SMS Newsletter
October 15, 2021
Dear Sandburg Families,

Thanks so much for participating in our virtual parent-teacher conferences!

Please remember that there is no school next Thursday, October 21 and Friday, October 22.

Have a great week!
John Groenke
SMS Fall Parent-Teacher Conference Information

Our Sandburg Staff is eager to meet with students and families during our upcoming Fall Conferences. Please use this tool to sign up for conferences with your child's teachers. You can prioritize the teachers, if you are not able to find a time during these two conference nights, please feel free to reach out to your child's teachers to set up another time. Additionally, if you prefer to meet in person please reach out to the teacher(s) by email to schedule.


Nuestro personal de Sandburg espera reunirse con los estudiantes y sus familias durante nuestras próximas conferencias de otoño. Por favor, usen esta herramienta para inscribirse en las conferencias con los maestros de sus hijos. Pueden darle prioridad a algunos maestros. Si no pueden encontrar un momento durante estas dos noches de conferencias, por favor no duden en comunicarse con los maestros de sus hijos para programar otra cita. Además, si prefiere reunirse en persona, comuníquese con los maestros por correo electrónico para programar.

Attendance Calls Starting Next Week

Sandburg will be enabling automated robocalls next week for students who are marked absent for 1 or more class periods. These messages will be sent twice a day; this first call indicates students have missed Advisory, 1st, 2nd or 3rd hours. The second call made at 4:00 will reflect the entire day. If you have any questions about the robocalls you can call the attendance line.  

Below you will see the robocall text. 

"Hello, this is a message from the attendance office at Sandburg Middle School, calling to inform you that your student, <first name> <last name>, was marked absent for 1 or more class periods on <date>. Please contact the attendance office by calling 763-504-8210, to verify the absence. If you have already contacted the attendance office you can disregard this message. If your student is absent because of symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or a close contact exposure to someone in your home with COVID-19, please complete a coronavirus report form online at or call 763-504-8222. Thank you."
Personal Electronic Devices “Away for the Day"

Student cell phones should not be visible during the school day! 

Cell phones and earbuds can be brought to school but must remain off or silent and completely out of view for the entire school day. Students will not be permitted to display, turn on, or use a cell phone from the start of the first class until after the last period of the day.

  1. The first time a student has their cell phone or earbuds out during the school day, the teacher/staff present will ask the student to place their phone in a ziplock bag with a name tag and placed in a safe container to transport the device to the front office for the remainder of the day. The device (phone and/or earbuds) may be picked up by the student when they are ready to leave school. 
  2. If there is a second offense, the device will be taken to the front office and will be kept for a day or be picked up by a parent or guardian.
  3. If there is a third offense, the device will be taken to the front office and a meeting will be set up and may result in the device being left in the front office daily. 

Lost/Stolen Phones
  • The school will not be held accountable and will not be investigating lost or stolen phones and/or earbuds.
  • All students are issued a locked locker to hold their personal belongings.
  • Students do not share your lockers or locker combinations
Keeping our Sandburg Community Safe: Masking

Masks must be worn while at Sandburg Middle School at all times. Masks must be worn tightly over your mouth, nose and chin. You should wear a clean mask at least every 3 days.

There are only two times when it is ok to remove a mask.

1. When a person is alone in a room.
2. When a person is eating or drinking, at breakfast or lunch in their seat.
SMS Contact Numbers
Attendance/Absence Line
(763) 504-8210

Counseling Office
(763) 504-8207

Main Office
(763) 504-8200

Nurse's Office
(763) 504-8223
Sandburg Middle School
(763) 504-8200
2400 Sandburg Lane
Golden Valley, MN 55427