Dear Creative Friends,

The past two years have reminded me never to take anything for granted - not the gift of this human birth, nor the natural beauty that surrounds me each day. Poets have a way of reminding us of the magic of being alive. Emily Dickinson tells us: "Find ecstasy in life - the mere sense of living is joy enough." Mary Oliver talks about "being saved by the beauty of the world" in this interview with Krista Tippett. The interview beings with these beautiful words from the poem Wild Geese:

"Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting -
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things."

It certainly feels like a gift to be able to travel back to South Africa this week to re-connect again with special friends and the land of Africa. I'm looking forward to collecting these beautiful labyrinth bags (that are sized for SoulCollage® cards) and finger labyrinths created by the wonderful women of Woza Moya in the Ufafa Valley of South Africa. They will be available for sale at my July and August retreats.
I may add some of them to my online store after I return in May, so if you are interested contact me after my return. And a heads up that I will not be shipping from my online store from April 5th to May 3rd, and will be slower than usual answering emails while I am away.

In case you are looking for a retreat experience in the summer, I've included information about my July and August Retreats below, as well as some words from Sir Ken Robinson's latest book, which I am contemplating right now.

Enjoy Spring as you watch the world around you brighten with the colors of this season of rebirth.

Love and blessings,
Visual Journal
as Sanctuary for the Soul:
July 24-28, 2022
at St Francis Springs Retreat Center in Stoneville, NC

A visual journal is a space where you can listen to your Soul. It is a container for whispers from your unconscious. It is a place to play with color, with shape, and with images and patterns that are calling to you. It is a breathing space where you explore the mysterious territory of your inner world. As we play on the pages of our journal the longings of our soul become visible.

All supplies are included. You will receive a book of imagery and a kit of creative supplies to open up to this gentle way of listening to your soul.

Exploring the Ebb & Flow
of Life with SoulCollage®
and the Labyrinth
August 11-14, 2022
at St Francis Springs Retreat
Center in Stoneville, NC

The waves of the ocean breathe with their natural rhythms of ebb and flow, of flowing forward, letting go and returning to source . How can we honor our own unique natural rhythm? How can we find a balance between inner and outer nourishment?

In this retreat we will explore these questions, using SoulCollage® and the Labyrinth to deepen our understanding of the natural rhythms around us, and to explore ways to create flow and ease in our daily lives as we consider living in a more cyclical way.

SoulCollage® Facilitator Training
November 13-17, 2022
at St Francis Springs Retreat
Center in Stoneville, NC

My last in-person Facilitator Training was at the beginning of March, 2020, so I'm delighted to be offering this again for those of you that are interested in sharing the SoulCollage® process with others.

Making SoulCollage® cards is a great way to integrate and deepen many modalities and is used in conjunction with the labyrinth, yoga, writing, the enneagram, as well as in hospice, spiritual centers and just as a way for people to gather together in a meaningful way.

A book worth reading:

by Sir Ken Robinson and Kate Robinson

Extract from the Contents page
Our creative powers have brought untold benefits to our lives, the health of our bodies, and the complexity of our cultures.They have also brought us to a critical pass.
1. The Human Advantage
Imagination is what separates us from the rest of life on Earth. It is through imagination that we create the worlds in which we live. We can also re-create them.
2. The World We Have Created
The human world is shaped by the ideas, beliefs, and values of human imagination and culture. It is created out of our minds as much as from the 
natural environment.
3. You're More Than You Think
Intelligence is diverse, dynamic, and distinct. Intelligence and creativity are blood relatives. One cannot exist without the other.
4. The Promise of Education
Education must enable students to understand the world around them and the talents within them so that they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens.
5. From the Factory to the Farm
We are depleting our human resources in the same way we are depleting the Earth's resources. Our future depends on tackling both crises urgently.
6. Creating Miracles
Our role is to create the conditions for life and learning to flourish. When we do that, we realize we have been in the miracle business all along.
7. One Shot
Our best hope for the future is to develop a new understanding of human capacity to meet a new era of human existence.
8. Be the Change
Rock 'n' roll was not a government-led initiative. Revolutions do not wait for legislation; they emerge from what people do at the ground level.
" The Lesson we most need to learn is that there is more to life on Earth than human beings and more to being human than self interest. Our futures all depend on learning this lesson by heart." 
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