Historically, most irrigation systems have non-pressure regulated sprinklers that often times operate with too much pressure. Over-pressurization can lead to water losses and contribute to uneven watering.
Pressure-regulating spray heads are a developing technology designed to regulate pressure to optimal performance. Pressure-regulating spray heads include built-in regulators that maintain a more constant pressure for optimal nozzle performance.


Two reasons: They will save water and it is likely soon to be the law. 

WATER SAVINGS:  Compared with non-regulated, pressure regulated sprinklers will use about 20-25 percent less water. And if the nozzle breaks, pressure regulators are estimated to save 70 percent of the water that might have been spilled if using an older sprinkler system.

PRESSURE REGULATED LIKELY TO BE REQUIRED BY LAW:  California (California implements mandatory irrigation regulations for 2020) and Washington along with Colorado, Hawaii, and Vermont have adopted new sprinkler regulations banning sale of non pressure regulated spray heads. For our SW Washington clients, it is currently the law and we anticipate it will be the law in Oregon, if not the nation, eventually. Even though we often also agree that new regulations are a bother, this one makes good financial sense.

We are converting our spray head inventory to those with Pressure Regulation (PRS) and Check Valves (SAM). Per above, PRS is becoming the law but both PRS, and SAM save water.
  • Built in PRS pressure regulator maintains constant outlet pressure at 30psi ensuring maximum nozzle performance, even with varying inlet pressures. Saves 20-30% water compared to standard heads.
  • Restricts water loss by up to 70% if nozzle is removed or damaged.
  • Built-in Seal-A-Matic (SAM) check valve eliminates low head drainage from spray heads located at the base of slopes or hillsides.
As a part of our water conservation programs, we will be recommending replacing spray heads with SAM-PRS heads to save 20-30% in water use and cost.

MP Rotator is a revolutionary alternative to traditional sprinkler heads and pop up sprinkler heads that spray the landscape. MP Rotator nozzles feature unique, multi-trajectory rotating streams that deliver water at a steady rate. This slower application rate allows water to gently soak in at rates that soils can absorb.
As a part of our water conservation programs, we will be recommending replacing some spray heads with MP Rotator for even more water savings of up to 40%.