Spiritually Open, Intentionally Inclusive since 1958
510 N Leroux
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
E-News for October 14 - October 21, 2021

The leadership of Beacon wants to update you on our COVID safety policies, in light of the Delta variant surge. We will hold committee and team meetings on Zoom for the time being. We’ll continue with in person worship with masks and hand sanitizing required, regardless of vaccination status.

The Board and minister have agreed on a safety policy for other programming:
We welcome you to participate in choir if you are fully vaccinated and willing to wear a mask. Participation in small group gatherings such as dinner groups or adult RE (intimate groups in a small room) will also require vaccination and willingness to wear a mask. We will make adjustments to the policy, as needed.
- Sundays at Beacon -

Masks required.
10AM Sunday in the Sanctuary
For October 17th, 2021 - “Faithful Democracy" With an uptick in voter suppression and the American experiment more fragile than ever, it may be time to ask if tribalism, conspiracy theories, and extreme theologies have corrupted the underpinnings of our nation. Can belief play a role in our democratic process in 2021, or have ideology and secularism replaced faith as the driving forces in politics? Is religion good for democracy? Our UUA General Assembly affirmed democracy as a vital but corrupted ideal in 2019. How do we “uncorrupt” democracy before it’s too late and ensure full access to voting in Arizona in the coming elections? Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching, with Worship Associate Andy Hogg. Music from Austin Shaw and the Beacon Choir, under the direction of Jason Drahos.
 Beacon UU – YouTube sensation! 15 months, 63 recorded and edited worship services that you can tune into anytime you’d like for a first viewing or a re-viewing. Share our channel with friends you’d like to introduce to Beacon. See our virtual service history on the "Beacon UUC" Youtube Channel.

Come to the Post-Service Gatherings at 11!
Come to the Post-Service Gatherings at 11 am to connect, share joys and sorrows, and reflect on the service. These will be held in person, in the backyard of the church so that we may remove our masks.
Please note: We recommend that you donate to Vanco directly from a bank account to save us the fees associated with credit card donations. More for us to sustain our congregation.

The Beacon Choir is resuming its rehearsals and live performances in worship in September. We are so fortunate that Jason Drahos has joined us as Choir Director. You do not need to “audition” to join the choir. You are welcome if you are fully vaccinated and willing to wear a mask. Special singing masks are recommended. There are many available. Click this link to see one option for a singing mask.

Choir practice is every Thursday, 7-8:30pm, at Beacon.
Are You All IN??

On September 26, we launched the “All In” initiative to embody our covenant by joining the efforts of a committee or team at Beacon. The sign-up sheets will remain in the social hall/kitchen. All hands, hearts and spirits are welcome.
Welcome to our two new members
who signed the book on September 19!
Make sure to say Hello when you next see them at Beacon!
Cheryl Austin: Cheryl is passionate about photography, hiking, kayaking, cooking for friends and being in nature! Cheryl and her companion dog love exploring the hiking trails around Flagstaff. She also enjoys volunteering for animal shelter organizations. She has an eclectic background that includes fine arts, psychology, theology, labor negotiations and business. Her career has provided the chance to experience the diversity of many cultures around the world, and she has a deeply held belief of valuing all. 
Lise Breakey: I grew up in Flagstaff and attended Beacon UU back when it was next door to our lovely current building, but left the faith as a teenager. ("This place is so Sesame Street!") After 30 years in San Diego, I sought out the community again at Summit UU Fellowship in Santee, CA. (Summit? Santee is 300 feet above sea level.) I was very pleased this year to return to Flagstaff with my husband, Bruce Thomas, our daughter, Autumn Thomas, our son, Kaleb Davis, and Autumn's boyfriend, Levi Conery. I'm also very happy to be returning to Beacon. (Though maybe it should swap names with Summit?) I still work as a member of the California bar, handling indigent criminal appeals and writs, and my hobbies include biking, poetry and collage. 
Religious Exploration

The 2020-2021 year Religious Exploration classes were a great success. We are so grateful for the dedication and creativity of our Beacon teachers, Dru Monroe and Stephanie Van Belle and their counterparts at Granite Peak UU in Prescott. Click "Check it out!" to learn more about what we just completed.
Kids at Beacon- All are welcome!

Children and youth are always welcome in worship! We do ask that children over 3 years old wear a face mask while in the church building. There will be activity packets available for children during the service.

Religious Exploration is back at Beacon!
Note: There is a small error in this letter. Alexei's hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 10am-3pm.

October 17th RE Offerings

This week, we have a special creativity-focused class! This class will be entirely in person, however, it is accessible to all ages.
In honor of holidays like Dia De Los Muertos, Samhain, and Halloween, we will be having a class learning about these holidays and a creative project based around family. Children will create crafts and drawings centered around their family and history, and we will do a presentation of them at our October 31st service. If you are not available, the lead teacher, Alexei Besser-Gilbert, is happy to save your kids’ crafts for the service and you can pick them up later! They will also be displayed on the altar at this service.
If you are interested in stopping by this program on October 17th, please do! Parents will be able to enjoy the service while their kids create. Please remember that we do ask anyone over 3 years old wear a mask when inside the church building, and use hand sanitizer.
Religious Exploration for Adults
Spirited Conversations with Rev. Robin 
PLEASE NOTE: The second session is rescheduled to from October 21 to Thursday, October 28, 12-1:15PM

Join Rev. Robin for a new series of “spirited conversations” on topics such as possibility, trust, journey, wholeness, memory, story, and healing. We’ll use a rich treasure trove of materials drawing from different spiritual exploration programs similar to Touchstones. We’ll meet as a large group and in smaller breakout groups. The program will be 2 Thursdays per month, from 12-1:30 on Zoom. Bring your lunch! Early departures understood for work or life demands.

On Thursday October 7 and 28, we’ll explore what it means to be “a community of Story.” Download the pdf  to read the collection of readings and answer some of the reflective questions prior to our meetings. (questions 1-6 for 10/7 and 7-12 for 10/28). Invite your friends to experience religious exploration at Beacon!

Registration is not required for this program, but Rev. Robin would like an idea of how many people will be attending. Email minister@beaconuu.com to let her know.

Meeting ID: 733 037 2039
Passcode: 968647
The 3.5% Project for Social Change from Flagstaff College
Flagstaff College is initiating a community-wide Reading-Action Group as part of their new Flagstaff 3.5% Project. 3.5% is the portion of a population it takes to make social change. Participants will read Kim Stanley Robinson's, The Ministry for the Future, a book that has been called one of the most important books of our time. It's a fast-reading, fascinating novel, set in the near future. 
We hope that anyone who wonders, “What can I do in the face of global climate change?” will join us. Over the course of 5 weeks, guest experts will offer deep dives into some of the strategies for stemming climate change. Erica Chenoweth of Harvard who came up with the 3.5% rule, will kick off the reading-action program on Oct. 19th. Bill McKibben, leading environmentalist, will speak on November 18th. Our focus: what we can do locally to make a difference. 
There is no cost and we welcome everyone to become part of the 3.5% who can make a difference for good!
Need more information? Call Sandra Lubarsky 928-380-6952 or email: SandraLubarsky@gmail.com

Share Your Joys and Sorrows- Chime In!

One way we can sustain connection during this time apart is by sharing our personal joys and sorrows. These can be small things or large things that effect your life. These are spoken during service every Sunday, or you can send them to Rev. Robin by Saturday night each week at minister@beaconuu.com to be shared.
Joys and Sorrows - October 10th

Becky's daughter passed the bar!

Linda is worried about the cold tempteratures, especially for the unhoused.

Mark enjoyed a bike ride in PA.

Lise is glad for all 3 of her adult kids having jobs!

Porch Visits with Rev. Robin
(Weather Permitting)
Who is that minister in her "Soul" mobile? It's Rev. Robin! - ready to
come by for a visit on your porch, patio, or deck. She can be masked or unmasked, based on your vaccination status and personal comfort. Trailhead meet-ups and easy hikes, we could even meet at a park, or walk in your neighborhood. You decide! Just give a shout-minister@beaconuu.com 
or 978-505-7245
Community Action Committee (Share the Plate) Returns

When in-person services ceased because of the pandemic, Share the Plate became a non-viable way to give money to non-profit service agencies in Flagstaff. The Board and Finance committee saw the potential for this to resume now that we are meeting in the sanctuary. The Committee composed of Susan Patrick, Joanne Parkes, and Lynda L. Dorweiler will accept nominations from congregants for 501c3 organizations to receive our donations. In the past years, (2016-2019), we have given over $3000 per year to several deserving agencies. It is our hope that the congregation can continue with helping these organizations reach their goals.

For October-December, Beacon will share the plate with Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona and Sharon Manor. Housing Solutions helps local residents identify and maintain safe, decent, and affordable housing. It offers counseling to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, credit counseling, pre-purchase assistance and works with AHC in constructing or remodeling homes using sustainable green building solutions.  
Through Sharon Manor, the organization helps homeless victims of violence and their children on their journey out of violence and poverty and into economic independence, safety, health, and self-sufficiency. Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness for women and their children in the United States. Local shelters play a critical role in helping families in crisis, but they are short-term in nature.  
Housing Solutions is currently remodeling a hotel to provide transitional occupancy for the homeless.   
The impact for 2020 showed 
28 families obtained first-time home ownership
178 people received pre-purchase or credit counselling
113 received foreclosure assistance
25 rental units are occupied
78 found safety at Sharon Manor
Undesignated contributions to this quarter’s Sunday service offerings above $300 will be presented to Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona and Sharon Manor. Nominations for 501c3 agencies can be made through a form located in the office in the CAC folder or by contacting a CAC member.    
CAC members are Susan Patrick, Katy Grant, Joanne Parkes, and Lynda L. Dorweiler.
Activate at Beacon with the Social Justice Allies!

Get involved with Faithful Democracy, an organization bringing together people of diverse beliefs with a shared concern about the preservation of our democracy in the 21st century. The UUA and UUs for Social Justice are endorsers. You can use links on their website to access information, join initiatives, sign a Voter’s Covenant, and email your senator about the “For the People” Voting Rights Act (timely and crucial!)
Together We Will, Flagstaff Postcard Writers weekly group

The postcard writers will be together every week on Wednesday at 7 PM on Zoom 
Meeting ID: 841 1623 9939
Passcode: postcards
Here is an opportunity to assist asylum seekers and migrants in the small, isolated border town of Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico.

      Sasabe is 70 miles from the closest bus service. There the US Border Patrol often dumps deportees, the Mexican police discharge people they find wandering in the desert, and asylum seekers find their way to town also, often having to wait in rugged, minimal shelters.    
    Salvavision, in cooperation with other groups, recently opened a resource center for people who are in urgent need. For more information, click on this link.

Social Justice Allies is presenting you with
an opportunity to help these folks with their needs. 
These are the things they have told us they will find most useful.
Men's pants. (gently used OK. Sizes small (29"-31"), and medium (32'-34)
Underwear and socks (new, please)
Shoes (gently used OK
Food (they prepare one hot meal per day) such as
bags of rice, beans, sugar, canned goods (tomatoes for cooking)  

This Sunday, Oct. 17, will be the last collection day. Longtime Social Justice Allies Roseanne Fulcher and Dorothy Rissel will deliver Beacon’s generous contributions in person to the resource center in the small border town of Sasabe the following week.
~ Beacon Connections ~
Trans Empowerment Month Summit by Stand with Trans
Online All Throughout October

Throughout the entire month of October, Stand with Trans is hosting a variety of virtual presentations, panels and performances as well as some in-person events for trans youth, caregivers and anyone who works with transgender youth. Our theme Be YOU encourages YOU to show up as your authentic SELF!
With over 700 registrants last year from all over the US and throughout the world, we are continuing this momentum in October 2021 and making this the best year yet!

You can register for information and tickets for a wide variety of trans-focused education and community events all throughout the month of October here!
Volunteer At Flagstaff Food Center With Beacon!
The Flagstaff Food Center is doing small group volunteers for their dinner service! Beacon is looking for a group of 5 volunteers to help out!

Volunteers are needed the 4th & 5th Wednesdays of every month, from 3pm-5pm. The dinner service is at the FFFC Kitchen (1903 N 2nd Street)

The dinner service is different during the pandemic. There is no indoor dining as we hand all the dinners out in to-go containers through a walk-up window. We need help from volunteers to portion meals into to-go containers, hand food out through our walk-up window, and wash serving pans.

Volunteer Safety: Volunteers are required to wear a mask, closed-toe shoes, and long pants, and to regularly wash or sanitize their hands and practice six feet of social distancing whenever possible. Gloves for food preparation and distribution will be provided to you at the kitchen. We have plexiglass installed at our walk-up window as a safeguard against COVID-19. We provide hand sanitizer and handwashing facilities and encourage regular use. We have enhanced cleaning protocols at our facilities and sanitize surfaces daily.

Sue Strobel will be organizing teams monthly, she can be contacted at 928 522-3284 (cell) or 928-526-5156 (home) if interested in volunteering!

More summer volunteer opportunities can be found here.
UUJAZ Upcoming Events
The Hearth: November Nourish
November 17th, 2021, 6:30 - 8:00pm
In November, we celebrate thriving and joy in our communities as we also feel the grief of the seasons approaching. The Hearth is partnering with Nourish UU Dinner Church to bring you reflection, connection, and community. We'll be "sharing" the dinner hour together with a worship service led by Rev. Aisha Ansano. We will sing, reflect and connect deeply with our community. Bring a candle and a bite of food, a whole meal, or just a beverage!
The Hearth Socials are for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color. We are centering everyone who identifies as a Person of Color, for example, People of African Descent, Caribbean, Native/American Indian, Asian and Pacific Islander, Latina/o and Hispanic, Middle Eastern/Arab, and Multiracial. Please feel free to invite friends and family who are UU - adjacent, even if they don’t identify as Unitarian Universalist.
Mutual Aid Drop for the Navajo Nation
September 7th -Extended! Until October 20th, 2021, daily 
Black Mesa Resistance Camp is hosting mutual aid for the Navajo Nation, with drop sites in Phoenix and the East Valley.
Requested Items: Produce, dry and canned goods, hygiene items for elders, babies, and more.
To learn more about the Black Mesa Resistance, watch this film.
Other Events in Arizona
LOVE & JUSTICE: Abolition and Alternatives to Policing UUs proclaim that no one is outside the circle of love, therefore, our goals are also abolitionist goals. Join UUJAZ team member Thoi every first Wednesday of the month in actively resisting the systems of policing and incarceration while building relationships and community with other passionate UUs in Arizona. Email Thoi to register for the next meeting.
Lifespan Religious Exploration Resources for Learning About and Responding to Racism
This painful moment in time calls us to focus our learning and reflection on allyship to people of color, understanding white privilege, and reflecting on how we can part of a systemic sea change and solution in our society. 

Beacon has provided resources for all ages addressing how we as individuals and as communities can learn about and respond to racism. For the full list of resources, activities and community meetings, visit Beacon's Religious Exploration pages.
Healing Racism and Murdoch Center Programs and Events
Healing Racism Arizona and the Murdoch Community Center in Flagstaff have several events in the next few weeks that might be of interest to the Beacon community. Healing Racism Arizona is accessible through Facebook. The live events for the Murdoch Community Center are also through Facebook
And can be watched afterwards on their YouTube channel Tune in here.
~ Wider Community ~
This Week at Beacon ~
Sunday, October 17th, 2021

"Faithful Democracy"

Beacon Sanctuary

Post-Service Gathering

Sunday, October 17th, 2021
11:00 am

In-Person at Beacon

Choir Rehearsal
Every Thursday
Religious Exploration

All-Youth Makerspace

Beacon RE Room

You can keep up with future Beacon events by checking out the Beacon calendar!
Everyday Ways to Support Beacon UU 
1. When you go to Fry's grocery store, use the Beacon phone number (928 779 4492) as the Alternate ID when it asks for it at the beginning of checkout, and you will get shopping discounts for Fry's members, as well as donating a percentage of your expenditure to Beacon. You can also sign up for an individual account if you prefer that, or want to take advantage of the gasoline discounts. You have to pick Beacon as your beneficiary when you set up your own account.
2. If you shop on Amazon, please use "Amazon Smile" and choose Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation (do not abbreviate UU) as your recipient. We will receive a 0.5% for every purchase and that can add up! Remember that you have to start each shopping session at smile.amazon.com for us to receive the donation. 

3. Another online fundraiser is igive.comOnce again, create your own account with a user name and password, then select settings, my cause, and type in Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation (do not abbreviate UU). Then you can order from any of the hundreds of organizations listed under igive. There are also coupons listed online you can use when ordering from some organizations.

4. Basha's has a special debit card that you can charge up before shopping, and a portion of what goes through the debit card gets donated to Beacon because that card is tied to Beacon. Ask Anne Wittke for further information.

Have other ideas for our income incubator? leave them on a card in the bin in the lobby, or send them to Rev. Robin. 
Beacon Office Hours & Contacts ~
Office Phone (928) 779-4492
Rev. Robin Zucker

Mon: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Or by appointment:
978-505-7245 - talk and text (confidential line) 
Get to know Rev. Robin at www.uurobinzucker.com
RE Team 

We have an incredibly strong team leading our RE this year.

Linda Ochi can answer your RE questions.

Office Manager,
Alexei Besser-Gilbert
Mon: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles ~

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a "living tradition" of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience. Learn more at beaconuu.com!
You no longer need to forward your spam emails to spam@uce.gov, because the Federal Trade Commission is now collecting spam through a honeypot, which is an online trap. This change makes it more efficient for the FTC to collect spam that is deceptive or violates the CAN-SPAM Act. This change saves tax dollars, your time, and helps the FTC collect deceptive and illegal spam. If you lost money to a scam that started with an email, please report it at ftc.gov/complaint. There, you can also report spam you receive. Read more about how to limit spam, phone calls, and mail. 

~ Beacon Google Group ~
If you are not on Beacon's dedicated Google group, you are missing out on an important communications link within our congregation. It is useful for spreading information about something going on in Flagstaff, informing others of social action activities, offering an item for sale or to give away, sharing enthusiasm about a book or movie, requesting information or recommendations -- and more! It's simple to sign up!
Contribute to Beacon's Weekly News

Newsletter submissions must be submitted by Wednesday at 4:00 pm 
to office@beaconuu.com in order to be included in the newsletter.