Plant ball & burlap (B & B) trees when they begin to go dormant.
Plant shrubs to help root establishment prior to winter.
Choose from our many varieties of flowering bulbs and store in a cool or refrigerated place for November and December planting.
Plant pansies, kale and cabbage. Don't forget to use Blood Meal or Marcum's Pansy Max - coupon at the bottom!
Dig and store tender bulbs and tubers in a cool, dry place.
Container-grown shade trees and pines are most successfully planted in fall.
In mid-month, fertilize cool season lawns.
Seed fescue or rye grass (when soil temperatures are between 60-70 degrees) as needed in shady areas through mid-October.
Over-seeding of warm season lawns with cool-season grasses for winter should be performed late this month.
Continue mowing cool-season grasses or mow with mulching lawnmower.
October is an excellent time to control broadleaf weeds in well-established warm or cool season lawns with ferti-lome Weed Free Zone. Note: Don't apply to seedling fescue.
Mow and edge neatly before first frost kills the tops.
Clean up marginal water garden plants after first frost kills the tops.
Place a net over the water garden to prevent leaves from falling in the water.
Remove diseased plants from landscape to reduce disease problems next year.
Select and customize your Christmas and event lighting with our commercial grade LED lights. Great selections available at all store locations.