 2021 brings us hope and light and better times.

I’m old so I can say this with conviction: It’s not what happens to us in life but how we respond to it.

We here at Women Beyond A Certain Age wish everyone Happy Holidays and a better 2021!