Construction At Both Locations
New construction is underway at both store locations. We're adding more green houses, expanding plant inventory, and adding new items to enhance your gardening experience.
Shopping at the OKC store just got easier. We're adding the fourth entrance into our store for customer convenience and easier access from 119th street and Pennsylvania Avenue.
Additional 20% Off
Lowest Sale Price!
Take an additional 20% OFF our already great sale prices on our beautiful flower pots.
Choose from unique styles and the latest in decorating colors for your home and patio.
August Maintenance Guidelines
After years of working in the industry and building a nursery business around Oklahoma's inclement weather, we are suggesting the following maintenance guidelines:
* Apply
18-6-12 fertilizer
to warm-season grasses. (Bermuda and Zoysia)
* For stressed out trees and shrubs, apply Marcum's Root Stimulator and ferti-lome Fish Emulsion Fertilizer.
* Do you see a sticky substance on the leaves of your crape myrtle tree? More than likely, your crape myrtle has aphids. Apply Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray or Natural Guard Insecticidal Soap.
Congrats to our 4th Annual Photo
Contest Winners!
1st place photo winner: Lynn Nunn (Pink Calla Lilly) Marcum's Nursery $200.00 gift card
2nd Place Photo Winner: Sheryl Miller Marcum's Nursery $75.00 Gift Card
3rd Place Photo Winner: Dallas Loffi Marcum's Nursery $50.00 Gift Card
We're looking forward to next year's photo contest!
 Chump's Chatter
The hotter and drier it gets, the larger the spider mite populations become! Treat spider mites, tent caterpillars, bag worms, and _______ with 55% Hi-Yield Malathion Insect Spray.
Tiny arachnids cause injury to a plant's foliage. They feed and deplete the plant's moisture while bruising the plant's cells. These are known as _________?
Oklahoma City Store 2121 Southwest 119th
OKC, OK 73170 (405) 691-9100
Goldsby Store 169 N Main Ave Goldsby, OK 73093 (405) 288-2368
Summer Hours:
Oklahoma City Store:
Monday - Saturday
8:30am - 6:00pm Closed Sunday
Goldsby Store:
Monday - Friday
8am - 5:30pm Saturday: 8am - 5pm
Closed Sunday |
Thanks for a great spring!
Both store locations will be closed Sundays through February.
Considered to be one of the most popular of the ornamental grasses, this fast growing, giant ornamental grass, forms a dense clump reaching 6' - 10' tall and wide. Beautiful 10' to 12' plumes add beauty and a tropical appearance to any Oklahoma landscaping.
This pyramidal tree makes a beautiful umbrella of shade in Oklahoma's hot sun. This widely adaptable tree showcases beautiful fall foliage and is great for any residential and commercial landscape design.
We're providing our customers a 100% finished product from from an Oklahoma based composting facility. Let your eyes and nose experience the difference with Redbud's smooth texture and fresh earthy smell.