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All-America City and Budget Edition
From the Council Office of Steve Rao
June 12, 2021
Congratulations to 2021 Graduates:
13,265 Deaths. 54% North Carolinians Partially Vaccinated / 50% Fully Vaccinated.
Important Alerts
Town of Morrisville
  • Is named All-American City! (See Below)
  • Relaunches with Voting for 2022 Budget.
(See Budget Section)
Governor Cooper Announces Vaccine Lottery
(NC News Section)
Town of Morrisville Named 2021 All-America City Award Winner
Town of Morrisville Named 2021 All-America City Award Winner
My All American City Message:

Morrisville was recognized as one of 10 All-America City award winners during the National Civic League Conference on June 9. The prestigious national honor recognizes Morrisville's work in inclusive civic engagement to build equity and resilience and create stronger connections among residents, businesses and nonprofit and government leaders. 

Visit to learn more about the three projects Town staff highlighted to win the award. 

This honor could not have been possible without the involvement of Morrisville community partners, including Wake County Government, Western Wake Farmers’ Market, Morrisville Community Garden, Morrisville Chamber of Commerce, Morrisville Cardinals, Triangle Cricket League and a student from Panther Creek High School. 

I am honored to be a part of the Championship Team of Morrisville, a diverse coalition of engaged citizens, volunteers, a world class staff, and a hard working Council leading one of the most inclusive, innovative small Towns in the United States of America! 
HEALTH CARE INSIGHTS: Adding Testosterone Testing to Preventive Health Care 
COVID-19 has had an extraordinary impact on the US health care system since its emergence in early 2020. One of the largest and most immediate impacts has been the death toll, with the pandemic having claimed more than 600,000 lives as of June 11, 2021. However, the pandemic has also brought a set of (seemingly endless) new trade-offs and choices for people to make as they navigate their daily lives and the health care system. 

How do the risks of leaving our homes and going to medical facilities stack up against the well-documented benefits of preventive care? As we emerge from the Pandemic, focus must return to preventive care as a critical way for diagnosing and treating many chronic diseases, which in turn can reduce. 

While healthy diet and regular exercise help the most, Immunizations and Colonoscopies top the list of preventive health care procedures. Add one to the list: Testosterone Testing

Male hypogonadism, more commonly known as testosterone deficiency, is a serious condition associated with fatigue, bone and muscle loss, loss of libido, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and fatty liver disease.  

Estimates reveal that appropriate treatment of male hypogonadism could potentially save $20+ billion annually to US healthcare spending.  

Unfortunately, Testosterone replacement is often perceived as a lifestyle issue for men wanting to improve their sex life and/or athletes desiring a competitive advantage. 

Due to these perceived misconceptions, this complex condition has not had a strong advocate including health care providers at-large either being misinformed or not paying enough attention. Ultimately, around fifteen million hypogonadal men in the U.S and many millions more globally are the ones suffering from short and long-term impacts of low Testosterone. 

According to Androgen society, Prevalence of low T can be as high as 50% in patients with obesity and ED, and over 30% with Type 2 Diabetes, making hypogonadism an increasingly important area of public health concern.  

In addition, Recent scientific research suggests low testosterone is associated with more severe COVID-19 symptoms in men. Researchers said lower levels of the hormone predict which patients were more likely to become very sick. 

With the frenzy of vaccinations in the nation coming to an end, perhaps, it is time for the US Preventive Task Force on Preventive Health Care and Health Care Policy Makers to take a more serious look at the underserved low T patient population. Such a move would serve as another opportunity for potential prevention of male chronic diseases meaning lower health insurance costs and health care bills for all of us.  

An Association of Circulating Sex Hormones with Inflammation and Disease Severity in Patients With COVID-19:  JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(5):e2111398. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.11398 

Testosterone Therapy Reduces Cardiovascular Risk Among Hypogonadal Men: A Prospective Cohort Study in Germany/ Zhang, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2021, 2.1
Morrisville 2022 Operating Budget and CIP
Town of Morrisville Relaunches with 2022 Operating Budget and CIP Program

Our Council approved a $42,200,000 Annual Operating Budget & Capital Investment Program for Fiscal Year 2022 at our June 8 Town Council Meeting. The tax rate remains at $.36. The FY2022 budget relaunches Morrisville’s pre-COVID efforts to fulfill existing commitments and essential investments, and allows the Town to keep pace with the dynamic growing service needs while responsibly safeguarding the Town's financial condition.  Now that the Budget is behind us, we can focus our efforts on the Bond Referendum, which will be a focus on my next newsletter!  

The FY2022 budget relaunches Morrisville’s pre-COVID efforts to fulfill existing commitments and essential investments, and allows the Town to keep pace with the dynamic growing service needs while responsibly safeguarding the Town's financial condition. 

Fiscal Year 2022 will be transformative, with brisk activity in several core programmatic areas in addition to new forward-thinking interests and initiatives,” said Town Manager Martha Paige. “We are at the launching pad for moving our town and many capital projects forward.”

The budget includes anticipated distributions to Morrisville from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), recently approved at the federal level to lessen pandemic related revenue losses and allow for support of some expenditures.

Core initiatives addressed in the FY2022 budget include:
  • Sustainability Program expansion
  • Smart City Program expansion
  • Smart Shuttle service
  • Land Use Plan UDO Update
  • Affordable Housing Plan development
  • Small Business Program development
  • Sidewalk & Greenway improvements
  • Traffic Congestion & Intersection improvements
  • Small Business Program development
  • Traffic Safety and Education outreach
  • Future Open Space and Parks
  • New full-time positions (Public Safety, General Services, Public Works and Parks & Recreation)

These operating and capital initiatives represent a significant commitment to Relaunch Morrisville and continue to move the community forward with expanded programs and innovative services.

The Vehicle Decal Fee remains at $30 per vehicle per year, and the Stormwater Fee remains unchanged at $25 per ERU. The budget includes some moderate user fee adjustments to reflect additional costs to provide services, as well as utilization of general fund balance appropriations for one-time expenses.  

The budget process included outreach to the public and a public hearing on May 25. The annual Budget Portal was open from May 4 through May 25 to collect feedback. Council reviewed all feedback as part of the budget process. 

Wake County Commission Passes Budget! 
Congratulations to the Wake County Commissioners, who passed a budget that takes another major step toward ensuring that all our residents are healthy, prosperous, well-educated, and safe.  I was able to attend my first County Commission meeting in person in 14 months! 

Budget includes:
  • Dedicating an additional $1.6 million to address longer-term public health-related needs to ensure the county is prepared to respond to any future disease outbreaks, potential case surges, or additional guidance from the state or federal government; 
  • Restoring the nearly $1.5 million for affordable housing that was cut in the FY2021 budget. By reinstating this critical funding, the county can help more lower-income families find safe and comfortable places to live; 
  • Restoring two peak-load ambulances and the eight EMT and paramedic positions needed to run them – all of which were cut in the FY2021 budget. Reinstating them will help Wake EMS respond to increasing calls for life-saving care; 
  • Investing more than $700,000 in early voting for the March primary election and increasing the stipend for early voting and election day workers to $15 an hour to serve the growing number of voters who want to cast their ballots early; 
  • Investing more than $890 million – or 57% of the county budget – into education. This includes $350,000 to launch Wake ThreeSchool, a new Pre-K program for 3-year-olds, and more than $539 million to support Wake County Public Schools’ operating expenses; 
  • Creating a new position for a Diversity and Inclusion Director in the County Manager’s Office and committing funds to help this position identify strategies to encourage equity and develop a plan to implement them; and 
  • Opening Sandy Pines Preserve – a 563-acre former farm in Eastern Wake County where staff envision offering hiking, horseback riding, fishing and more to the public.

Increase to the Fire Tax
The FY2022 Recommended Budget proposes raising the fire tax from 9.10 cents to 10.27 cents per $100 of property value for households in the unincorporated areas of the county and the Town of Wendell. These communities don’t receive municipal fire services and, therefore, pay a tax for fire response.

Increasing the fire tax will not only ensure a continued prompt response in rural communities during emergencies, but it will also help us retain great firefighters and provide them with equipment that works well and keeps them safe. 
National and NC News Updates
President Biden
Biden announces that US will donate 500 million doses of Pfizer to developing nations/G7 commit 1 billion doses by the end of the year. 

Vice President Kamala Harris
Success of Vice President Kamala Harris trip to Border is questioned.  She says Do Not Come and asks for more aid to Mexico to help working people, bolster economic development and address human and drug trafficking in Mexico and Guatemala. 

Senator Joe Manchin
Morning After Manchin. WV Senator continues to balance conservatism on social issues with economic progressivism.  Will not support Voting Rights Act.   What now?
US Senate
Believe it or not, Senate committed to advancing Bi partisan Investments in American Innovation.  No deal yet on American Jobs Act.  
North Carolina in the News
Governor Cooper Extends Covid Restrictions 
Gov. Roy Cooper announced a new executive order that will be in effect until July 30.

Some pandemic restrictions have been lifted but the State of Emergency remains in place.

Cooper announced on Friday that the following measures will also remain for now:
  • State Evictions Prohibitions
  • Face covering requirements in certain settings such as public transportation, schools, health care and childcare facilities, in accordance with CDC guidance

Governor Cooper Announces Vaccine Lottery
Gov. Roy Cooper announced a cash drawing for people who get or have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.

As part of a program called Your Shot at $1 million, Cooper said a $1 million cash prize will be given to four people every two weeks over eight weeks.

Four $125,000 college scholarships will also be given out for teenagers.

The first drawing will be on June 23 and they will occur every other week until the last one on August 4. The drawings will take place every other Wednesday.
Republicans Approve Covid Relief and Tax Deductions
Legislation that includes more than $2 billion in tax reductions over the next two years and the phaseout of North Carolina's corporate income tax by 2028 received bipartisan approval again in the Senate on Thursday.

The Republican-authored measure, which also would send up to $1 billion in federal COVID-19 recovery aid to hundreds of thousands businesses and nonprofits, already received the Senate's initial OK on Wednesday. Seven Democrats joined all Republicans present in voting 34-13 for the bill on Thursday.

The bill now heads to the House, where action isn't expected. Rather, the Senate will insert the package in its state government budget plan later this month and negotiate it with the House after that chamber approves a competing tax and spending proposal.

The Senate plan would reduce the individual income tax rate of 5.25% to 4.99% next year, and increase the amount of income not subject to taxes for all filers by increasing the standard and per-child deductions. The corporate rate - currently the lowest among those states that have such a tax at 2.5% - would start falling in 2024.
NC Ban on Down Syndrome Abortions goes to Governor
North Carolina senators approved a bill on Thursday to bar women from getting abortions on the basis of race, sex or a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome.

With the Senate's party-line vote, the prohibition Republicans are seeking now heads to Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, who is likely to veto it, having rejected previous anti-abortion restrictions.

Abortion rights groups say the GOP-led bill, which was universally opposed by Senate Democrats and supported by only six Democratic House lawmakers, would prevent women from having open conversations with their doctors and deny their constitutional right to an abortion.

Abortions on the basis of sex selection are already prohibited in North Carolina. House Bill 453, approved in the Senate by a vote of 27-20, would expand and strengthen the existing law by requiring physicians to report, with a signed confirmation, that an abortion was not desired due to sex, race or the likelihood of being born with Down syndrome.

Republican proponents say prenatal tests that confirm the presence of Down syndrome can sometimes be inaccurate, prompting women who wouldn't otherwise do so to terminate their pregnancy. Sen. Joyce Krawiec, a Forsyth County Republican, said the measure prevents discrimination and “modern-day eugenics."

The conservative North Carolina Values Coalition supports the bill.

Cooper can veto the bill or sign it. The measure will become law if he declines to act within 10 days of receiving it, but even then, it's certain to be challenged in court.
News in Morrisville:
Town Meetings 
All Town Meetings are in person and social distancing guidelines are followed.  No masks are required if you Vaccinated and Town Operations are in compliance with Governor Cooper Executive Order 215. No Masks Required at Morrisville Fitness and Aquatics Center.

No Meetings This Week!
Morrisville Carpenter Road Improvements
Morrisville Carpenter Road Improvements

  • Work on the south side of Morrisville Carpenter Road (between Church Street and Misty Groves Circle) in connection with the road widening operations will continue. The temporary shoring work for the culvert is ongoing.
  • Drivers should be prepared for flagging operations in this area between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Northbound traffic for Town Hall Drive continues to be redirected along the southbound side of the median.

For current project details visit:
Cedar Fork Summer Camp
Applications are Welcome for Morrisville’s Citizen Advisory Committees
The Town of Morrisville is accepting applications for citizen advisory committees through Friday, July 2. While applications for all advisory committees will be accepted during this period, the following committees have vacancies or expiring terms that may be filled during this appointment process:

  • Environment and Stormwater Committee
  • Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Advisory Committee
  • Performance Measures Advisory Committee
  • Planning and Zoning Board
  • Public Education Advisory Committee
  • Public Safety Advisory Committee

To submit your application, visit
June Recognized as Pride Month in Morrisville 
During their June 8 meeting, the Morrisville Town Council recognized June as LGTBQ+ Pride Month in support of the celebration of diverse communities and treating each other with respect and dignity.
Celebrate Juneteenth in Morrisville on June 19!
Join the Town of Morrisville as we celebrate the emancipation and the achievements of Morrisville's African-American community through speakers, proclamations, food, fun activities, music, vendors, and entertainment at Cedar Fork Community Center at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 19. Visit for details!
Children's Bicycle Rodeo Safety Event Set for June 19
On Saturday, June 19, the Morrisville Fire and Rescue Department will hold a Bicycle Rodeo to teach children proper bike helmet and bike riding safety. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Morrisville’s Fire Station No. 1 located at 200 Town Hall Drive. Free bike helmets will be made available while supplies last. If you have questions call (919) 463-6931 or visit
Save the Date – July 3 Morrisville Family Fun Festival
The Town of Morrisville’s Family Fun Festival will be held on July 3, from 4 to 9 p.m. The plan is to hold this year’s July 3 event on Town Hall Drive. With COVID-19 restrictions being lessened recently, Town staff is creating a more extensive family-oriented event than in previous years. Ideas being planned include live entertainment, food trucks, family-friendly games, prize giveaways, small business representation and an opportunity to display Town projects. A laser light show will be conducted to conclude the evening. 
Western Wake Farmers' Market is Open Year-round
Come out to the Western Wake Farmers' Market (WWFM) every Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., for healthy and fresh food, goods, and live music from small and local businesses! Visit to learn about the WWFM, to see a complete list of local vendors, for special event dates, and to learn more about how you can support your community by shopping local. Sign up for the weekly WWFM newsletter sent out on Friday mornings! Email to subscribe!
India Covid Crisis
John Chambers Hosts Podcast on Helping India Covid Crisis
Check out The Urgent Need to Help India in its Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic with Mukesh Aghi of United States Strategic Indian Partnership Forum– Episode 8 of “Chambers Talks"​, a Podcast Series Hosted by John Chambers, former CEO Cisco Systems.  

If you would like to help India, please visit or for a list of vetted organizations accepting donations for medical and other greatly needed supplies. We cannot rest until the entire world gains control over the COVID-19 crisis.
Vaccination Section
Find a Wake County Testing Site:

54% of Adults are Partially Vaccinated
50% of Adults are Fully Vaccinated. 

Total Doses Administered: 8,510,205
  • First of Two Doses Administered: 4,287,113
  • Second of Two Doses Administered: 3,909,637
  • Single Shot Doses: 313,455

Appointments No Longer Needed for Free Vaccines in Wake County
To Secure an appointment, please visit,

Find a Wake County Testing Site:

Wake County: Wake County Public Health Vaccine Hotline 919-250-1515.  It is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit website at!

Durham County: 919-635-8150 or email at 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162.

Duke Raleigh Hospital at (919) 620- 5167.

Process is to Call or visit website, join the waiting list, receive notification, and get your Vaccination Appointment!

To set up an Appointment with any County Department, please visit

Walgreens will offer Covid 19 Vaccine in 300 Stores (31,200 doses) in North Carolina starting on Feb 12 as a distributor under the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program and is planning to distribute 1 million doses of the Moderna Vaccine.  For more information, sign up at

  • Morrisville Walgreens is taking appointments at 3601 Davis Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560 and call (919) 468-6880.
The Chatham County Public Health Department announced that COVID-19 vaccination clinics that occurred regularly through May in Pittsboro, Siler City and Goldston would continue throughout the month of June. Even more Chatham residents have the opportunity to receive their vaccine at these locations:
  • The Chatham County Public Health Department is offering first- and second-dose Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations at its Siler City clinic (1000 S. 10th Ave.) on Fridays. To make an appointment, call (919) 742-5641. Walk-ins will also be welcome.
  • StarMed Healthcare is continuing to operate Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination clinics at the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center in Pittsboro on Fridays and Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. To register, visit or call (980) 445-9818. Walk-ins are also accepted.
  • StarMed Healthcare is providing Pfizer vaccinations at the Goldston Town Hall (40 Coral Ave. A) from 2 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Second-dose appointments will follow three weeks later. To register, visit or call (980) 445-9818. Walk-ins are also accepted.
Wake County has Resumed J&J Vaccine at all Vaccination Sites.  

Appointments No Longer Needed for Free Vaccines in Wake County
Appointments are no longer required to get a free shot of the COVID-19 vaccine in Wake County. All vaccination locations will allow walk-ins and drive-ins.

Appointments are still encouraged, but no longer necessary.

The locations accepting walk-ins include Wake County Public Health Center, Wake County Northern Regional Center, Wake County Human Services Center at Departure and Green Road Park.

Find Days and Times at
June 15 NC RIOT Event
June 15 NC RIOT Event: Connecting Rural Communities to the Global Economy.  

Join us in Wilson to celebrate the launch of the Gig East Exchange and the extension of RIoT to Eastern NC.

As the only city in North Carolina with its own broadband internet infrastructure, RIoT recognizes the City of Wilson is poised to be the epicenter for economic development in eastern NC.

Join to hear how leaders with the City of Wilson, RIoT, and local start-ups are leading Eastern NC into the global economy.

Space is limited. Please only RSVP if you are able to attend in person. CDC and local guidelines will be enforced.
Town of Morrisville Juneteenth Celebration
Morrisville's Celebration

Join us as we celebrate the emancipation and the achievements of Morrisville's African-American community through speakers, proclamations, food, fun activities, music, vendors, entertainment and more.


Saturday, June 19
10am - 2pm
Cedar Fork Community Center
JUNE 19th 9-11am - Juneteenth and Fathers Day Rap Session with Tru Pettigrew
Tru Access is inviting you to our very first Rap Session Double Header! June’s rap session finds us with a culmination of two significant events that we hold near and dear….Juneteenth and Fathers Day.  We will discuss both special days and what they mean to all of us!

Register at
June 19th Virtual National Fatherhood Conference
June 19th Virtual National Fatherhood Conference 
Uplifting Fathers to Create and Maintain Healthy Families and Communities.
June 18th- June 21 Tie Carolinas Hosts TYE Global Competition

TiE Carolinas is the host for 2021 competition, showcasing youth teams from all around the world. Your experience, expertise and knowledge will be valuable to provide feedback to the future business leaders of the world. We deeply appreciate your time for this program.  TIE will be hosting 25 teams from all over the world.
Judging time:
June 18 (Friday): 10 am - 2 pm ET. This is the first round of presentations.
June 18 (Friday): 5 pm - 7 pm ET. This is virtual Maker's fare.
June 19 (Saturday): 9 am - 1 pm ET. This is the final round of presentation

Participating teams in 2021:

  • Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Detroit , Carolinas, Houston, Oregon, Seattle, SoCal, San Diego, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Washington DC

  • Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hubli, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kerala, Kolkata, Lucknow, Rajasthan, Melbourne, Sydney

About TiE Carolinas and TYE:
TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE) is a Global Program empowering future generations of entrepreneurs by teaching high school students the rewards and challenges of starting the entrepreneurial journey. TYE is an entrepreneurship academy, where student teams utilize modern skills and tools to build on a concept using customer feedback, iteration, and lightweight business models. TYE is designed to teach high school students entrepreneurship and leadership skills.

TYE (TiE Young entrepreneurs) is a TiE Global initiative dedicated to chapters integrating classroom sessions; mentoring and a Startup competition aimed at High School students. Teams compete at the regional level and winners of regionals have the opportunity to compete at TYE Global finals for cash prizes and recognition.

TiE Carolinas is the local chapter of TiE. TiE Carolinas has been supporting young entrepreneurs since the inception of TYE. TiE Carolinas runs several other programs focused on women and minority entrepreneurs. The angels program funds startups around the country.
Radio / TV
Radio Nyra
Join me Sunday 4 PM on Radio Nyra for another update on local issues.

99.9FM HD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM!
Join us every Friday on World Edition at 10 am for the Great America Project Panel where we discuss how we rebuild Americas' image with leaders from around the country and world.

OFFICIAL International Broadcast Media
Public Open Dialogue TV is a worldwide multilingual, multi-demographic network focused on inspiring, educating and entertaining the global community. We provide unique programming in areas not covered by traditional media, and provide a platform for the audience to engage with those shows. Formerly IBMTV.
My Weekly Update:
NC Covid Dashboard:
  • For latest Covid 19 information, please dial 2-1-1 or 888- 892-1162.  
  • Get Updates by texting COVIDNC at 898211.    
  • For unemployment insurance, please visit NC Dept of Employment Security at    
  • 1,509,940 NC citizens have applied for UI Benefits, 993,886 have been paid benefits, and $12.1 billion of benefits have been issued.

Find a Wake County Testing Site:

For Covid 19 Testing Sites in Wake County, please visit  

National Employment
Jobless claims fell by 9,000 to 376,000 from 385,000 the week before, the Labor Department reported Thursday. The number of people signing up for benefits exceeded 900,000 in early January and has fallen more or less steadily ever since. Still, claims are high by historic standards.

Before the pandemic brought economic activity to a near-standstill in March 2020, weekly applications were regularly coming in below 220,000.  

Please refer to last newsletter (D Day Edition) for Governor Cooper’s $1500.00 incentives for returning to work, along with Republican efforts to eliminate $300.00/week Federal Pandemic benefits.  

425 new COVID-19 cases were reported in North Carolina on Friday.

The percent of positive tests in the state is at 1.6%.

535 people are currently hospitalized with COV
ID-19. 19 more deaths were reported Friday.

425 Newly reported Cases  
+ N.C.= 1,007,698 Cases (Deaths = 13,265)  
+ 535 Hospitalized   
+ 1.6% Positive Rate

+ Wake County = 89,782 Cases (Deaths = 737)

+ US = 33.4 million cases/ 600,00 deaths 
+ India = 29.4 million cases/367,00 Deaths. 
+ Worldwide = 175 million cases/ 3.79 million deaths
Office Hours
Council Member Rao holds office hours on Friday from 12:00-1:00 PM by appointment only at 100 Town Hall Drive in Morrisville. 

For more information or to schedule a time to speak with Council Member Rao, please email and copy Town Clerk Eric Smith,, 463-6150.
Council Member Steve Rao
Town of Morrisville
Dedicated to transforming Morrisville into an ideal place to work and raise a family!
Learn more at: