Trinity Tidings
This Coming Sunday: March 27, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Click here for the Sunday Scripture Readings
As we transition out of the pandemic, Trinity has entered into a time of discernment during which we are gathering information to guide our decisions for the future. Our initial work has two parts: an online survey from Holy Cow to assess the current state of our parish, what our concerns are, and where our energies lie. This assessment will be invaluable in guiding our decision-making during what we consider a major time of transition in the life of our church. We ask that you please take the time to complete this survey; the more participants we have, the more complete our information will be. We ask that you take the on-line assessment as soon as possible, but before this Friday, March 25th.
The second part of this initial work is a parish-wide meeting with our facilitator Michelle Snyder next Wednesday, March 30 from 9-11, with the Vestry providing a soup lunch following our conversation. Michelle will lead us in discussions which supplement and expand on the online data survey. Please plan to join us for this important meeting next Wednesday.
Please note, the Wednesday, March 30 morning gathering is in lieu of the usual Wednesday Lenten Soup Supper. Our Lenten discipline that day will be joining in the conversation.
If you have questions, please contact Rev. Dave or Claire.
With gratitude and blessings,
Dave, Claire, and the Trinity Vestry
Lenten Soup Suppers
Our relaxed, enjoyable evenings continue on these Wednesdays: March 23, and April 6. Soup is served at 5:30PM. Because we have had so little opportunity for fellowship the past 2 years, we are going to place the focus this year on the suppers themselves, with very short, informal presentations and lots of opportunity for discussion. These sessions are designed to be informal and fun. Right now, more than anything else, we just need to be together!
As always, we will close each session with worship. And, as always, we will enjoy fabulous soups provided by different ministry groups of Trinity. We hope you and your family will plan to join us.
Donations Collected at Soup Suppers
Thank you Trinity for your generous cash donations given during the Lenten Soup Suppers (and one lunch on March 30th.) This year’s donations will go to St. Joseph’s Food Pantry in Granite Shoals and LaCare Food Pantry in Burnet.
Fourth/Fifth Sunday Ministry
Trinity’s 4th/5th Sunday Ministry provides worship services on every 4th Sunday afternoon at Gateway and at Claremont Assisted Living Facility on 5th Sundays. The program is taken from the Morning Prayer Rite II Service from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. This Sunday, afternoon service starts at 2:30pm and is usually over by 3:30pm or sooner.
While 2021 continued to have periods of time that limited our access to both Gateway and Claremont facilities due to COVID variant surges we have been able to start services again on a regular basis in 2022.
We are pleased to have Georgia Parsons Lavin (playing piano) join our rotating musician team of Janie Cunningham and Dave Sugeno. Along with parishioners assisting, we were excited to have some choir members return to lead in singing and have returned to a full program. Parishioners participate by leading the service as an Officiant or Reader or helping with distribution of programs/song books and assisting the residents in following the service and singing.
Our goal for 2022 is to involve more Trinity parishioners as well as reach more of the residents to encourage them and lift their spirits. We ask you to consider joining this ministry and participate in this wonderful time. Attending or serving even one, two or three Sundays a year for this brief time in the afternoon will provide a blessing for all.
The residents have always appreciated this worship service. They delight in listening to and singing wonderful familiar hymns and look forward to the fellowship with others. Come and join us this Sunday, March 27th, at Gateway Gardens at 2:30pm. Thanks to the Trinity parishioners who have contributed to this ministry over the years, and we look forward to renewing this joyful time in full through 2022!
Contact Rita Marquess for more information at 512-461-7066 or
Literacy Highland Lakes
Trinity has supported Literacy Highland Lakes for many years by hosting classes weekly and buying tickets for the Rubber Ducky Race that traditionally occurs during Bluebonnet Festival. The tickets have sold for $5 each or 5 for $20, Quack Packs. Most sales were for the Quack Packs. However, the last 3 years has prevented that fund raising event. At this time, to reinstate the Race would entail cleaning the creek! Instead, they are requesting that folks simply donate. Please consider donating the equivalent of a Quack Pack, either online at Literacy Highland Lakes’ Facebook page or by bringing cash or check to Kathy Nicholl made out to Literacy Highland Lakes on Sunday, March 20 or March 27. Literacy Highland Lakes provides classes for adults for GED, ESL, and Citizenship Classes at 3 locations in Burnet, Kingsland, and Trinity.
Sunday Schedule
8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in .....................Person
9:15am . . . . Adult Education in .....................the.Parish Hall Classroom
10:30am . . . Children's Chapel in Person
10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and
Weekday Worship
9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard..
Adult Christian Education
Sundays at 9:15 in the Parish Hall's classroom. Class is both in-person and shared on Zoom.
We continue with our discussions around the Lenten theme of holy dying. This Sunday's upcoming class:
March 27 – “Out of the Box: Death Care in Christian Community,” with Celeste Gardner-Geldreich, Seminarian at Seminary of the Southwest, and Council Member of the Associated Parishes for Liturgy & Mission. Celeste will talk with us about grieving a loved one’s death with the body present, from death to grave. She has walked this path alongside a friend & his family. Celeste will present a Christian response to death that honors the body from the Baptismal font to the grave, whether that body is cremated or buried in a cemetery.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 3297 2024
Passcode: 725913
Looking Ahead
April 3 – “Jesus, Jews, and Holy Week 2022” with Claire Field. Historically, as Christians have reverently observed the solemn holy days leading to up to Easter, Jewish people have lived in great fear of the violence unleashed upon them during these days, especially Good Friday. Being aware of acts of anti-Judaism in the Austin area, come learn ways we can walk through our own holy days with intentional, informed, faithful love of our Jewish neighbors.
Family Lenten Practice
Our Trinity families with children received materials for this refreshing Lenten discipline: drawing one activity card a day which can be done alone or together. Blessings to our families this Lent.
Fire Captain Cookoff Pulled Pork Challenge to benefit the Helping Center.
Saturday, April 2 from 12-3 at Save the World Brewing. The captains will be facing off in this epic competition. Prepare to be amazed by famous firefighter cooking. Bring cash for a suggested $10 Donation. All proceeds go to the Helping Center.
Save the Date
Mar 23 - Lenten Soup Supper
Mar 27 - 2:30 Gateway Gardens ..............Worship
Mar 30 - 9-11 am, Holy Cow ..............Survey .Results & Discussion - ..............everyone invited, with Lenten ..............Soup Lunch hosted by the Vestry follow
Apr 5.....12-1:30 Women’s Bible/Book ...............Study
Apr 6 - ..Lenten Soup Supper
Apr 10 - Palm Sunday
On-line Worship
Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist.
It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “ Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email. Bulletin
Mar 25.......Susan Potts
Mar. 19......Ann Wright
Mar. 21......Susan Hull
Mar. 28......Jim Pounds
Mar. 30......Teresia Harwell
The Highland Lakes Service League
is awarding scholarships to adult women seeking to continue their education. The application is found on our website HERE under What We Do and is due on April 15th.
Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.