Volume 2 | December 24, 2022
A Holiday Message From Mayor Karyn Cunningham
As yet another year comes to an end, Mayor Cunningham, along with the entire Village Council and Staff want to wish you a happy and safe Holiday Season. Enjoy this time in the company of friends and family as we welcome the new year, new beginnings and new opportunities.

It is always our great pleasure to serve this community and we look excitedly to the wonderful initiatives that will be rolled out this 2023. Make sure to stay tuned!
Click here to see the Village's Christmas Holiday schedule.
News You Can Use
The Best of 2022
2022, oh what a year! The Village of Palmetto Bay celebrated its 20th year anniversary! Could you believe it? The BIG 20 already!!

It was a year filled with resident engagement, public safety enhancements, infrastructure improvements, fiscal prudence, and much more! You can read all about it Palmetto Bay's 2022 Highlights where you will find the most significant accomplishments of the village during the year that is now coming to an end.

Click below to read the brochure.
...an Evening of Celebrations!
It was a festive evening of celebrations at the Menorah Lighting ceremony that took place this past Thursday. Mayor Cunningham, in the company of Vice Mayor Tellam, Councilmember Fiore, and Councilmember Cody, gave a heartfelt welcome to all. Miami-Dade County Mayor Levine-Cava reminded us of the meaning of Hanukkah and how in true Jewish tradition, our role is to repair the world through our actions in helping all, "tikkum olam." Newly sworn-in State Senator Catalayud and State Representative Garcia also spoke of the virtues and compassion of the human spirit and the relevance of Jewish traditions in our every day lives, regardless of denomination.

Before the official lighting of the Menorah, Rabbi Zalman Gansburg of Chabad of Palmetto Bay and Deering Bay, presented the Community Lamplighter Award to Mayor Karyn Cunningham for her "extraordinary leadership, generosity and commitment to the Jewish community in Palmetto Bay..." The award came as a surprise to all, including Mayor Cunningham who was visibly moved by the gesture. Rabbi Gansburg gave the blessings and asked each guest to light the candles provided to them as a symbol of their own light, reminding us to be the light in the darkness and with each one another.

The event culminated with the lighting of the Menorah and a beautiful fire show. We would like to thank our residents, our dignitaries, and especially Chabad of Palmetto Bay and Deering Bay for making the evening possible.

Happy Hanukkah!
The Vac Truck Is in the Village
Vac truck
As you may have heard, Palmetto Bay has a new Vac Truck, which is stored in our Public Services Yard.
The vac truck was purchased with federal (ARPA) funds for the purpose of cleaning and maintaining our drainage infrastructure so that the system may work to its capacity. The goal is to help reduce flooding and enhance property protection. As an added bonus, the truck satisfies the Village’s requirements with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and for our municipal storm water system (or MS4) permit. Some residents have inquired about cleaning smaller drains. The Village is able to jet the smaller drain and is looking into available fittings specifically designed for smaller drains.
The Village is currently in the process of hiring trained operators and cross-train some of our current Public Services staff. We have also considered the possibility of renting this truck to our neighboring cities of Pinecrest and Cutler Bay.

If you have further questions, please send an email to our Public Services staff who will be happy to provide you with an answer.
New Waste Management Schedules and Guides are Here
Miami-Dade County's Department of Solid Waste Management has begun to roll out its calendars and other publications for the new year. If you want a handy way to keep track of your recycling days or tips on how, where, and when to dispose of other items, including your Christmas tree*, you'll find what you need right here!

*Please note that in addition to the locations listed for Christmas tree recycling drop-off, the Sunset Kendall Trash & Recycling Center is also accepting drop-offs.
ArtSouth & the Village of Palmetto Bay Present...
On January 21, 2023, ArtSouth in conjunction with the Village of Palmetto Bay, bring you rare and unique works of art created at the Everglades Correctional Institute Visual Arts Dormitory. The arts dorm is a one-of-a-kind facility providing services to reduce recidivism for incarcerated males through arts. More than 60 participants are currently part of the program.

Be the first to experience their unique and transformative art of self-expression as shown through their work. Refreshments will be served.

See below for details. For more information, please send an email to info@artsouthmiami.org.
Winter Break Sports Camp is Here!
From January 3 to January 6, 2023, your kids, ages 4 to 12 can enjoy sports, games, arts and crafts and indoor activities at the Weekend PW Winter Break Camp offered at Palmetto Bay Park. For more information, please see the flyer below or visit Weekend PE online.
Upcoming Community Events
December 31; January 7, 14, 21, 28
(CLOSED 12/24/22)
December 25 (observed on Dec. 26)
January 1 (observed on Jan. 2nd)
January 8, 15, 22, 29
January 9, 16, 23, 30
Meeting Calendar
Meeting Video Links

Village Officials
Mayor & Council
Vice Mayor
Council, Seat 1
Council, Seat 2
Council, Seat 3
Charter Officers
Village Manager
Village Attorney
Village Clerk
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