Hello friends – 

Forgiveness has the power to heal the world. This week in worship we will examine the final words of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples, “And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.” Luke 11:4. Jesus words first invite us to recognize our own sin and seek forgiveness, and then we are called to offer forgiveness to others. To forgive is a powerful and life-changing gift. Can you imagine a world where the gift of forgiveness was freely given and received?  
Worship will be ONLINE ONLY and LIVE and will be available at this link: https://youtu.be/7vwHzNfyhSk  Once the live stream is finished the service will be available on the HPCC YouTube Channel for you to watch at your convenience. 
As always, I am praying for all of you and your well-being. Please reach out to me if you have questions or concerns or just want to catch up.
Shalom is a Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity,
welfare and tranquility. 
These things I pray for you.  
  • All worship services until further notice will be online only and can be found on the church YouTube channel.
  • Special events, youth group, Clothes Closet and Welcome Table are cancelled until further notice.  
  • The church elders have been calling folks to check and see how everyone is doing. When an elder calls you, be sure and let them know if there is anything you need. If you have not heard from an elder, send an email to joan.hpcc@gmail.com and make sure we have your current contact information.
  • The HPCC prayer list and critical prayer concerns are being shared via email. If you would like to receive these emails or have a concern to share, please contact Pastor Heather or Joan via email.
  • No one is in the building on a regular basis, so please use email to contact the church staff. 
  • Although we are not currently able to use the church facility as a group, the expenses to operate the facility and maintain staff continue. If you are able to support the church through your giving, contributions can be sent to the church office or through the Givelify app on your smartphone or tablet. You can also establish an automatic bill pay through your bank so your offering comes to the church every week even when you cannot.
Highland Park Christian Church