• Virtual Worship
  • New Story Leadership
  • Federation & the Pandemic
  • Book Club
  • Chant Opportunity
  • ICYMI: IFA & Charlottesville
  • ICYMI: Chesed's Zoom Party
  • High Holy Days
  • SAC: Stepping Stones
  • Food to Eat
  • Nachas Notes
  • Meet A Member
July/August 2020 Newsletter
Rabbi Elhanan ‘Sunny’ Schnitzer
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5780

CLICK for the Complete BJC July & August Events Calendar
Kriat HaRav—The Rabbi’s Call
Rabbi Elhanan “Sunny” Schnitzer
“Prepare, prepare the road–yes, clear a thoroughfare, remove the stumbling block from my people’s way!” – Isaiah 57:14

I was blessed to begin my seminary studies at the Academy for Jewish Religion in NYC, in the very building where Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan founded the Reconstructionist Jewish movement. At the Society for the Advancement of Judaism on W. 84th St., Rabbi Kaplan moved forward the 20th century idea, embraced by so many of his contemporaries such as Rabbi Steven Wise and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, that a Judaism that did not make bringing justice into the world a priority, was a hollow thing indeed.

In his book, The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Religion , first published in 1937, Rabbi Kaplan uses the model of Shabbat and the Jewish holidays as different ways in which to understand and experience the Divine. For Shabbat, God is “The Power that Makes for Salvation”; for Sukkot, “The Power that Makes for Cooperation”; for Passover, “The Power that Makes for Freedom”; for Yom Kippur , “The Power That Makes for the Regeneration of Human Nature.”

In speaking of Yom Kippur , Rabbi Kaplan makes a very insightful comment, “The sins of the individual corrupt the social structure, and the corruption of the social institutions spread the contagion among individuals.”

Rabbi Kaplan is reminding us that our Yom Kippur rituals are not only about how individuals can go astray, but also that a community and a society can go astray as well. There are situations in which our social institutions and structures become—in Rabbi Kaplan’s phrase—“disqualified for the purpose of serving God.”

Rabbi Kaplan then goes on to call our attention to the Yom Kippur haftorah , from the Prophet Isaiah, I quoted above. The prophet’s words confirm Rabbi Kaplan’s understanding that atoning for “sin” involves not only atonement for personal sins, but responding to social corruption. For Isaiah, that corruption was found in mistreatment of the poor and vulnerable, in abuse of workers, and a single-minded focus on personal gain. These were the sins that blocked us from becoming an Am Kadosh , a Holy People.

Since its inception, our nation has failed to live up to its potential for holiness and real liberty because within its founding documents is the stumbling block of racism. The legal dehumanization of people of color and the permission to enslave and exploit them is the great sin of America. To this day, despite the end of slavery, this institutionalized racism is our stumbling block.

If anything has desecrated our identity as Americans, it is the sin of racism. Racism is all around us; yet, we have done our best to ignore it. To minimize it. To reluctantly and belatedly remedy it through legislation, but never to have rooted it out from our foundation. Racism is the great sin from which so many other of our society’s sins flow.

As Jews, we must recognize our part in this societal dysfunction and our failure to be an Am Kadosh . For most Jews, as Americans who live as whites, we share in the responsibility for the evils of racism in our society.

With our 20th century Jewish success in becoming a part of the “owner class,” we must say to our Black and brown brothers and sisters, “ Al Cheit Shechatanu L’fanecha ” for the sin which we have sinned against you;

When we exploited your labor, as we ourselves ceased to be exploited—we must atone.

When we casually used racial epithets in our mamaloshen , Yiddish, to hide the hate and hurt in our words—we must atone.

When we took pride in the civil rights work we did, but left so much undone—we must atone.

When we fought for our rightful place at the American table, but ignored those not allowed to even sit at that table—we must atone.

The persistence of racial injustice and institutionalized brutality does massive harm not only to Black bodies, but also to our collective American spirit and our Jewish spirit. Remedying this must become our cause and our passion. It also means putting Black and brown people first because for too long we have been OK with them being last.

We should join our voices to those shouting “Black Lives Matter” because if those lives don’t matter, then no lives matter. We must lend our hands to those leading the fight to change policing in our country and not use the excuse of disliking the language or the semantics surrounding the steps necessary to change the system.

We must, as part of our atonement, allow those most directly oppressed by the scourge of police brutality to lead the conversation and implement the strategies to bring about change. We will have a voice, but we must be humble.

Finally, we must also be ready and willing to understand that alliances for justice are not built from unanimity on all issues, but unanimity on a single issue.

As Jews, we ask that others hear our own complicated history and consider how the effects of anti-Semitism have scarred us as well. That is our story, and I pray that it is one that we will be able to share as we engage in this holy and difficult work. May all be guided by a spirit of compassion and humility, by an openness to truth, even the truth which is especially hard to hear. May we listen closely to the voices of people of color and the testimony of their lives. May we, together, remove the stumbling blocks before us and rise up.

Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
President's Column—Sandra Walter
Shaping BJC's Future
Let me start with hopes that you and your loved ones are feeling well—and doing well. More than anything, the health and well-being of each of you—physical, emotional and spiritual—is of paramount importance.  

July 1st marks a new operational year for BJC, it also marks some changes at BJC that I want to acknowledge. Change brings opportunity—and BJC’s trustees and volunteer leadership are stepping up and stepping in to ensure the changes that BJC is undergoing provide an opportunity for us to build on our incredible legacy toward an even brighter future for our community.

The changes caused by COVID-19 have brought new opportunities for us to connect in ways we never imagined. While we all hope to get back to in-person gatherings as soon as its appropriate and safe to gather easily in our physical home at 6601, I think BJC as our spiritual home and as a community of caring has expanded in dimensions we are looking to preserve and build upon. Being able to see each other’s faces on Zoom, to bring together people from distances too far or too difficult to drive on a Shabbat evening, to have a nightly study session on the Counting of the Omer, to have a virtual dinner party as Chesed has done, to support each other through sorrows as we have done through Zoom Shiva calls, and the list goes on. Technology in this time of social distancing has in fact brought us closer together and brought more of us into the fold.

All that said, the Board and Rabbi Sunny are working together to plan for the year ahead. Here are a few of our summer projects:

  • Planning Memorable High Holy Days—ensuring that BJC’s Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services are meaningful and memorable, regardless of whether in person or online. Our thanks to Rabbi Sunny for leading us in this.

  • Building an Effective Staff Team—right-sizing our staff across all functions including administration, programs, communications, and education who will complement Rabbi Sunny in his role. My thanks to the Operations Task Force I put in place to ensure that our limited resources for staffing are effectively utilized: Rachel Mosher-Williams, Shoshanah Drake, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, Karen Amatangelo-Block, Terri Reicher.

  • Providing an Engaging Jewish Education—creating a collaborative teaching model, the BJC Education Committee is ensuring the children in our shul continue to receive a quality Jewish education. Thanks to our teachers, and Education Committee Chair Issie Resti, and volunteers including Karen Levy, Jeremy Pelter, Shoshanah Drake, Michelle Goldstein, and Maran Gluckstein for helping envision our youth education program for current families, and programs that may attract future BJC families.

My thanks to outgoing board members Jason Engel , Allen Grunes , and Ted Posner for their time and service over the past two years in which they served as at-large trustees. Each made an impact on BJC during this time: Jason brought his business and financial acumen, Allen provided essential support as we pursued options for PPP, and Ted pursued grants to underwrite security coverage during key events. Each has been a BJC member for years, and each promises me they will continue to be engaged. We also thank outgoing program chair Jason Weidenfeld for his roll-up-your-sleeves efforts in delivering Hannukkah, Purim, and Passover programs that were festive and fun.

We welcome new board members this month: at-large trustees Steve Turow , Karen Levi , and Karen Levy ; each is a long-time member and volunteer with a heartfelt passion for BJC. New program chairs join us—the dynamic duo of Diane Horn and Joan Kaufman , who are already working with a team of volunteers to creatively expand BJC’s program offerings for the year ahead to meet the needs of both current members and future members.

As you’ll read in his column, Synagogue Administrator Hal Bordy has left his position at BJC for another opportunity. We thank Hal for leading our transition to ShulCloud database, and for all his administrative and program support. Most of all, our thanks to Hal and his wife, Cheryl, for bringing their warmth and yiddishkeit to our community. We wish them well, and welcome their future participation with open arms.

If you know anyone interested in working for BJC, please invite them to check out our positions that are posted on for Synagogue Administrator and Program and Worship Coordinator. We hope to fill these positions for August start dates.

Thanks to everyone who brings their time and talents to BJC. Consider how you can get involved. We welcome everyone.

Finally, a brief reminder that your synagogue support provides a philanthropic and financial foundation for BJC that is essential. Please send your initial dues payment in upon receipt of your dues invoice, and consider how you might round it up with additional support.

We look forward to your continuing to pass the time with us via Zoom until we can be together in person again. Be well, be healthy—and keep your sense of humor.
From the BJC Administrator—Hal Bordy
Dear BJC Community,

It is with sadness that I say goodbye to the members and friends of Bethesda Jewish Congregation. I am leaving BJC as of June 30th to begin a new position as Executive Director of B’nai Shalom of Olney. I have enjoyed the camaraderie that I have experienced during my time at BJC—a congregation of intellectually curious, socially conscious, and inclusive menschen who do good works, enjoy their community, and weather storms like we are currently facing. It is truly something to miss.

My new position offers me the opportunity to do the things I do best. Having been in executive positions in Jewish agencies and congregations for the past almost-half century, I enjoy the planning, management of a staff, and visioning and implementing strategies to achieve the goals sought by the congregation or agency.

Cheryl and I only wish the absolute best for Bethesda Jewish Congregation. We look forward to continuing our friendships that we have made while we have been here and we are not saying goodbye, but l’hit raot as I am sure there will be many opportunities to have our paths cross once again.

Wishing you only success and a bright future for all that you do.
Rabbi's Message
Please be in touch with me in times of joy, sadness, or illness in your life or in the lives of a loved one or another member of the congregation. This is particularly necessary now that HIPAA regulations have made getting information from hospitals extremely difficult. I greatly appreciate your help keeping me informed of the health needs of our congregation. While we're forced apart, please call my cell: 703-362-2679.
Click for the complete BJC July/August Calendar
NOTE:  Please consult the July/August Calendar for our summer services schedule. As is our custom, BJC doesn’t have services on Saturdays during July or August. Our regular service schedule with Rabbi Sunny resumes in September. 
On July 3, July 31, August 7, August 14 we will participate with Central Synagogue of NYC, which begins at 5:45 PM. Otherwise, our services begin on 7:30 PM on Fridays. 
Please continue to check BJCNow for links to streaming services.  
From Rabbi Sunny

To make it possible for our online services and activities to be safe from the hate speech filled phenomenon of “Zoombombing,” yet still allow non-members who are not currently on our mailing lists to join us, BJC needs a robust reservation and vetting system.
We need two or three volunteers who are willing to check a new dedicated BJC email account for RSVPs and respond to those RSVP’s with Zoom links and passwords once the respondents identity has been vetted. Vetting is as simple as running a Google and/or Facebook search on their name and taking a brief look at their public online activities.
If you would be willing to help, please contact Rabbi Sunny: rabbi@bethesdajewish.or g.

Friday, July 3 ,with Central Synagogue at 5:45 PM
Fridays, July 10, 17, 14, 24 at 7:30 PM with Rabbi Sunny in the BJC Zoom Room

Fridays, July 31, August 7 & August 14 , with Central Synagogue at 5:45 PM

Meeting ID: 985 602 4728
PASSWORD, if requested: 496875

Joining by cell phone?
Dial In (301) 715-8592

New Story Leadership: Interfaith Event on Religion, Identity & Social Change
Sunday, July 12, Panel Discussion 1-2; Breakout Room 2-3 PM
Many of you have attended the New Story Leadership (NSL) presentations in past years in Covenant Hall and applauded the courage and integrity of the young Israelis and Palestinians in frankly discussing the need to end the cycle of violence where they live.
This year, once again BJC and BHPC are cosponsoring an NSL (virtual) event, involving a panel of five Israelis and five Palestinians, moderated by NPR's own Daniel Estrin.

We urge you to continue to support NSL by joining us by Zoom. Click here for the Zoom link.

See the details in the graphic on the program’s structure.

Learn more about NSL by clicking here .

A Briefing on the Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic by the Jewish Federation
Thursday, July 23, 7:30-8:30 PM
The Coronavirus pandemic affects every person in our congregation and every organization in Jewish Greater Washington as well as beyond. Please join Rabbi Schnitzer and Federation CEO Gil Preuss for a conversation about our community’s needs and the actions Federation is taking to protect vulnerable individuals and vital institutions.
The discussion will focus on what Federation is doing to navigate our community’s rapidly changing reality, from their emergency fundraising response effort to the many ways they are working to keep our community connected even as we are physically distancing. Together, we must ensure that we can weather the crisis of today and still have a strong and vibrant Jewish community tomorrow. Join us to learn how you can play a crucial role in making that happen.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Book Club
Wednesday, July 22 & August 26, 8 PM

Due to the social distancing guidance, the BJC Open Book Club will meet virtually for the foreseeable future. We meet at 8 PM on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

On July 22 , we will discuss Mama’s Last Hug by Frans de Waal. This book explores the fascinating world of animal and human emotions opening our hearts and minds to the many ways in which humans and other animals are connected. 

On August 26 , we will discuss Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen. This is a novel about the vehicular homicide of an Eritrean refugee in Israel and the influence of class, race, gender, and privilege on fluid notions of morality.  

SNEAK PEEK : September 23: Mama's Last Hug by Frans de Waal.

Evelyn Ganzglass will send out the Zoom link prior to each meeting. If you are not already on the book club’s email list and would like to join us for any of these and/or other meetings, please let Evelyn know and she will add you to the list.
Chant: Gardening in the Soil of the Heart; Gratefulness, Courage, Compassion, and Joy
Live Every Sunday, July 26–August 16 from 1:00–2:30 PM EST
To support us during this time of pandemic and unrest, Rabbi Shefa Gold is making her previously scheduled live workshop, through Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, available as an online course offered on four Sundays starting the end of July. 
Join our beloved teacher Rabbi Shefa Gold during this season of planting and cultivation. In a four-week virtual retreat, find within yourself a fertile garden and learn how to consciously grow the qualities to best serve us in facing the challenges of this time and realizing your true essence. In the Jewish tradition, these qualities are called midot .
Learn how to cultivate exactly the midot you need to live a holy life and plant a precious seed in the soil of your heart, so you can face obstacles, inspire growth, and nurture your Divine potential. Identify the obstacles to growth and remove them. Through chant, self-examination, conversation, prayer, and imagery, explore a path of intention that explores the qualities of gratefulness, courage, compassion, and, joy.
For details about the online course and registration information, click here .
Use your time at home to learn or improve your Hebrew language skills. Study on Zoom in Chevrutah (small study groups) with students at your level. Weekly online meetings.
For more information or to register, please contact Maran at .  
In Case You Missed It: Integrity First For America:
Taking White Supremacy to Court: The Charlottesville Case
On June 15th, BJC was the lead sponsor of a webinar that shared information on seeking to hold accountable those white supremacists responsible for the civil unrest and resulting injury in Charlottesville. The webinar was presented by Integrity First for America (IFA). Cosponsoring with BJC were Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, Idara Jaferia Islamic Center of Burtonsville, The Islamic Community Center of Potomac, the Maqaam e Ibrahim Islamic Center of Bethesda, and Oseh Shalom of Laurel.
This informative webinar laid out the status of IFA’s Sines v Kessler lawsuit. That suit has been brought by victims of the Charlottesville, Virginia white supremacist violent rally of August 2017 and is scheduled for trial in the US District Court for the Western District of Virginia in October 2020.
The action is a civil suit seeking to hold accountable the neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other far-right extremists who conspired to orchestrate the weekend of violence in Charlottesville that resulted in Heather Heyer’s death and extensive injuries to other individuals. The suit seeks to bankrupt and dismantle the leaders and hate groups at the center of the white supremacy movement.
Well over 100 people Zoomed in to hear the featured speaker, IFA’s Executive Director, Amy Spitalnick, who provided an overview of the landmark case. Rabbi Schnitzer served as the moderator. Special thanks to BJC member, and former Interfaith Committee Chairperson, Gary Sampliner who brought forward this program and facilitated BJC's engagement.
You may have missed the live presentation, but it’s not too late. The recorded presentation may be accessed here .

To learn more about IFA, click here .
In Case You Missed It: A Zoom Social Sponsored by Chesed
By Lorrie Van Akkeren
On June 16, fourteen BJC members had dinner and conversation together over Zoom for an hour. The group was almost evenly divided between Chesed Society members and others from BJC. Chairperson Lorrie Van Akkeren welcomed everyone and led in hamotzi . Jeremy Mendelson was the Zoom host.
Conversational topics were quite varied. One of the liveliest topics was how it will be when we can come back into 6601 Bradley Boulevard for services and speculation on what the High Holy Days will be like. Jim Korelitz , chair of High Holy Days coordination, participated and let everyone in on what he knows so far. We also spent time talking about was the good things that have come out of being at home so much these past few months. Of course, food and family simchas figured into the conversation as well.
It was a nice-sized group, so everyone had plenty of opportunity to be a part of the conversation.
Feedback afterwards was positive, as was the opinion that we just have another social. One idea proposed for a future dinner was to do it before a Friday evening service similar to when there were food trucks before Shabbat Under the Stars. Participants gave this idea a mixed reaction. What do you think? What would entice you to participate? Please let Lorrie Van Akkeren know at .
HIGH HOLY DAYS: Planning for a Virtual High Holy Days
By Rabbi Schnitzer
Meeting as a virtual congregation since March 13, we have learned a lot about what works and doesn’t work online. As we have become more tech savvy, we can look to the home of high tech, Silicon Valley, for cues as to how we might innovate to meet the challenges of our current moment to create a meaningful online experience. In our innovation, we embrace four key rubrics of the Silicon Valley mindset.
1.     Pivot. Pivot is a favorite word in Silicon Valley. When a roadblock or something like a global pandemic gets in your way, you embrace turning in a different direction. It’s one of the great lessons from our Pesach narrative; when you can’t go back to Egypt because doing so means danger, you move swiftly into the unknown and trust that you will find your way.
2.     Move Fast and Break Things. In the early days of Facebook, this slogan hung on the office walls. It means that creating things with great speed, like the B’nai Israel leaving Egypt in great haste, is key even if we break some things along the way. Breaking some things so that we can move into a new reality is also reflected in the midrash of Abraham breaking his father’s idols. Greatness is possible when we break old ways of thinking and behaving.
3.     Don’t Let Perfect Be the Enemy of Good Enough. The pressure of perfection is not something we can easily endure, nor is perfection necessary. The glitches of the online get together should have, by now, taught us that meaningful experiences are to be had when we bring patience to bear and appreciate the creativity and sincerity of those creating the online experience. There are wonders awaiting us when we are willing to fall on our face.
4.     Turn Your Main Disadvantage into Your Greatest Advantage. Being socially distant also means that we can be virtually close. Invite your friends and family, all over the world, to join us for High Holy Day services and events. A Zoom Rosh Hashanah Oneg , or a Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast Dinner in a family breakout room, similar to what we experienced at Pesach , allows us to be together for the High Holy Days in greater numbers than before. Even though we cannot sing together, we will hear the music and sing along in our homes with the BJC choir in pre-recorded Zoom segments, as well as a live professional vocal quartet. We will hear on Erev Yom Kippur the familiar strains of Kol Nidre by world renowned musicians in concert, as well as for the musical interlude. Guest lecturers and poets will join us online. High Holy Day Family Services will include the familiar puppet show and student readers, but also animated bits and prerecorded stories. Riffing with the Rabbi on Yom Kippur holds new possibilities.
A Hollywood version of the Story of Jonah could be a new way to hear the ancient morality tale. For Yizkor we can share on the screen, pictures or videos of our loved ones, have the opportunity to tell a personal story about them, and recite together Kaddish . We can close Yom Kippur with Neilah at a virtual Kotel. Tashlich at a new outdoor venue that will accommodate more people and allow us to come out into the fresh air.
We do not know what late summer and autumn will bring. Perhaps some of our community will be able and feel safe meeting in the Sanctuary at 6601 Bradley Blvd. For some of us the option of “in person” worship will never feel safe. Both options will exist in some fashion. However, no matter the phase of protocols in place come September 18, we will have a meaningful experience together. In truth, coming together as a community will be more meaningful than ever.
High Holy Days Volunteers
By Jim Korelitz
As the Rabbi said, we are making plans for the High Holy Days, and we will again need the help of our BJC volunteers. We are still determining the types of volunteers that will be needed.
There will be live online access to the services so people can join from their homes. In-person attendance is also being planned, assuming it is within guidelines and proper safeguards can be put in place.
Look for further updates in your BJCNow emails about service details and signing up for volunteer tasks.
Erev Rosh HaShanah, Friday, September 18
Rosh HaShanah, Saturday, September 19
Kol Nidre, Sunday, September 27
Yom Kippur, Monday, September 28

SOCIAL ACTION WANTS YOU TO KNOW: Stepping Stones Still Needs Us
By Terri Reicher
BJC provides meals for Stepping Stones, a transitional shelter located in a refurbished farmhouse near Rockville Town Center. Unlike many shelters, Stepping Stones houses families for 1-2 months and transitions them to more permanent housing. Each family is allotted a bedroom, and they live communally with a house that you and I would recognize. The shelter receives most of its food in the form of donations from restaurants and other food providers, and meals, especially from faith communities. For the last 5 years or so, BJC volunteers have provided a monthly dinner to up to 26 adults and children. That need continues, especially now, as many of the residents lost their jobs, and were largely quarantined to the shelter. The shelter is now asking for weekend dinners as well as weekdays.

Stepping Stones runs a dinner calendar using SignUp Genius, and I sign us up, usually on a Monday or Tuesday early in the month, as the calendar opens up. We have our regular July and August dates covered, but if you would like to cook, there are additional dates in July and August that have not been filled, especially Fridays and Saturdays. I also regularly get emails from Stepping Stones asking for a last minute volunteer to fill a cancellation. I usually post these to the listserv.

Meals can be purchased (think Costco large prepared dishes), or can be cooked and delivered. Click here for the link to the SignUp Genius page for more details, including meal ideas and the current number of residents. 

Feel free to provide something not on their list—we’ve done all manner of meals. They just need to have a main dish, a vegetable, and a starch. Dessert is desired but not required—my experience is that they get plenty of sweets donated. 

Delivery is easy and safe: just call the shelter in advance, and they will come out and pull it out of your trunk or hatch. Students get 3 Maryland SSL hours per meal—I can sign the form and email it back to you.

Questions? Ping me at  or my cell 301.758.5166 and leave a voicemail. I will call you back! 

Thank you, and please know that you can make a material difference in the lives of others who need us especially now.

As the pandemic limits our ability to volunteer, we want to remind you that myriad opportunities exist to help others.

Write to and let us know how you have continued your volunteer work.
Editor’s Note:   Here’s where we share seasonal recipes. Please submit your favorites! Send to  
Black Bean Salad

As with any Jewish recipe, feel free to play with the ingredients! If there is too much dressing, add more veggies. I never make it the same way twice.
Lisa Peterson


1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup sweet onion, chopped
1/2 cup combination of red, orange or green pepper, chopped
1 to 2 tbsp. chopped cilantro
1/2 apple, chopped
Kernels from 1 cup cooked ear of corn (optional)

3 Tbl. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. minced garlic
1/4 cup garlic

1.Mix all the ingredients together

2.Then whisk 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. minced garlic and 1/4 cup garlic

3.Season with salt and pepper

4. Pour over the vegetables

5.Let sit for at least an hour before serving 
 Editor’s Note: Now, more than ever, we all need some good news. Send to:

  • Mazel Tov to Jim & Liz Korelitz, who are pleased to announce the birth of Edith ("Edie") Fiona Korelitz to their son Ben and his wife Rachel. Edie is Ben and Rachel's first child, and Jim and Liz's second grandchild. Mother, father, and baby are all doing fine at home in Frederick, MD. Grandparents have been blowing kisses through the glass door.

  • Mazel Tov to Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya on the engagement of their daughter Sadie to Trevor Stephens. The wedding will take place in fall 2021.
MEET A MEMBER: Terri Reicher
In her own words
I’m your friendly BJC Treasurer (pictured on the left with my sister, brother, and 92-year-old Dad at a surprise Father's Day gathering). My Jewish journey is definitely on the more material and practical side! I hail from Kansas City, where I was a member of a big Reform temple that my great-grandfather helped found. We grew up classical Reform—there were only Confirmations when my father and grandfather attended. My great-great grandparents had a farm in Leavenworth, Kansas, and one of my grandmothers was born in Iowa. They ran dry good stores in Iowa, western Kansas, and South Dakota before finally settling in that Jewish hub, Kansas City! 
One of my great-grandfathers was deeply involved in Kansas City politics, and knew Harry Truman when he was a politician with the Pendergast machine. My mom’s family hailed from Chicago and Minnesota, and my mother’s temple in downtown Chicago held Shabbat services on Sunday because it was so difficult for people to get downtown on Friday or Saturday.
My family’s Jewish participation has always been more practical oriented, and so is mine. I get satisfaction out of tangible work to improve my corner of the world; hence the Treasurer position. I also coordinate BJC’s dinner service for the Stepping Stones Shelter, which I have done for so many years I forget when I started! I don’t mind getting my hands dirty or working with tools—in fact, I rather enjoy it.
I found BJC in the 1990s during my tour of High Holy Day services in the DC/Baltimore region. I joined several years after Rabbi Sunny came, and I wasn’t very involved until I signed up to cook for what was then a homeless shelter downtown. When the member running the program moved on, I took over the program, and eventually moved our service to Stepping Stones in Rockville. A little over a year ago, Sandra asked me to join the Board, and I accepted, so this is my first year as an officer and on the Board, and it’s been rather a trial by fire sometimes!
I grew up in Kansas City, and attended the University of Kansas undergrad, and the College of William and Mary for law school. Later, I conquered my fear of math (a great quality in a treasurer) and got an MBA from Johns Hopkins. I’ve been in private practice, the Maryland Attorney General’s office prosecuting securities fraud, and since 1993, I’ve worked in house doing litigation for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which you will see on your brokerage statements. 
My big change is coming at the end of August 2020, when I’m taking the company buyout and moving to the next stage. I still plan to work some, but more flexibly, and not in a downtown office. That brings me to my Next Big Thing, which involves living and traveling on our 38-foot sailboat “Not In Kansas.” We (my SO belongs to BHPC) sail about every weekend we can, and after August 31, we are planning longer cruises, and eventually sailing first south to the Caribbean and later north to the Maine coast.
I tend to express my Jewish identity by finding things that need doing, and then doing them. I appreciate that BJC has room for my less-spiritual bent. But I want to develop that part of my Jewish identity too, and BJC gives me the latitude to do that. I encourage others to get involved, because it’s possible to balance it with a busy life, and we need all sorts of talents. 
Yahrzeits JULY 2020
Burton Bernard, father of Cathy Bernard
Jeanette Bixhorn, mother of Herbert Bixhorn
Roz Bogorad, mother of Leonard Bogorad
Rosalee Bratt, mother of Jay Bratt
Betty Castleman, mother of Mark Greenstein
Shirley Cherenson, mother of Ruth Magin
Anna Fagan, grandmother of Karen Jerome
Lilleta A. Fink, mother of Lisa Savitt
Maurice Folsom, father of Al Folsom
Hedwig Gluckstein, mother of Fritz Gluckstein
Hope Horn, mother of Joan Schnitzer
Irving Jacobs, grandfather of Donna Goldberg
Rena Jacobson, mother of Annie Cifarelli
Aaron (Harry) Kramer, grandfather of Harri Kramer
Martha Kraus, mother of Mitchell Kraus
Frank Kretz, father of James Kretz
Eva Levi, mother of Karen Levi
Ruth Magin, mother of Todd Magin
Froma Maiman, mother of Lois Maiman
Judith Posner, mother of Ted Posner
Sally Reicher, mother of Terri Reicher
Herman Rosenweig, grandfather of Teri Brenits
Sara Schlacter, mother of David Slacter
Marla Schwartz, sister of Linda Baum
Leona Silberman, mother of Paul Silberman
Coleman Silbert, father of Earl Silbert
Michael Wolpert, father of Ira Wolpert
Yahrzeits AUGUST 2020
Milton Austin, father of Laurie Mabile
Burton Bernard, father of Cathy Bernard
Harold Bernard, brother of Cathy Bernard
Herman Cohen, grandfather of Donna Goldberg
Noah Cohen, nephew of Nancy Glassman
Adrian Curtis, sister of Dick Fogel
Minnie Druckman, grandmother of Linda Blumberg
Howard Faigin, father of Marty Faigin
Daniel Goldstein, father of Jim Goldstein
Edward Goldstein, father of Dana Goldstein
Isadore Kornfield, father of Judy Folsom
Vanessa Mallory Kotz, wife of Gary Kotz
Bernard I.H. Kramer, father of Harri Kramer
Kenneth Mandeville, son-in-law of Lorrie van Akkern
Anna Mermelstein, mother of Marcia Loeb
Julia Robinson, daughter of Kurt Kohn
Phil Schneider, father of Cindy Bogorad
Rosalie Shiffman, mother of Sheila Wolpert
Jack Silberman, father of Paul Silberman
Lillian Silbert, mother of Earl Silbert
Frieda Stepper, mother of Shirley Altschuler
Irving Turow, grandfather of Stephen Turow
Good As We Give

Donations are still welcome and needed. Help us finish our fiscal year on a positive note. Send a check to the office via snail mail or donate online . Why not do it now while you’re thinking about it? 

Here’s an easy way to help BJC. By signing up for AmazonSmiles, BJC gets 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products—and it doesn’t cost you anything. AmazonSmiles is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as 
July & August donations will be acknowledged in September.

Linda Blumberg & Stephen Turow in support of BJC memberships
Judy and Al Folsom in memory of the yahrzeit of Al’s father, Maurice Folsom
Judy & Al Folsom in memory of the yahrzeit of Judy’s mother, Ida Kornfield
Ellen Gleberman & David Laufer and in support of BJC memberships
Norma & Edward Stern in support of BJC memberships
Norma & Edward Stern in memory of the yahrzeit of Edward’s father, Leo Stern
Lorrie Van Akkeren
Sheila & Ira Wolpert in memory of the yahrzeit of Sheila’s father, Jerome Schlossenberg
Sheila & Ira Wolpert in memory of the yahrzeit of Ira’s father, Michael Wolpert
Lorrie Van Akkeren in gratitude to Maran Gluckstein for Hebrew classes  

 Lorrie Van Akkeren in memory of the yahrzeit of Bill van Berg
And to all of our members who “round up” their synagogue support and donate their time.
Board of Trustees (as of 7/1/2020)
President Sandra Walter
Vice-President Jeremy Pelter
Treasurer Terri Reicher
Secretary Lorrie Van Akkeren

Ken Fine
Karen Levi
Karen Levy
Alan Lichter
David Slacter
Steve Turow
Committee Chairs
Education Issie Resti
Financial Advisor
High Holy Days Jim Korelitz
Student Representative Sammy Peterson Intercongregational Partnership Liaison
Marty Ganzglass
Membership Diane Blumenthal
Past President Shoshanah Drake
Programs Diane Horn & Joan Kaufman
Social Action Harri j. Kramer

BJC Administration
Spiritual Leader Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Synagogue Administrator

BJC News
Newsletter Editor Harri j. Kramer


Bethesda Jewish Congregation
6601 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817-3042
Tel: 301-469-8636