When we started building the Nanaimo Seniors' Directory in service to the city's senior population a few months ago, we were pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm and positive feedback from both seniors and those who serve them. 

Seniors and organizations lined up to help us;  The Nanaimo Age Friendly Community agreed to be our distribution partners; VIHA got onboard to distribute the Directories through their community workers. 

The heartfelt response was delightful.

This Directory we are designing is an eye-catching, colour and glossy publication that measures 4.5" wide x 8.5" high. We wanted to make sure it could easily fit in a purse or a shopping bag. The design is easy-to-read, and the information is well-rounded. While it is impossible to include every listing under each category, those which are included have been vetted by a number of contributors.

The Print Directory is entirely supported by our advertisers. To expand their marketing impact, they will all receive a free four-line listing in the printed Directory, and also on the seniors101.ca website.

After the Directory goes to print on September 1st, 2020, Seniors101 will update the online copy of the Directory every month until the next print run a year from now in 2021.

It has been a real pleasure to collaborate on this project, and we thank our advertisers and partners for making it possible for us to design, print and distribute the Nanaimo Senior's Directory.

If you would like more information, or if you would like to book an ad to make sure Nanaimo's seniors know about your products or services, give Roy Summerhayes a call at 250-246-1227.

Ad bookings and listing information deadline is Monday, August 24th by 5:00 pm.

Do you have a concern, a question or a problem regarding a friend or a loved one?

Ask us. We may be able to help.

We appreciate any comments, suggestions or questions you may have. Please contact us at [email protected] or 