When doors open, who is alerted?
When an integrated security system is installed, it's important to understand the who, what, where, when and how of monitoring the door's open/closed status.

WHO needs to know when doors are open?
It's important to know how the security monitoring of the building will occur.  Is there one centralized point of notification, or are there multiple individuals who need to be alerted when a door is open?  Each facility/building will be unique as to how the door hardware is integrated into the security system.

WHAT is the trigger for alerting the designated person/persons that a door is open?
There are many triggers that can be designated as alerts.  Alerts can be sent whenever a door is open, when a door has been propped open for a length of time beyond what is designated for that specific door, if the door opens outside of the designated time frame for that door to be opened.  There are various electrified door hardware products that can be utilized for each situation.

WHEN does an open door alert need to be sent?
It's important to set open door alert parameters for every door prior to integrating the security hardware.  There are many security hardware options available, with a variety of monitoring functions, and understanding the parameters is critical.

WHERE are the doors that need to be monitored for an open status?
It's important to identify the physical location of the doors, and the security door hardware that needs to be integrated into the system.  Exterior doors need to have weatherized door hardware to stand up to the elements, some doors may also need a localized alarm to instantly alert individuals in the immediate area, other doors may only need monitoring during off hours.  The location of the door itself, and how/when it is intended to be used is very important to be identified.

HOW will the alert be indicated?
There are a variety of notification options available, and they can be customized for each door.  Light panels that show the status of each door is one option.  Audible alarms and alerts are another option.  Still pictures and/or videos sent to a monitor when a door is open is another option.  There are multiple possibilities, and the more information that is available before integrating the door hardware into the greater security system the better it will be.

Did You Know?
Detex offers a variety of videos on applications that need to be monitored.

Tailgate detection
Outdoor latch retraction
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