
Genealogy got you exhausted?

Order a webinar (or two, or three) and save 50%

Save 50% through midnight Pacific time 9 August 2021

on any one (or more) of the following presentation

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I've Found It: Now What?

Get more from what you find &

learn ways to find more

This presentation discusses what do to when you've located that elusive document. The bulk of the presentation will include ways to get the "most" of the document, making certain to interpret it in the historical, legal and other contexts. Also included will be a discussion of the problem-solving process, organizing research plans, and organizing what's confusing. The presentation will wrap up with a discussion of how to create further research plans based upon what has been located.

Researching the Entire Family

Details: This session will briefly discuss the importance of searching the entire family, strategies for determining who “likely other members of the family” are, what records are likely to provide clues as to these family relationships, and prioritizing your work on other family members in order to stay focused on your research goals. All registrants receive a PDF copy of the session handout.

Strategies for Crossing the Pond

Details: This session will discuss a variety of methods for tracing the “across the pond” origins of immigrant ancestors. It’s not just a list of sources, but focuses on process and procedures. Concepts also apply to tracing the origins of migrating ancestors who crossed the United States as well. All registrants receive a PDF copy of the session handout.

Save 50% through midnight Pacific time 9 August 2021

use coupon code DECEMBER25 at checkout

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Michael John Neill

Genealogy Tip of the Day
