Dear Residents -
For those looking to get out of the house for a few hours a day, the Orangetown Police Department is looking for individuals to fill school crossing guard positions. If you are interested, please call Pat Quinn at (845) 359-3726. In addition, the Orangetown Auxiliary is looking for volunteers. To apply, call the Auxiliary Recruitment Office at (845) 359-3700 and ask for extension 3581, or stop by their booth tomorrow, Saturday, October 16th at Pearl River Day and speak to a member. 
Don’t forget that tomorrow Town Clerk Rosanna Sfraga will be hosting a shredding day at Town Hall. Rosanna and her dedicated staff will be there to assist you and only asks that you bring non-perishable food items for a donation to “People to People.”
On Monday, October 18, 2021, Orangetown’s Comprehensive Plan Committee will be hosting their first virtual Public Workshop. Meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Please click here to register.
This past week saw too much tragedy surrounding Route 304. My condolences to the family and friends who lost someone in one of the horrible car accidents. Please remember to slow down, pay attention and take that extra second or two to check your surroundings and make sure that the road is clear and safe to drive on. Sadly, many accidents can be avoided with these simple steps.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mary Cardenas, the Orangetown Town Historian and Museum Director, for the vignettes she has been providing over the last few weeks on Orangetown’s history. I hope you are enjoying learning about the history of Orangetown and know that Mary and her staff would love to see you at the Orangetown Museum.
Hope to see you out on Central Avenue tomorrow for Pearl River Day. I will be there rain or shine!  

Teresa M. Kenny
Town of Orangetown
26 Orangeburg Road
Orangeburg, New York 10962
(845) 359-5100 x 2293
Public Service Announcements
Spotted Lantern Fly
Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is a new invasive insect that has made its way to Orangeburg, Blauvelt State Park, and other places in Rockland County. This pest can greatly impact quality of life by making home outdoor spaces and other wooded areas a sticky mess. They also damage apple, grape and hops crops, which could have a severe negative impact on our local economy.
New York State agencies and organizations are working to identify and eradicate this pest. Larry Vail, Lucy Jickling, and other volunteers from Orangetown have been working to cut vegetation, check SLF traps, and swat SLF at the large infestation in Orangeburg
You can help by looking for spotted lanternfly on your property. If found please do two things: 1) report it here ; and 2) squash it. While very harmful to plants, spotted lanternfly is harmless to people.
Here’s more info on how you can help control this dreaded pest:
State Department of Agriculture Asking Residents to Help Combat Spotted Lanternfly
New York State Integrated Pest Management - Spotted Lanternfly
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland (CCE of Rockland
Upcoming Events
This Week In History
Did you know....

Are you familiar with any of the following names: Lulu Serven, Pearl River, NY (1873 - 1941), Caroline Lexow Babcock, Nyack, NY (1882 - 1980) and Alma Leber, Blauvelt, NY (1884 - 1948)? 

All three women made major contributions to the Suffragist movement in Rockland County and fought for the right for women to vote.