A positive path for spiritual living
Meeting address: 4277 Columbus Pike (US Rte 23) Delaware
Mailing address: PO Box 593, Delaware 43015
Rev. Joanne Blum, Minister
Unity Church of Delaware
Sun. Nov. 20 at 10:30 am
"Paying Attention to Our Attention"
Speaker: Rev. Joanne Blum
Musicians: Joe & Joanne

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson, of the Center for Healthy Minds, asserts that our entire culture has an attention deficit problem, which is influencing every aspect of our lives. It's hard to learn, grow, or calm ourselves if we are unable to focus our attention. Learning to focus our thoughts--to be the "rudder of our own minds" is basic spiritual practice and something we can all improve on. It's time we started paying attention to our attention. See Unitydelawareohio.org for details or directions. Or join us on Facebook: UCDonFacebook Or Youtube: UCDonYoutube
Last Week's Service (11-20-22)
Jasianna Chaley on
"Blessed Indeed"

Jasianna Chaley, a much beloved member of our central Ohio Unity community, has a keen interest in healthful, active aging. Among her many certifications, she is an Integrative Nutritionist, and an "Infinite Possibilities" trainer. On November 20th she spoke on the topic, "Blessed Indeed."
Bill Cohen's
Friday, Nov. 25th at 7:00pm
Maple Grove Methodist Church
7 W. Henderson Rd., Columbus

Bill Cohen is back in person with his unique Black Friday concert of songs that express gratitude for all that we have. It’s his 9th year for this Thanksgiving-themed concert. Playing piano and guitar, Bill will sing songs by a wide variety of folks - from John Denver and Phil Ochs, to Don McLean and Louis Armstrong. On several songs, Ann Fisher will add beautiful flute accompaniment, David Maywhoor will add percussion, and Joe Lambert and Joanne Blum will add vocal harmonies.  No entrance fee but a donation will be taken for a non-profit charity, the International Medical Alliance of Tennessee.
Note: Free parking behind church. Enter from Aldrich Rd.
For details and tickets (either live-stream or in person), go to: Ticket for Jazz Up the Holidays
Winter Food Drive
for People In Need of Delaware County
Bring in those canned and boxed goods for our collection drive. Items most in need include canned fruits, soups, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce and other good quality pantry staples. We'll make regular deliveries to the Food Pantry of People In Need, 138 Johnson Dr., Delaware.
Unity Church of Delaware's mission is to cultivate our oneness with God through love, learning, prayer and service.

Unity offers practical spiritual teachings that empower kind,
abundant, and meaningful living.
PO Box 593
4277 Columbus Pike
Delaware, OH 43015