End of Year ... finishing well. For 2022, we've seen 28 decisions for Christ, 393 attendees at Outreach Breakfasts, 198 attendees for on-line New Dad Boot Camps,195 Couples attended Marriage Retreat, 96 Men attend weekly affiliated Groups, re-launched Monthly Lunches and in-person New Dad Classes.
End of Year ... looking ahead. For 2023, we're expanding our county-wide affiliated groups, growing in-person New Dad Boot Camps at local hospitals, and planning our semi-annual Outreach Breakfast and Fall Marriage Retreat. We look expectantly to the new year and your support can help us to be successful!
End of Year ... a great time to say "thanks". We ended Nov. with 13 men participating in Giving Tues. and helping us raise $5,000. In addition, there are several others who've contributed so far this year via monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or once per year gift. Grateful for how God uses these partnerships as we've engaged men to be fully alive in the marketplace and beyond!
End of Year ... an opportunity to help us as the year nears it's end. Will you please prayerfully consider making an End-Of-Year Gift OR become part of our monthly Sustaining Circle? All gifts are tax-deductible, and we will gladly issue a receipt for your tax purposes. CLICK HERE TO GIVE!